Sunday Stream (121) ~ Transcension

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (121) ~ Transcension

Post by mtmynd » April 22nd, 2007, 12:29 pm

_Day: Sunday
Date: 22 April 2007
Hour: 0800 MST
Mins: :19

Re: 121st Sunday Stream on Studio 8

Subject: Transcension

Good day and welcome.

I've just sat down to write. I had been preparing myself for some time. I'm quickly finishing my third and one-third cup of organic Peruvian coffee (freshly ground), have smoked I don't know how many Buglers, had the final two slices of nuked bread from last night, watched some early morning teevee entertainment and generally sought (and found) the path of easement.

Three. A familiar number to all. Three is the last number before we count the others that follow that does not require counting to see. We use three a lot.

((I smoke cigarettes when I'm thinking))

We have our area codes, the first (3) digits our our Social Security number, blocked off with a hyphen from the other two sets that follow (2 and 4 equal six plus three equals nine, 3 x 3 = 9)... CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX...ABQ, LAX, DFW, CHI... most people are given three names (3 initials), our zip codes pinpoint our cities, towns and villages. The list is long. Some large corporations use three letters to identify themselves like IBM and GMC or UPS (3), and it takes at least three to make a braid, and three to have a collection and three to make a trinity.

This is not to dis the 2's and 1's. The first three numbers is understandable. We accept three with counting. Our three-dimension life gives us length, width and depth. That's all we know. It's all we are. All of us. Not just we humans.

Thru our eyes we can only absorb three dimensions. Any more and we can't see them. But give us three dimensions and we understand that. We can understand two as easily as we can see and understand three. It's easy - two and then three. But we didn't count them as much as just called them... gave a name to the collective amount (three).

((down to 2 and counting...))

Two: the yin and the yang. Opposites - light and dark, heaven and hell, good and evil, cold and hot, laugh and cry, life and death.... three surviving within two... the two dimensional world supported by each other's opposite. I takes two to tango. As three dimensional life forms rely upon this two, the opposition that attracts and reproduces other 3D life. An extraordinary occurrence. Both the 2 and the 3 are reliant upon the 1.

One is the very beginning, but never the only. 'One' does not exist without others, beginning with 2 and moving forward ad infinitum. But without the 2, 1 has no reason to be. 'One' cannot be without differentiating itself as a entity not knowing an entity from any others. This 'one' can never be without another dimension to share life with, be it 3D or whatever is imaginable. We can illustrate 4d or more (using 2D) but creating another dimension..? Would our eyes, our senses be able to identify with another dimension?

((ive never given much thought to that...))

Only 3d: length, width. depth. And there is so much more, beyond our 3d-ness. Life - the urgent necessity for 3D survival. Our brain limited by the input from the senses interacting within the three dimensions require another level of consciousness to move beyond the limitations imposed by three dimensions... but only within. The first dimension is the depth. From the depths all life arose. When we return to the first dimension, the depths show us our origins to which we will return. It shows itself through our understanding; the more we understand an absolute, (thru mind, our ego life), that encompasses both the infinite and the eternal, all dimensions and all that is knowable within pure consciousness.

From our three dimensionality through yin/yang to blissfulness... this is what is attainable. This transcension gives us freedom. The only true freedom we have. And it is always here.

Step beyond the given to receive the gift that freely gives Now.
Get Now.
Not down,
not then,
not when.

Get Now.
Cheaper than a tranq
... and free.
Get Now

at your local
Inner Being
open for
your convenience


watch that stress
slip away
into the

your past
that Future
beyond time

Do it.

Hour: 1000
Mins: :25
Post: 1029 MST

Salutation: Thanks for getting this far.

Picture of the Day: Taking Terns

{photo: cecil. april 2007. holden beach, nc}

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Post by Artguy » April 22nd, 2007, 1:28 pm

..not to mention that the sum of the first 2 #'s before 3 = 3...and then there is the infamous 3some that I can at least fantasize about....and 3 is not the loneliest #.....

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Post by Arcadia » April 22nd, 2007, 7:02 pm

thanks for the stream, Cecil!!!


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Post by stilltrucking » April 23rd, 2007, 5:24 pm

It was now when I started reading
and now when I finished.
Where have I been?

I learned a new word today Cecil,

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Post by mtmynd » April 23rd, 2007, 9:45 pm

3 cheers, artguy!

thx arcadia and truck. glad you made it thru this one. :lol:
Allow not destiny to intrude upon Now

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