Sunday Stream (113) ~ The Steam of Belief

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (113) ~ The Steam of Belief

Post by mtmynd » February 11th, 2007, 3:44 pm

The Steam of Belief
(Rises to Indulge Truth)

"The masses would merely revere us as gods, as in ages past, or go off in hysteria, that is why we regard it prudent to make contact with individual persons only for the time being, in order to disseminate, through them the knowledge concerning our existence and our coming to this planet." - SEMJASE, Pleiadian Cosmonaut, February 8, 1975

I lifted those words from a book I am currently the keeper of, from the Pleides. I'm one of those people that don't disbelieve in ET's. By that I mean that I don't believe nor do I believe in many things, UFO's is one of them. I do believe in the inherent goodness of people. I catch lines or even chapters of people's goodness. I'm sure many others do, too.

When some people say, (and if you have the good fortune of seeing their faces while they are speaking), they have seen a UFO, I believe that if they saw an unidentified flying object, I can tell that what they are saying is fact. How many of us can identify everything we see? Have we ever seen something we've never seen before? That's a dumb question... of course we have. From the time of the first opening of eyes, we were initially focused upon light. From there we progress to focusing on what the light illuminates. Bright objects in the distance, we can only see their light. Imagine the first thing, the first object, we ever focused upon.

That was a first experience (FeX ?) of seeing an unknown object. It may have even flown by our eyes that first time. Who can remember that first time? It happens no matter how old we become... although it isn't as frequent, if we're fairly healthy. Seeing an object that we can't define and seeing that object up in the skies makes that object an unknown flying object. Unknown, undefined, unidentified... we don't know what this object is that's in our vision.

The UFO flies. Flies fast, dips and turns on a nail head, one moment it's there right in front of your vision and then - bip! it's gone. Sped out of vision in a flash. It was fast. It was silver (why are UFO's always silver?) The first ones to be given the name, flying saucers, were silver. UFO's are by design sleek enough to cut the air. It aids tremendously for speed and maneuverability. UFO's need that. We understand their design. There may be a connection right there - our minds understand 'their' mind's design sense. We may not know their origin but we now understand flight more than, say 132 years ago. Sleek... silver... and spacey. They're from someplace else. We don't understand that UFO thing's origins. 'They' are a mystery. Big time. So big a thing that most people don't want to go there. It's too unbelievable. It brings concern.

"Can they hurt us...?"

'They'... the unidentified. How can we trust anything that we don't understand? We'd be less concerned if we at least attempted to understand...

"Why would they want to hurt us?"

They could hurt us. They probably could have destroyed us a long time ago... who knows?

"We should at least have the defenses to protect our selves. We don't want to appear weak and submissive. That'd suck!"

Aren't we a friendly species! If we don't know you, we can't trust you, so we'll stop you.. dead in yr tracks, buddy! All that shows is that we're insecure. Not quite there. We can't be secure not knowing. And who would like to know UFO..? Then we'd have to go into the unidentified. We're already doing enough. Whose got time to think about spaceships and green creatures with big eyes? Leave that sort of thing to science fiction. Fiction is not expressed to be believable. It would no longer be fiction. Fiction is a purposely expressed story for entertainment purposes. We all enjoy an interesting story, see an imaginative movie, hear music that we've not heard before.

UFO's are interesting stories. Some have even been photographed or even filmed in movement. The majority are soon identified and explained. The mystery is over. Few can not be explained. Many have seen what has been photographed or filmed besides the camera person. If we listen to the stories or watch the films, look at the photos... if we look at them as a phenomenon that cannot be easily explained... only that it borders on fiction and fact. Standing there in the middle, we feel as though we have to make a choice at that moment... (or else). We don't want to be in a situation that we don't know... that makes us insecure. Mind want allow that. Mind either must know the unknown or know when the time is to know the unknown. Confucian logic: enjoy balancing on the fence for that is where you find yourself now.

People have seen the life-forms that fly these spacecraft. The aliens normally have big eyes. Non-expressive their two big eyes show no emotion... they look right into you. Deep into your being those two eyes see more in you that you can in their eyes. Only the coldness of the vision. Penetrating. Exposing everything you thought you were. A hopeless feeling. Scary place. This experience has no answers. The unknown brings fear to some and an exhilaration in others.

We hear that these 'manned' spacecraft, some of them, if we are to give credence to another's experience, originated from the Pleiades.
"A beautiful group of stars resembling a little dipper, in the constellation of Taurus, known since earliest records. The Pleiades is a typical open cluster. Its distance is 410 light-years, its linear diameter about 15 light-years. The cluster is permeated with diffuse nebulosity. Though early accounts refer to the Pleiades in terms of seven stars, only six are now conspicuous to the unaided eye, which raises a theory that one, the lost Pleiad, has faded. The observation of flare stars and x-ray emission has increased interest in this cluster." McGraw Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms

Interesting. Good to learn something new. Makes us a little more free. Knowing is freeing In order to know we must understand. Early accounts refer to (7) stars. Now there are only (6) conspicuous stars. I don't see six stars only in this picture. I could count only (5) stars.... the brightest in relationship to the others. But that only due to my lack of knowledge in identifying what I'm seeing. A lot like seeing a UFO but at least one that is able to be understood (within our limitations). All this we are seeing of the Pleiades is actually light that has traveled 410 years in one year to reach our telescopic eye. We can't see the now there. It's too far away to ever be now as long as we are here now. But Taurus the constellation exists in our eyes now and that is the best we can do now.

[Galaxies abound in outer space. Within outer space lies the universe. And within this universe there is more to understanding that we'll ever understand.]

