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film rejected

Posted: February 16th, 2005, 3:06 pm
by jimboloco
Oh yeah I was down an out in Houston. I tried to get my film into the *S.W.A.M.P film festival in 1979. I went to their place an used their splicer an pasted it together, a collage of my super-eight film shots I had from Vietnam, the US after, an before, again, like my series of drawings I posted under eye candy under "long time passing".
*{Southwest Art an Media Project}

Like some of Wim Wenders' films, not that I am comparing his films to my drawings, but just the same, I mean what I saw in two of Wenders' films, "Wings of Desire," an "The End of Violence," also saw it in the movie, "PI"

Like the waking up to life in the life experience of an individual, a man. Metanoiac changes. in Wings, the German angel gets to become mortal, human, sees colors for the first time,
can smoke and drink coffee, it is good.

In "End of Violence", the dude is a macho film maker, director, but is contacted by this guy living up on the mountains north of LA, guarding this powerful gun, tied into a massive viewing over all pf L.A. an when they saw this guy mugg an rob a lady's purse, then shot him dead from thirty three miles away through the smog, but it is also guarded by the Man an he finds out that this macho film director has been contacted telling him about this gunnery nest on the mountain, an the Man tries ta kill him at nite when he meets the informant so he's hiding out, on the LAM, man,
I mean an he has ta stay in this house with these Mexican landscapers, lawn care, they take him in, an he is rebirthed, slammed by the near death experience, first holy communion, wrought iron,
laying out there on his mattress looking at the green water thru glass of the kids aquarium atnite an then this Mexican kid comes up to him an asks , " Are ya hiding?" an he sayz , "Yeah."
No longer a rich film director with a big house and a beautiful wife, he has becoma a gardner living and working with Mexican people, a real family, and he sees them, likes them, is transformed, alive in a more beautious way.

He works with the gardners an then goes back to his ol rich house to get some stuff an he sees his ol wife an she thinkz he is dead an she got this dude up stairs in the loft an he gets what he needs, the photographs an documents on his 'puter from the original guy on the mountain manning the gun nest with a maid disguised as a Costa Rican refugee from El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Nicaragua, an she was scarred. Her daughter was there too, the guy was their friand an he met the refugee . The refugee was , as I said, on th lam an he was like happy for the first time, having given his wife his gun, an saw her standing there in her towel.

What he wanted, the existentialist dumbfounded persono dat he was.
An so forth.

I tell ya, they say dat waking up is hard ta do

I entered my film into the S.W.A.M.P. film festival there an it was being set up an then they came an tol me that it would not run as the projector would not "take" it.

How's thet fer a reject story.

Posted: February 17th, 2005, 4:16 pm
by stilltrucking
interesting movie

wish I could have seen it

Posted: February 17th, 2005, 4:37 pm
by jimboloco
you can rent it in blockbusterwim wenders "wings of desire"
and "the end of violence."