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Best yet

Posted: October 10th, 2005, 9:09 pm
by Artguy
I have in the last 30 years been rejected by the best and the worst galleries in Canada, and a few in the U.S. too, but this rejection was the best I have ever received...

Dear Kurt:
I very much appreciate porposals such as yours as a valuable way of staying
informed about current work. It was really wonderful to learn about your
practice. Thank you for considering Oakville Galleries.

I regret very much to say, we cannot consider scheduling an exhibition of
your work at this time. We have developed our exhibition programming until
the end of 2007 on a continuity of projects whereby the dialogue of one
exhibition overlaps with another, so that work isn't read in isolation. I
just couldn't make a good fit for your work in the way that our programming
is developing.

I hope that you will have the opportunity to visit our Galleries very soon
and wish you the very best for your work.

Marnie Fleming

Posted: October 10th, 2005, 11:11 pm
by judih
one exhibition dialogues with another? In whose opinion? Whose the scriptwriter?

she speak newspeak
when you go visit, bring a tape recorder (and ear plugs, one presumes - they don't speak your speak)

Posted: November 3rd, 2005, 8:21 pm
by joel
I wanted my work read
in dialog with other's or others'
(not in isolation)
so I wouldn't be lonely or alone
while I talked to myself.

But I want my work read
with white whine dialog (not red whine;
the dialog ought match
the flavors I serve). My newfound concern:
who do I isolate

to rid isolation
from free dialog I hope to foster;
with whom to overlap;
with whom to share perfectly selected
whine; with whose complement?

Posted: November 4th, 2005, 11:11 am
by gypsyjoker
so that work isn't read in isolation. I
just couldn't make a good fit for your work
Ok I admit it is high praise but don't let it go to head.
who do I isolate
she speak newspeak
Group minds are tough to crack, they have a private language, they think it is a secrete code. All we can do is jamm it.