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as if i can

Posted: March 17th, 2010, 1:28 am
by sonofthesun
i sit here and type
a question of worth is asked
how may i answer

as all must have worth
how may a thing be without
an imposible

to get to degree
there is no seperation
we are all the it

Posted: March 21st, 2010, 11:04 am
by Arcadia
grey skies and streets
silence, sounds & smells louder
me, sitting & typping

Posted: March 31st, 2010, 10:22 pm
by stilltrucking
me sitting typing
train passing

Posted: May 11th, 2010, 7:08 am
by sooZen
all in all
type write


asking the impossible
being the inevitable
mystery manor


where do you Go?
a game of stones
your move!

Posted: May 29th, 2010, 1:27 am
by still.trucking
"life played
with heavy stones'
rolling free