Something in the Air But Not on the Airwaves -Chris Chandler

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Doreen Peri
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Something in the Air But Not on the Airwaves -Chris Chandler

Post by Doreen Peri » August 12th, 2005, 4:23 pm

Spoken Word Poet & Musician Chris Chandler's new video

Watch it!

You'll be glad you did!

visit his website

Press Release: Iraq War Death Has Part in Ohio Video
Thursday, August 11, 2005, 12:19 AM

While working on a political short film about the war in Iraq, cast member Sarah Rolan, playing the part of a widowed war bride, received news that her long-time friend, U.S. Marine reservist Lance Corporal Daniel “Nate” Deyarmin of Tallmadge, Ohio, had been killed during active duty in Iraq on Monday, August 4, 2005, along with 13 other Ohio servicemen. The eight-minute film has since been dedicated to Nate Deyarmin.

Ms. Rolan received this news early Tuesday, before arriving for a day of shooting. In the film, she receives news from home that her loved one has been killed in active duty in Iraq, and plays a scene where she places a triangular folded U.S. flag on the tombstone of her loved one and mourns. Because of her strong personal connection to her friend, her performance was heartfelt and real. The entire cast and crew were moved to tears by her portrayal.

The film, “There’s Something In the Air/But It’s Not on the Airwaves,” is based on an audio piece by political spoken word artist Chris Chandler about the media’s lack of coverage on the peace and global justice movement. The loss of so many Ohio servicemen during the shooting of the film is providing inspiration for the cast and crew. The film was shot on location in Kent and Akron, Ohio and includes documentary footage from many independent videographers from across the country. The film also includes footage shot inside a paddy wagon during an actual arrest in Kent, Ohio on May 4, 2003, when the police confiscated a protestor’s video camera, left it on, and later gave it back to him.

The video will be released nationwide in the coming days, and can be viewed online now at The song “There’s Something in the Air/But It’s Not on the Airwaves” is available on the album “American Storyteller” by Chris Chandler.

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