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Music for the party

Posted: December 31st, 2004, 9:17 pm
by Lightning Rod
here is a piece from Barry Gremillion's new CD Hat Songs

I thought some here might get a grin out of it.

It's Called Old Sad Cecil.

Posted: December 31st, 2004, 10:40 pm
by Lightning Rod


Posted: January 1st, 2005, 12:25 am
by Doreen Peri
beautiful music from 2beautiful men....
my last years poem here......

january, guilt lost turned clocks,
robbed minutes rhymed,
february noose loosed, second
hands ticked, tricked, let go,
march, snow late winter splinters,
wood and wouldn't dare try,
april voice chosen, respect
avec and amid and in spite of
may i know you really, spring brings
gardens in a miracle tune
june lust just the right size
bigger than joy harder than must
july visiting in depth hot steam
summer in the south until
august first comes home
riding thirty-six hours, dyed sedation jarred,
september armed for turning leaves,
colors brighter, right with light smiles,
october falls face up, projected, starred;
imperial verse typed, set , letting in
november's sting, autumning
like seasonal coming,
december, humming carols

in family.

two thousand and three
two thousand and three.
we approach with reverence.

there are blessings
given freely from the gods.

heaven scent.
i inhale your
prayer, thankful
for the year,
you finally

i penciled you in and you came.
i name this year for you.
you are the coming true
of dreams, three hundred and
sixty five days revolving

coming again never late
soon to sate, soon to sate,
like a full moon rising
setting falling rising
