The Brothers Karamazov

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The Brothers Karamazov

Post by abcrystcats » September 16th, 2004, 1:14 am

I have to share this 1957 cinematic gem with my friends in Studio Eight Land.

The film stars Yul Brynner, Richard Basehart, and a young William Shatner in the starring roles as the three brothers Karamazov. Each of these actors does an outstanding job, supported by Claire Bloom as Katya, and an absolutely radiant Maria Schell as the notorious Grushenka. The film is an array of screen giants of the past, many of whom take center stage for the first time in this classic drama.

Most impressive to me, personally, is the exceptional work of a young actor by the name of "Miko Oscard", barely twelve at the time he played Ilyusha on the big screen. Miko has three scenes in the movie, all pivotal to the drama and ultimate redemption of Dmitry. The towheaded, blue-eyed showstopper does his best work in his first and last scenes -- both of which carried me away with their authenticity and lack of pretense. When most child actors of his time fell back on obvious precociousness and cuteness, this particular young man held his own in a cast of megastars. He easily steals the last scene in the movie where Dmitry (Yul Brynner) pays his honorable debt.

I am proud to call Miko a personal friend, back in Southern California, where he now operates a personal sedan service, and works as an actor on the side. This was my first opportunity to see his work, and I was even more impressed than I thought I would be.

The movie has not gotten enough attention over the years, and it was difficult for me to acquire a VHS version, but there are sveral copies available on It's definitely worth it to see these stars acting in roles that were crucial to their later careers.

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