Sent to Progressive Publications, People and Organizations

Commentary by Michael Bonanno.

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Sent to Progressive Publications, People and Organizations

Post by Michael » November 20th, 2004, 6:54 pm

OK, I'm a day late. However, I am quite a bit more than a dollar short.

This is a message that I’m sending to every individual, organization and/or publication that considers itself “progressive”.

I’m even sending this to people who have written letters to the editor. I’m looking online at all newspapers, not just my local paper, and sending this message, via snail mail, to people who have written letters to the editor who seem to be progressive.

I am writing to tell you what I think. I will not only write to you, but I will write to every organization, individual and publication that considers itself “progressive”. I shall be prolific in my writing, writing the same thing over and over again. I may make some enemies. I may, hopefully, finally convince some people.

As was the case with far too many people before the 2004 presidential election, the words “Democrat” and “progressive” are still being used interchangeably. This was a mistake before the election and it’s a mistake now.

I think that the time of the Democrat and Republican should cease.

We saw, in 2004, a candidate for president from The Democratic Party whose views on almost all issues were essentially in synch with those of George W. Bush.

Senator Kerry’s views did not line up with those of true progressives.

He supported our invasion of Iraq on many occasions. Yes, there were those occasions on which he opposed it, I admit.

He never spoke to minimizing the adverse affects that organizations such as the WTO and GATT have on third world countries.

He never spoke to the affect that agreements such as NAFTA have on the American worker.

He spoke in broad terms of “improving health care”, but did not support the true progressive view of single payer health insurance.

He opposed the rights of gay men and women to marry, although he supported “civil unions”. Such was the same with John Edwards.

Democrats and Republicans are merely pawns of the world’s true government, The Corporacracy.

What is The Corporacracy, you ask?

Corporacracy (co-por-AC-racy)
n. pl. co•por•ac-racies

  • 1. A word combining “corporation” and “aristocracy”.
    2. Government by CEOs and top executives of global corporations.
    3. Global corporations, considered the primary source of political power.
    4. Wealth rules.
    5. The principles of gross financial inequity and fear of global corporations.
    6. The reason the top 1% of the population control over 40% of the wealth.
    7. A government that, by blatant disregard for humanity and the environment, is causing the American “middle class” to shrink, fading into an almost poverty level existence. They do this by taking advantage of the “middle class’s” apathy and its addiction to fossil fuels.
    8. A government that buys figure head leaders, known as “presidents”. These “leaders” are called Republicans and Democrats. Members of the shrinking “middle class” still embrace a fantasy which leads them to write editorial letters debating the differences between the two “parties”. They are still under the false impression that there are only two “political” parties existing in the US.
    9. The Corporacracy controls colonies in North America, Europe, especially in The UK, Central and South America, Asia, Africa and Australia. It’s sole rule of governance is to create money which creates more money.

It’s almost too late, but progressives must begin today, the moment you finish reading this letter, to support the obsolescence of The Corporacracy, i.e., The Democratic and Republican parties. They are two arms of the same party.

We can say that, since we have a Republican Administration, a Republican Congress and a Republican Supreme Court (despite the fact that it’s supposed to be non-partisan), we have a one party rule in the former United States of America.

However, I say the Republicans and Democrats don’t really care if they win or lose elections. Look how quickly John Kerry conceded the election, in spite of possible voter fraud.

The members, especially on a national level, of the Republican and Democratic parties are quite wealthy to begin with and most have inherited their wealth and not earned it.

Republicans and Democrats know that they have no less than an 50/50 chance of winning any election, no matter what the polls show. That’s because they’re the only game in town.

If Republicans look as if they’re in trouble, they’ll lean a little to the left. If the Democrats look as if they’re in trouble, they’ll lean a little to the right. The latter has happened in elections beginning in 1992.

In any case, it’s disingenuous. However, once they get into office, they do the bidding of those who put them there, large global corporations.

It’s time that true progressives discarded this game that’s played every two years and began supporting true progressive candidates. You won’t find true, progressive candidates in the Democratic and Republican parties. They are the same no matter what they say during any given campaign.

In discarding The Corporacracy, true progressives must turn to another organization, if Diebold allows it.

I think that the best organization to which progressive publications, individuals and organizations should turn is The Green Party of the United States of America.

Before I proceed, please understand that this letter is not promoted, sponsored or sanctioned in any way by The Green Party of The United States of America. I am doing this on my own.

Let’s all of us progressives begin today to put all of our efforts into getting Green Party candidates elected in 2006 and 2008!!

This means that progressive publications, individuals and organizations should rescind their support of The Democratic Party and begin to cover the Green Party with vigor and aggressiveness.

This means that progressive publications, individuals and organizations should cease being Democratic Party apologists and support candidates of The Green Party of the United States of America with the same enthusiasm and initiative with which they supported a candidate that didn’t even represent progressive views.

We must stop trying to rebuild or fix The Democratic Party!

There won’t be much corporate money with which to work, hopefully none, so there need to be fund raisers nationwide, phone banks and all of the activities that were behind the support for John Kerry.

This support needs to begin now, as soon as you finish reading this message.

As I mentioned, it may be too late because I’m sure that the Diebold virus will spread across the nation like wildfire. Elections may be determined before anyone even casts a ballot.

But, if there’s a chance at all, it does not rest with the Democrats or Republicans. At this point in time it looks like we should get behind the Green Party and create a legitimate second party.

Although my letter promotes The Green Party of The United States of America, I must repeat that this letter is not sanctioned in any way by The Green Party. Please do not file a complaint with The Green Party as I am doing this on my own.

I have informed The Green Party of The United States of America that I am doing this.

Please let me know that you are going to help.

Michael Bonanno

I am attending a meeting tomorrow.

I’ve already told the hostess that I’ll attend with an open mind with one exception.

In fact, I’ll volunteer to facilitate with an open mind with one exception.

If it appears that the it was preordained or predetermined in any way that the goal of the meeting should revolve around fixing The Democratic Party, I’ll excuse myself and leave.

I have, for the longest time, considered to be one of those Democratic Party apologists that I mention in my letter.

By the way, if any of you who read this letter consider yourselves progressives or even if you voted for Bush because you didn't see a real choice between "blue" and "red", please consider The Green Party.

We're told that Evangelical Christians and others voted for Bush because of so called "family values". However, I think that even they, given a real choice in 2006 and/or 2008, may very well opt for that alternate party.

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