As it has been quoted (in part) by SEMJASE, the cosmonaut: "... in order to disseminate, through them the knowledge concerning our existence and our coming to this planet."

Crazy stuff! Was this lifted off the imagination of a sci-fi writer or was it repeated as heard from another being from another planet? Boggles the imagination to think someone, a person, a fellow human being had a direct conversation with someone from another planet! Too much. Why should we believe what this character is saying? He must be nuts. Nobody has ever seen someone from another planet... but this person... they sound so reasonable. ???

The universe is made up every thing. Todo. It wouldn't be the universe unless the universe is truly universal. Why wouldn't a universe have our imagination? Surely imagination is part of the universe. It's a fact if we accept (we don't even have to believe it), imagination as being not the universe as we imagine, but a universe that is filled with the unknown, the impossible as we imagine, then it logically follows that it is actually a fact that aliens from other planets within other galaxies other than our own exist. It's not only imagination or dreams that create other life than the life we see, but life is far more than the tiny part we are apart of. We can't even dot the 'I' in the unIverse. We often think that we know a boatload of truths, but seeing, speaking with, communicating with another life-form from another planet 'far, far away' is as much a part of the universe as one will allow.

Do I believe SAMJASE the cosmonaut spoke those words? That he came to earth from the Pleiads? Or even came here to impart those particular words? I do believe in the importance of the words alone - that they, the words themselves, speak in a logical, straightforward manner. They make sense. If someone from another planet came face-to-face with me and said those words, I'd be inclined to listen. I'd even think those words to be good. No feelings of fear within those words. Quite the contrary - they sound honest and truthful. Would I believe that what I was experiencing hearing these words from some big-eyed life-form from the Pleiades was a fact is unbelievable. Unbelievable can be a freeing experience. Taking us to places we've never been teaches us more than we once knew. Mind growth.

It's been heard through Eduard "Billy" Meier, who lives in Switzerland, that has spoken of and photographed multiple encounters with 'people' from the Pleiades. He does not waiver from his words, his experiences. His photos have been examined and re-examined, underwent testing to prove their falsity, but to no avail. Old Billy just may be the real thing. Maybe. I have no proof , nor has anyone else, any real, factual proof that Billy is a fraud, a nutcase, a psycho-babbler. There have been negative assumptions about him. Some presume too much about him. But presumption of lies also offers the presumption of fact. I enjoy both sides of the fence I'm balanced upon as I find myself. Both are good stories. I like good stories. And stories needn't be written novel-esque. A good writer can impart a feeling of liberation of mind from the structure of discipline that can make one trapped within the power of logic and the reality of what one knows. Knowing more than what is known can be a worrisome journey. We never have (or give) enough time to the unknown. We're placid in our self-limitation.. we earned this placidity. No need to drag some huge thing like aliens from the Pleiades into our heads. Overload. What about proof. It's foolish to accept something as being 'real' without having proof. We need proof before we can open the door to acceptance. Religion may not offer physical proof, but many have a psychological proof that they are balanced and honest with at least realizing they/we are not above life, but rather a part of life. There is something more than human, more than being human. Logic should make one aware of the possibility that there is life beyond... not only beyond our life, but beyond our planet, beyond our solar system, beyond our Milky Way. There is life we cannot imagine without seeing, without sensing the enormity of what we accept as the universe. If we can accept this universal-ness of both life and the rock it grows upon, if we can accept the winds, the rains, the sun and the moon... if we can accept this basic life-giving power that is within us, so certainly, we can accept the possibility that life exists far beyond our earth.

To accept words requires embracing the silence between the words. Both are needed to accept. Acceptance is not knowing but an assurance that what was heard, what was said or read, came from a place within that radiates with the fragrance of truth.

It's human for us to share our experiences, to share our knowledge with others. It's also human not to have interest in the knowledge shared with us... we all have different appetites. Our sameness is only collective. Alone we are unique... each with our own path, our own opinion, our viewpoints and expressions not exactly like another's. Would ever the words of someone or something from a place not our own ever be accepted..? Our history is based upon acceptance. And our history shall continue if only we continue accepting truth as universal.

11 February 2007
The Lost Pleid
(one can imagine...)
Last edited by mtmynd on February 13th, 2007, 2:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by sooZen » February 11th, 2007, 4:03 pm

I have experienced...but you know that.

lights out the window

into the light
child floats

of the unknown
grips a heart

lights in the distance
dance on mountaintops

a close encounter
dummy up
Freedom's just another word...

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Post by Artguy » February 11th, 2007, 5:11 pm

UPO....Unidentified Painted Object....I saw one...really I did

Good one Cecil... :wink:

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Post by mtmynd » February 13th, 2007, 1:05 pm

sooZen... hai-ho, hai-ho!! thank you for the hai-reply. t'is good to see you hai-in-the-saddle writing hai-stuff again. :wink:

artguy - and a thank you for getting thru this one. it's long but i like it. :)

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Post by Arcadia » February 15th, 2007, 2:33 pm

I saw more or less fifteen years ago an oval big orange object? in the 2 am Rosario sky in a no moon night. It was a beautiful U.F.O, but not a flying saucer.
Maybe there is life in other planets, etc. I don´t know. I´m only busy enjoying the stars and trying to live in Earth at the moment..!!
Thanks for the stream!!


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Post by mtmynd » February 17th, 2007, 10:31 am

arcadia - 15 years and it's like this morning. experiences like that just don't go away easily, do they? but, as you wrote, "only busy enjoying the stars and trying to live in Earth at the moment..!! " what more could anyone contentedly do..? :wink:

gracias y saludos, amiga!

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