Sex and the City

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Sex and the City

Post by gypsyjoker » June 7th, 2008, 12:07 am

Which brings me back to “Sex and the City.”
How antithetical Hillary’s earnest, electric blue pants-suited whole being is to the frothy cheer of that film, which has women now turning out in droves, a song in their hearts, unified in popcorn-clutching sisterhood to a degree I haven’t seen since the ugly, angry days of Anita Hill and … the first incarnation of Hillary Clinton. How times have changed. How yucky, how baby boomerish, how frowningly pre-Botox were the early 1990s. How brilliantly does “Sex” – however atrocious it may be – surf our current zeitgeist, sugar-coating it all in Blahniks and Westwood, and yummy men and yummier real estate, and squeakingly desperate girl cheer.

June 5, 2008, 6:08 pm
Woman in Charge, Women Who Charge
Tags: Hillary Clinton, misogyny, sex and the city

Is it a coincidence that the bubbling idiocy of “Sex and the City,” the movie, exploded upon the cultural scene at the exact same time that Hillary Clinton’s candidacy imploded?

Literally, of course, it is. Figuratively, I’m not so sure.
And before I set off an avalanche of e-mails explaining why Hillary deserved to lose, I want to make one point clear: I am talking here not about the outcome of her candidacy – mistakes were made, and she faced a formidable opponent in Barack Obama – but rather about the climate in which her campaign was conducted. The zeitgeist in which Hillary floundered and “Sex” is now flourishing.

It’s a cultural moment that Andrew Stephen, writing with an outsider’s eye for the British magazine the New Statesman last month, characterized as a time of “gloating, unshackled sexism of the ugliest kind.” A moment in which things like the formation of a Hillary-bashing political action group, “Citizens United Not Timid,” a “South Park” episode featuring a nuclear weapon hidden in Clinton’s vagina, and Internet sales of a Hillary Clinton nutcracker with shark-like teeth between her legs, passed largely without mainstream media notice, largely, perhaps, because some of the key gatekeepers of mainstream opinion were so busy coming up with various iterations of the nutcracker theme themselves. (Tucker Carlson on Hillary: “When she comes on television, I involuntarily cross my legs.” For a good cry, watch this incredible montage from the Women’s Media Center.)

Stephen is not the first commentator to note that if similarly hateful racial remarks had been made about Obama, our nation would have turned itself inside out in a paroxysm of soul-searching and shame. Had mainstream commentators in 2000 speculated, say, that Joe Lieberman had a nose for dough, or made funny Shylock references, heads would have rolled – and rightfully so. ... ei=5087%0A
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Post by gypsyjoker » June 7th, 2008, 12:18 am

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Last edited by gypsyjoker on June 8th, 2008, 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by hester_prynne » June 7th, 2008, 4:39 pm

I haven't seen the movie and don't intend to, but I watched the series when it was on and found it rather a mindless, shallow, entertaining fantasy, kinda like desperate ho"swives is.
No women I know are like the women in this movie. No women I know dress like them, live like them, or even think like them. To me, they are like advertisement "stars", (if you will), in a movie.
Clothes, money, security...all earned by faking a perceived male fantasy.

It's jive man. But the hoopla over it raises another broader concern. Just how shallow is this nation? More to the point is, is this really all that men want from women? Yikes.
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Post by izeveryboyin » June 7th, 2008, 11:06 pm

Ouch Hest. You totally just burned me. I have been a dedicated fan of the series for some time. Of course it's a fantasy. All television is. That's what makes it interesting. Through television you can see all the scenarios that could have been or would have been in front of you and that's the fun of it. I went to go see the movie at 1 in the morning the day it came out because all the other showings were sold out. But it's not necessarily because we believe in these characters. They have become like a favorite teddy bear to a child. Completely fake but just as cherished. And I enjoy the camaraderie of sitting around with a bunch of girls and a bunch of martini's talking about a show that brought us together every Sunday night and gave us something else to talk about besides rent, bills, and bullshit boyfriends. So, as ever, I respect your opinion, but I also respectfully disagree.

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Post by Dave The Dov » June 8th, 2008, 7:05 am

It should called "Sex With Everyone In The City" instead.
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Post by gypsyjoker » June 8th, 2008, 9:44 am

I am not that much interested in the show or the movie. What I was interested in was the juxtaposition of the movie with the political campaign. I thought it was a pretty good article she wrote.

I like this bit a lot too.

<embed FlashVars='videoId=171493' src=' ... /swf.jhtml' quality='high' bgcolor='#cccccc' width='332' height='316' name='comedy_central_player' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='always' allownetworking='external' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage=''></embed>
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Post by hester_prynne » June 8th, 2008, 4:11 pm

Indeed Izzie, I too enjoyed watching the series on tv as I said, with my exchange student from Germany in fact!....we loved it...but it is fantasy it is not real, nor even a goal to strive for, and there are times when I wonder, 1), do we know the difference and 2), do we spend enough time together, enjoying martini's and being real with each other,(especially in these tough times), as well as much necessary times, spent forgetting it all. Are we uniting in balance?
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Post by Arcadia » June 8th, 2008, 7:18 pm

the serie was here some years ago on saturday nights... impossible hour for singles in our cities... . I guess my next film in the cinema will be Kung Fu Panda... :lol:

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Post by e_dog » June 12th, 2008, 12:11 am

El Sexo y la Ciudad por Hilarioso Clinton.

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Post by SmileGRL » July 29th, 2008, 11:57 am

okay, i could say a million things right now, but its not that important really. i loved the tv series and i loved the movie for what it is...entertainment!

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