Debbie Kirk Hits Like A Girl - Interview by Billectric

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Debbie Kirk Hits Like A Girl - Interview by Billectric

Post by billectric » January 16th, 2005, 2:03 am

Billectric Interviews Debbie Kirk

John Bennett, writer of books, editor, and founder of Vagabond Press, said, “Bukowski didn’t have a crown, but if he did, if he had, Debbie Kirk is who should be wearing it, not all these limp-dick pretenders to the throne.”

Debbie’s poems do, indeed, have that “real thing” something about them. Her work never lets me down. The best thing I can say is, read her for yourself. You’ll see.

Here’s the interview I did with her:


BILL KING: Do you really drive a hearse? Do you happen to know what make, year and model it is? I’m just curious.

DEBBIE KIRK: Yeah well, I had a hearse until very recently. It was a 1986 Cadillac Eureka. Beautiful. Black with red velvet curtains. But as shit started to go wrong I decided it was much too decadent of a car for my lifestyle. So, I sold it and bought a Subaru station wagon. The very day after I bought the Subaru it was totally sideswiped. So, now it has character and I don’t mind if I run into shit. I mean, you know, shit that I could LEGALLY run into.

BILL: I recently received your chapbook, I Hit Like a Girl, which I ordered through Feel Free Press. Because they are in England I assumed that you were, too. I was imagining maybe you were influenced by those great British Hammer horror films from the 60’s and 70’s from England. Those might have been before your time.


DEBBIE: I live in Texas.

BILL: The Lone Star State.

DEBBIE: Yes indeed, we have tons of serial killers and love the death penalty here.

BILL: How did Feel Free Press become connected with you and you’re writing?

DEBBIE: Feel Free Press is an extension of Open Wide Magazine which I guess I found my way to by just following the other sheep and they decided to put my chap out.

BILL: I noticed on your website you include pictures from some Horror Movies like Carrie, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and the Evil Dead trilogy. How have these kinds of movies influenced you?

DEBBIE: Hrm. I’ve always loved horror movies. I’m sure that everything I watch and read and all that shit affects what I write but, I don’t really notice. I guess its kinda subliminal or something.

BILL: When I saw the remarkable photo of you with the blood, it reminded me of two things, rock music and horror…

DEBBIE ….There is a LOT of horrible rock music out there today…


BILL: Like in rock, how Iggy Pop cut himself on stage with broken glass, or that picture by Annie Leibovitz of Pete Townsend with blood streaming down his hand. Do you like Iggy Pop? And as far as horror is concerned, have you seen the zombie flick Delamorte Delamore with Rubert Everette? Are you getting annoyed because I’m talking more about horror and music than poetry?

DEBBIE: Actually it’s really refreshing. I fucking hate talking about poetry. I mean, sometimes I get the words right, sometimes I don’t. I dunno. Talking about it is kinda boring. Yeah I love Iggy Pop, I especially love how ever car commercial in the world now has Johnny Cash and Iggy Pop Muzak.

BILL: Have you seen Delamorte Delamore? It was released in the U.S. as “Cemetary Man.”

DEBBIE: No, I haven’t caught that one yet. Maybe we could do a swap. I’ve got Last House On Dead End Street which is a killer horror flick. We can swap.

BILL: I think you are a really amazing poet and your words are what really floored me.

DEBBIE: Thank you very much.

BILL: I really like this verse in your poem “Anarchy in the Trenches”:
“At the mission in Chicago
We had to safety pin our money to our T-shirts
To keep us safe as individuals
and protect us.
It was merely one more way
for us to be Put in Classes
And fall fall fall in line.”

Would you like to comment or elaborate on that verse?

DEBBIE: Heh, well don’t ever go to the mission in Chicago may be the message. Actually, I didn’t have any paper bills. So I had to put all my loose change in an envelope and safety pin it to my shirt. This made it virtually impossible to steal from blind and sleeping people. I dunno, I guess it kinda means that if you treat people like animals, they will act like animals.

BILL: Some of your imagery is just so incredible, it’s hard for me to even describe like:

“When my skeleton is put back together
Will you draw a red crayon heart on it?”

I think that’s one of my favorite lines.

DEBBIE: Yeah, I like crayons.

BILL: What poets and writers do you like to read now? What music do you like?

DEBBIE: I’ve recently developed a deep rooted hate for most poets and poetry. My number one favorite is JJ Campbell. I also LOVE Jeffrey McDaniels, John Sweet, and Bucky Sinister. Music, erm. Last five albums I played today: The Dwarves, Turbonegro, Dead Boys, Johnny Cash, and The Rezillos.

BILL: “Carrots for John” tugs at my hear every time I read it. It seems to have everything, to say everything. Two people, a setting, a plot, a picture or scenario, insight, whimsically functional details, and a conclusion. Though it seems to conclude with a happy ending, I found myself expecting it to have a bittersweet ending because of the previous conditioning from most of your other poems. Do I detect a bit of peace amidst the turmoil?

DEBBIE: Yeah, I wrote that poem about a guy I was in love with at the time, John. Remember how that one time Jack Black said “Hey babe, don’t confuse the art with the artist” Well, if anyone ever says that in your presence, take them out. I’m serious. I dunno the poem was genuine. If you want a bittersweet ending though, I just read a poem he published where he called me an old washed up drug addict. So, I’m sure if I write any more poems for John, they won’t be as nice.

BILL: Anything else you want to say in this interview?

DEBBIE: I can’t think of anything. I’m very flattered that you wanted to interview me. I think I answered maybe one or two of your questions, heh. Whenever you’re in Texas the barbecue is on me!!!

BILL: Mmmmm, Barrr-B-Q….one of my favorites…

Here is a link to Debbie's web site:
Last edited by billectric on January 16th, 2005, 9:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by bennie » January 16th, 2005, 8:22 am

Hello Bill you big fucker.

I enjoyed your interview with Debbie Kirk (I didn't know her but I do now).

Ha, selfless plug time: I was published in Open Wide Magazine too, so :P

It was nice for me to discover that I'm not the only "poet" that hates to talk about poetry and poets. It's such a dull thing to talk about really.

"...sometimes I get the words right, sometimes I don’t. I dunno. Talking about it is kinda boring."

I liked this because it's exactly how I feel about writing. It's probably the same with everything creative. Sometimes the photos look good, other times it looks like a very young baby has shat all over a piece of paper and then threw some sand and purple paint at it.

Well written interview, Bill. It wasn't boring in the slightest (no irony intended) and it's introduced me to a new poet, so, thanks for that.
well I write music review so I do:

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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » January 16th, 2005, 10:47 pm

Excellent! Welcome, Bill! It's great to have you here!

I enjoyed this interview with Debbie! I need to get a copy of her chapbook! Like Bennie, I wasn't familiar with her until I read this interview. Now I want to read her work!

Looking forward to reading more of your interviews! :)

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Post by Trevor » April 15th, 2005, 11:21 pm

Yeah great job Bill, some of her work is, wow, for lack of better words. Thanks for introducing her poetry to us.

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