Where Do You Stand?

Commentary by Michael Bonanno.

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Where Do You Stand?

Post by Michael » February 10th, 2005, 4:15 pm

I haven’t written here in a while. Instead of this being all my opinion, don't think I haven't offered some opinion, I’ve pointed you to a link to which I say, “I couldn’t have said it better.”

Read this. Like all links, it probably won’t be here forever.

Where do you stand in the, "Geeze, this sounds bad. Should I open my eyes? Will it really help me to see the elephant in the room? Or should I leave them closed until "Survivor" comes on again.

On the more important side of life, I wonder who will get kicked off the island this week?"

Are there still more of you who need proof that this group is not just another political party whose term will be up in four years and there will be a presidential election and there will be those “mature” campaign commercials and the only two parties in existence in our country because the electoral college doesn't really have room for more will put up their diametrically opposing candidates - like "I can get Americans killed better than you can" Kerry and Bush? Don’t go too far. I believe you'll eventually get your proof.

I know people who donate to breast cancer organizations.

You know why?

Because someone they know has or they, themselves, have developed breast cancer.

I know people who donate to heart disease organizations.

You know why?

Because someone they know has or they, themselves, have developed heart disease.

I know people who donate to all kinds of causes.

You know why?

Because someone they know has or they, themselves, have been affected by the tragedy that the cause works to alleviate.

Yep, that's what Americans do. We become "activists" when something bad happens to us or someone we know.

Otherwise, we could give a shit about our "fellow Americans".

Sure, we'll stick a ribbon on our SUVs to show that we "support the troops". Tell the guy with the ragged stump where his arm used to be that the yellow ribbon is doing him any good.

Or we have American flags.

Yeah, there are Amrican flags everywhere!

They're stuck to SUVs and eighteen wheelers, there on every kind of uniform, from work uniforms to college and professional sports uniforms, they're on people's clothes, they're on pet's clothes, they're in windows and on doors, they're in school class rooms, in doctor's offices. I've never been. Has anyone seen one in a whore house? Just because one's a prostitute doesn't mean one can't be "patriotic", right?

And, of course, they're right near the crosses.

Do Christians know that there's not one mention of a cross in your bible? The Greek word that has made Christian entrepreneurs very, very wealthy is the Greek word for “stake”.

But we wear our crosses near our flags – hey, there one in the same right? You who voted for St. Bush, don’t say “no”. You know they are!

Crosses. The man lived 33 years and we show people, after all that’s all the ribbons and flags and crosses are for, to show other people that we're patriotic and Christian, it doesn’t much mean more than that to us, the man lived 33 years and we use the sign of the worse day of his life to show off our “Christianity”. What kind of morbid bastards are we, anyway!

Oh, yeah, we're morbid bastards who think that it’s OK to send people to Iraq to die to protect us from WMD, no, connection to Al Q’aida, no, bring them democracy. I knew if they lied enough, they’d come up with something Americans would believe.

We wear our ribbons and flags and crosses, but give our “fellow Americans” the finger if they’re not going fast enough for us on the all too crowded highway.

We wear our ribbons and flags and crosses, but don’t make eye contact with our “fellow Americans” when we go shopping in one of our millions of malls.

We wear our ribbons and flags and crosses, but talk about how a certain number of dead Americans is an “improvement” over another certain number of dead Americans.

We wear our ribbons and flags and crosses, but talk about how a certain number of unemployed Americans is an “improvement” over another certain number of unemployed Americans, even though we know that much of the unemployment is due to our patriotic, non tax paying multinational corporations sending Americans’ jobs to third world countries.

They haven’t sent yours yet, though, have they? No.

You know how I can tell? Because you don’t donate to that cause yet.

As Americans, we’re outright compelled to wake up and “donate” to destroying this cancer that has taken over the former United States of America!

Wake up! Wake up!

It seems the more I shake you, the more you want to roll over and go back to sleep.

I promise, I'll wake you up a lot more peacefully than Karl Rove will.

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