Unpublished Answer to Litkicks Question--Ulraviolence

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Lightning Rod
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Unpublished Answer to Litkicks Question--Ulraviolence

Post by Lightning Rod » October 19th, 2004, 12:24 pm

Conflict is the source of all drama. Of course it must be present in literature. If you have no conflict you have no story. Violence is the supreme manifestation of conflict.

Fight Club is an example of this. The reason the movie works is that the internal conflict in the main character is portrayed in violent terms. This is repeated throughout literature. It is rare that a good story does not include violence. Violence is, after all, cathartic.

This is sometimes the purpose of literature--to portray what we do not wish to experience. I have experienced violence and I hate it. I spit my teeth out around the barrel of a .38 caliber Smith & Wesson. That was violence. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But I wouldn't hesitate to portray it in literature. The purpose of violence in literature is to avoid it in real life.
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