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Conan the Destroyer

Posted: August 30th, 2005, 8:07 pm
by e_dog
Watched Conan the Desytroyer, replayed on one of them home boz office channels. maybe they're gearin up to dethrone the barbarian?

Anyway, the flick is a practical reductio ad absurdum of the democratic system in California. during the time of that movie, another actor was sitting in the governor's mansion, Reagan. who would've thought that even even bigger buffoon from Holywood could tke the same seat?

What use to be sill about the casting was Wilt Chamberlin inthe role of palace guard leader. now, the silly thing is to retroactively read the history of Arnold's career. at the end of the movie, they have an image of Arnold sitting on the throne of his kingdom, and they say, hopeful of another sequel, that it is a story in itself still to come.

indeed. in deed.