Could This Merely be Another "Wait 'Til Next Year"

Commentary by Michael Bonanno.

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Could This Merely be Another "Wait 'Til Next Year"

Post by Michael » February 3rd, 2006, 4:42 am

In 2004, Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 911 was released. What Moore revealed in that documentary gave progressives hope that the rest of the nation would see what we saw in The Regime; a lying bunch of greed heads.

It didn’t work out. For every positive review, the film received negative reviews by right wing pundits, most of whom never saw the film. The progressives’ bubble was burst.

Then in April of 2004, Professor David Ray Griffin was given air time by C-Span’s Book TV to present evidence of extreme anomalies concerning what happened on September 11, 2001. This evidence, though circumstantial, would have been enough to put anyone behind bars until a trial was conducted. This, from my point of view, was not only good for progressives, this was going to show The Regime for what it was to all Americans, if not to all of the world. Griffin, after tenaciously researching the work done by French activist Thierry Meyssan, asked questions about the official explanation of what happened on 9/11 that had not been answered and have not been answered to this day. How could anyone not think of the people who lost loved ones on 9/11 when listening to Griffin make convincing points that The Regime was complicit in the events of 9/11? One would think that most Americans, with the exception of the most avid boot licking Regime supporters, would at least want to see a fair, non-partisan investigation into what happened on 9/11, starting with “who did it”?

Even though progressives would not have ever seen proof that the government of the US was involved in orchestrating 9/11 as a victory, that proof would have at least given a victory to justice and to those who thought that 18 Saudis and 1 Algerian killed their friends and relatives. Most of the time, there is some sort of closure when the real criminals are apprehended.

Another loss, for everyone. Even many progressives just can’t wrap their arms around the possibility that The Regime could go that far to achieve its agenda.

In May of 2005, it was revealed that a group of British government officials met to discuss a meeting that was held between CIA Director George Tenet and MI-6 Director Richard Dearlove. We all know what happened at that meeting. It was on that day in 2005 that the phrase Downing Street Memo became a household word.

We progressives thought, “We got ‘em now. While he was telling the American people that he was still trying to use diplomacy to “disarm” Saddam Hussein, he, indeed, had already made up his mind to invade Iraq.”

I’m a Boston Red Sox fan. Do you know how many times the Red Sox came this close to winning the World Series between 1918 and 2004? (I apologize to all of you non Americans)

I get the same feeling about the “we got ‘em” statement as it applies to The Regime. The fact that The Regime, through front man Bush, lied to the American people about using diplomacy became blatant when the first Downing Street Memo was released. It seemed to be strengthened by the second, third, fourth, etc.

Ah, but I personally got that Red Sox feeling after a while. The mainstream media spoke about The Downing Street Memo for a while between the release of the first and maybe the third memo.

The Downing Street Memo first fell from the face of the earth in the mainstream media and, after Conyers held his unofficial hearing, even the alternative media seemed to give up on it.

Then there was the outing of Valerie Plame. Once again, the alternative media was way out in front of the mainstream media on that one. The MM eventually began to mention it. Plamegate, as it’s been called, “gate” being a suffix given to almost all government cover-ups since the original Watergate, even seemed a bit more promising since a special prosecutor indicted Scooter Libby for obstruction of justice.

Where is Libby today? No one knows. What is Fitzgerald doing right now? No one knows. The mainstream media speaks as much today about Plamegate as it does about Watergate or even the Chamberlain/Hitler meeting. Fizz, fizz, there is goes.

You can even see it in a resurgence of sorts of recent Karl Rove quotes.

In fact, the next thing, illegally wiretapping Americans in violation of the FISA Court, has been rebutted in public by none other than Karl Rove.

Another apology for non Americans, but I feel as if the Sox just won the sixth game of the ’75 Series, a couple of games have been rained out and the seventh game starts amidst an anticlimactic air. It’s a sort of no gamer. I’m already beginning to look a next year’s schedule.

Tomorrow, it will be revealed in The Guardian that, in a January 31, 2003 meeting between front man Bush and Puppy Blair, Bush made it clear that The United States was going to invade Iraq whether or not a second UN Resolution was passed and even
whether or not inspectors ever found any WMD.

Puppy told Front Man that “he was "solidly" behind US plans to invade Iraq before he sought advice about the invasion's legality and despite the absence of a second UN resolution”.

The same memo reveals that Bush floated the idea of flying U2 reconnaissance aircraft planes over Iraq, disguising them via a paint job as UN planes so that, if Saddam brought them down, it would be a breach of US sanctions.

Some of you Americans might know and probably those who are not American don’t know, but, after going 86 years between World Series victories, The Boston Red Sox won it all in 2004. What a rush for us Sox fans!

I’m hesitant to make the analogy between the latest leaked memo and the 2004 World Series however. The analogy stops when the reasons for so many defeats, as well as the reason for the sweet victory are compared.

This new information, which should be damaging to The Regime, has nothing to do with whether progressives finally have the talent to win it all. In the case of progressives, in the case of true justice, it isn’t how talented one is, it’s how powerful one is. I’m sorry to use the baseball analogy again, but I’d like to stay consistent. This revelation looks as if it will be another 1919 “Black Sox” scandal.

