How Many Times Do I Have To Vote For My Congress People?

Commentary by Michael Bonanno.

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How Many Times Do I Have To Vote For My Congress People?

Post by Michael » December 29th, 2004, 9:51 pm

As you can tell, I haven’t written in this space for a while. Actually, I haven’t written anywhere for a while.

I’ve been very busy making music and reinforcing the idea that you just can’t do every stuff!!

So, as a last entry into this column for 2004, the above mentioned lack of omnipotence, omniscience and omni-just about anything you can think of segues nicely into the following.

I recently received an email from The Mount Diablo Peace Center, one of the many commie, pinko, panty waste organizations I belong to. They wanted to make sure that I got a hold of my representatives in congress, especially my senators, Feinstein and Boxer, and remind them that, when the Congressional Black Caucus calls the 2004 joke – um, I mean election – into question, that they’ll need a senator’s signature to challenge The Electoral College’s report.

This reminds me a bit of when people say how many times they’re taxed on an item. You know, they pay sales tax, they pay income tax, state and federal, etc.

I elected Senators Boxer and Feinstein and as well as Representative Ellen Tauscher to represent me in forwarding the causes of justice and democracy. It isn’t that I should wipe my hands of all of the issues as time goes on, but, according to the email, I now have to vote for them again to do the right thing, i.e., look into the integrity of an obviously flawed national election, or it will be “our failing them”. The implication is that they won’t take it upon themselves to do it.

This happens time and time again. I get emails and other messages saying “write to your representatives in congress” whenever there’s an important issue.

I voted for my representatives to represent my point of view. Fortunately, for me, the winners supposedly do represent my point of view. If, on the other hand, the other side won, I would know then, as well, what I had and what was being represented and I’m sure that they wouldn’t be looking into the integrity of the 2004 presidential election, nor should I expect them to.

But my side won, at least in California, and the candidate from their party lost the presidential election.

Since then, there’s been at least one computer programmer who’s come forth and said that he was told by The Republican Party to rig electronic voting machines.

Others have come forward saying that they witnessed tampering or that they were forced to stand in line for over 10 hours.

Shouldn’t the vote that I cast for Boxer, Feinstein and Tauscher assure me that they’ll look into this fraud? Do I really have to write to them every time there’s an issue?

I guess I do. Merely electing them to represent me doesn’t assure me that they will. The two senators, at least, proved that in 2000.

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