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Active Lies Sublimate a Conundrum

Posted: November 7th, 2007, 12:17 pm
by mtmynd
Active Lies Sublimate a Conundrum

a saint to some
the nicotine stained finger points
the direction to hell
as the eyes curve around
spotting the tea leaf floating...
backstroking mindsets
the funeral screams end
and nowhere are there trees
left to me right of circumstance
the hotdog man juggles mustard seeds
into compounds of humility
avenging the three-winged nostragod
lying perpendicular to twelve epiphanies
sighted flying north for the winter

hooved parables skittered foolishly
the ice covering the sleighed bells
no longer ringing the troubadours hum,
pinochle breasts lifted to the stage
and jonathan licked the cherry clean
maraschino madness colored his lips

the fountain of lost innocence embraced
the jackals snorting leaves while sunset
came and went as cigarette smoke rising

marmalade maps indicating the bowels
erupting from explosive randomness
saluting brevity with statues of birdshit
piled in monuments to lost buffaloes
searching for the edifice of territorial happenstance

bugged bunnies snarling thru pillow teeth
disguising their love patterns with lace
stolen from attics dusty and moldy with loss
buttressed by the terminology of upanishads
that careened across I-10 one summer day
lost in vague flashbacks colored by acid etched
dreams of what could have/should have been

mesmerized by the look in her eyes

her tits long for suckling mouths
hungry for taste
hungry for passion
hungry for waffles

the sneakers took off by themselves
running at full speed towards the horizon
never to find the sunset that eludes
the poets breath seducing thought
as if it were some kinda palace
where gold and silver lay around
gathering dust while crimes against art
continue to pile up in junkyards for the soul

heironymous! heironymous!
betray the night...
the lungs filled
capacity overdrawn
the shuttle cocked
and nowhere is found
leaking promises over
rugs woven with memories
until stillness swallows lies.

Posted: November 9th, 2007, 11:17 pm
by stilltrucking
a saint to some
a friend to me
my candles burning
as I searched my wafeform
for a mustard seed

I printed this out this conundrum of yours
read it over and over as I sat in a doctors’ office
I do my best sitting in doctors’ offices they all
seem to have the same rug on the floor kind of a brown
color I wonder if maintenance has anything to do with it, so
many kids running around stains less noticeable
I had been up for almost 24 hours and let myself drift off to semi unconsciousness
A trucker’s power nap I woke to a sense of presence after a few seconds
I opened my eyes to the face of an angel that stood maybe two feet
from the floor a toddler smiling at me I must have amused her with my snores

It scared me Cecil when I read your better half's post about your medical
emergency I lit the candles for days at one point I had to use Alamo
Roses’ electric Yahrzeit Candle cause I run out. I supposed what
scared me was the praying part. I have not prayed in years
I don't know if it is Zen or not but I try to find the nano
seconds of silence in my chattering mind and squeeze
my wordless silent prayer into them
what I was thinking when I wasn't praying was how
much I dreaded losing your presence here
you may be saint to some but I call you
friend because seriousness is not
meant for the likes of us
Thus my epiphanies
take flight
as I backstroke
away from the brink
of the black pit of anger
the direction of hell

I am so happy I will not have to channel your presence
that is what I thought when I read the news
I did not want to have to channel you

I been thinking about taking up chewing tobacco
still hooked on the buglers

Posted: November 11th, 2007, 11:38 am
by mtmynd
thx, truck! liked this reply of yours. heave-ho!

Posted: November 11th, 2007, 11:47 am
by stilltrucking
heave ho
several meanings in slang
giving tobacco smoking in the old heave ho
A Pack of bugler lasts me about three days. No nicotine stained fingers, never had those. Not the smoking that is going to do me in, it is the my blood sugar and weight.

I switched from dorals to bugler cause you had that post about your morning smoke. And you are right Buglers much easier on my longs than Dorals. But I misunderstood I thought that you were only smoking a couple a day.

give them the heave ho
and sail on amigo

Posted: November 11th, 2007, 11:49 am
by mtmynd
10-4 matey! :wink:

Posted: November 11th, 2007, 11:54 am
by stilltrucking
do me favor
read it one more time I was editing while you were posting

no need to reply to this
not that I had to tell you that.


this is an interesting board
I am going to try and post one of my own.

Posted: November 11th, 2007, 12:50 pm
by mtmynd
it is an interesting board. are we the only ones that come here?

Posted: November 11th, 2007, 1:36 pm
by mousey1
I think that I have stopped interpreting...or at least verbalizing interpreting
so now I quietly read, let the beauty of certain lines and words wash over me
and leave the guesswork of what the author meant to others
simply simmer quietly in what it means to me

I can't anymore, if I ever could, coldly, calculatedly finoodle with other's words except to read and nod happily that I liked or sniffle out appreciation through commiserate tears.

Though I agree it is wonderful to know how a poem strikes another's eye and mind.

We'll see. It is work to type out a well thought out interpret. And of course I feel unworthy to the task.

I like this poem a LOT.

Posted: November 11th, 2007, 1:46 pm
by mtmynd
wow... nice seeing you 'round these parts, m'am! :lol:

i do agree that interpreting is a difficult thing to do. i'm unable to do it with any degree of success, for sure. it's much easier to write than interpret.. altho i do admire those that can interpret!