Reagan was called “the Teflon president”. No matter how many scandals surrounded him, they just never stuck. At least with Reagan, though, the scandals were less blatantly carried out and members of his administration didn’t cop to them and then say, “Not only that, but we’re going to keep doing it, so screw you.”

Additionally, the entire American sports media can support or not support a baseball team which is getting ready for The World Series. Either of the two participants can win the series with or without the support of the media.

This very important fact is not true in the super Teflon president. I say that there is enough evidence that he, as part of The Regime, murdered almost 3,000 human beings on September 11, 2001 so that he could get public support to order the murders of many more thousands of human beings in a war fought to control the land of another sovereign nation to warrant a real investigation.

The mainstream media, which has laughingly been referred to as the “liberal media”, has walked in lock step with The Regime the whole way. I fear that the corporate owned mainstream media will eventually report this latest leak and, in the name of free speech and The First Amendment, allow debate as to what should be done to those who leaked the information, as in the Plame case. The emphasis will be placed on the lack of patriotism possessed by the person or people who dared to leak even more evidence that members of The Regime are murderers and liars. The emphasis will not be placed on what these “traitorous liars” “leaked” to people who have every right to know.

Or, just maybe, will this be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, the wonderful Peter Finch line in the 1976 movie “Network”: “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!”

Call me cynical, but I see the hard line, jack booted, lock step Regime followers saying something like, “Oh there they go again, giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Blaming America first.”

Or, maybe, as when the original Downing Street Memo was released: “By the time that meeting was held, everyone knew we were going to invade Iraq. It was old news.”

It sort of follows the same path. Bush was still talking to the American people about using diplomacy, doing everything to avoid a military conflict and giving Saddam one more chance even after the 2002 Downing Street Memo stated that the US government was “fixing the facts around the policy”.

In this latest case, On February 25, 2003, three weeks after his meeting with The Front Man, Blair was quoted as saying that “the allies” were giving “Saddam one further, final chance to disarm voluntarily”.

He further assured us that, “Even now, today, we are offering Saddam the prospect of voluntary disarmament through the UN. I detest his regime - I hope most people do - but even now, he could save it by complying with the UN's demand. Even now, we are prepared to go the extra step to achieve disarmament peacefully.”

Which news person will have the gonads to ask Blair what that “extra step” was?

I see another flash in the pan getting ready to ignite with maybe the help of some kind of “distraction”.

To friendship,

“I detest the man who hides one thing in the depths of his heart and speaks forth another.” – Homer

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Post by mtmynd » February 3rd, 2006, 2:14 pm

Good essay, Michael.

Listening a bit to CSPAN this a.m., a caller was talking about a Fox News release by someone (?) that declared Saddam's stockpile of WMD's were flown into Syria. Odd that it took three years for that release to come out. I would like to know more about the one who spoke to Fox...

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Post by Michael » April 12th, 2006, 7:09 pm

I don’t know if I wrote this in the above essay, but I know I’ve said it a lot.

You’re Saddam Hussein. You have huge quantities of weapons of mass destruction. You have weapons that can destroy a massive quantity of structures and/or people.

George “John Wayne” Bush is talking trash, telling you to disarm or he’s going to create some “consequences” that he describes as “severe”.

Not only don’t you not say, “No I won’t disarm”, but you surrender reams of paper and a boat load of CD ROMs to the UN in an attempt to prove that you have nothing with witch to successfully complete the task that’s being asked of you – to disarm. There are UN inspectors in your country looking in every nook and corner trying to find stockpiles and aren’t having any luck.

No one from the nation which this cowboy supposedly “governs” meets with anyone from your nation to carry on real diplomacy, yet the cowboy, who’s really a front man for the “American politburo” is saying diplomacy just isn’t working. If representatives of both sides of a conflict don’t meet, how can diplomacy work? About 35 years ago, the US met with the North Vietnamese. It was bullshit, but it at least looked like diplomacy. I even remember them arguing over the shape of the conference table.

OK, you know cowboy George and his gang just want to attack you. They’re going to bomb your cities, kill your citizens and, if possible, kill you.

  • 1. Bury your WMD so that, after they dethrone you and maybe kill you, they won’t be able to find them.

    2. Fly, drive and/or float them to Syria or some other evildoer “rogue” state.

    3. Gather them all up, wait for the cowboy’s army to attack and use them in defense of your nation.

    4. Save them for a rainy day.
Do we really believe that, if the Soviet Union threatened to attack us during the “cold war” the way we threatened to attack Iraq, that we’d quickly move our nuclear (or is it really nucular) warheads to Canada or Mexico?

Listening to someone on Fox “News” say that Iraq had huge quantities of deadly weapons that they would use offensively but wouldn’t use them to defend themselves is like watching the WWF and actually cheering for someone to win the match.

Unfortunately, Fox “News” doesn’t think we’re stupid, they know that enough of us are too stupid to carry through with the logic. You know how they find that out? They keep track of how many people pay per view to watch the WWF.

To friendship,

“Substance for someone breathes hallow, silent, reticent, soundless, speechless.” – Michael

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