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Friendly Reminder! Save your work

Posted: May 8th, 2006, 2:06 pm
by judih
Your friendly thorn in the side twists and shouts to remind you:

Save your work.

When you post, innovate, respond to something at the Studio, back up your work on your hard disk.

Anything can happen on the net. Your words are valuable.
Back them up!


photo taken by ms-chievous, as found on: ... ungus.html

Posted: June 21st, 2006, 11:10 am
by jimboloco
a gotta download all my snippets for sure!
but in a way, writing here is so free and spontaneous
i don't think about nuttin, yet there you are,
will studious eight live on in perpetuity?
i know i lost some things on lit kicks
but hey
i re wrote them here from scratch

Posted: June 21st, 2006, 1:05 pm
by firsty
not only save, but backup.

my advice for the average computer user:

get a gmail account (i can invite you if you need an invitation) by going to,

use firefox browser,

download the gspace extension:

this allows you to move any files to your gmail account as a backup. it's as quick and easy as moving files between folders on your computer, and they are saved not only on your computer, but backed up on gmail, which is very stable server environment, and accessed by any computer that you find yourself on, as long as you have an internet connection (library, a friend's house, etc.).