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early sci fi - "the day of the triffids"

Posted: September 9th, 2004, 12:42 am
by Doreen Peri
what a great film!

anybody seen it?

i love this flick!

Posted: September 9th, 2004, 12:48 am
by Doreen Peri
wow .. i found this link then looked at the other links in the google search through and found out they had a BBC tv series of this.... who knew? anybody familiar with this?

all i remember is the movie.....

John Wyndham ( and films)

Posted: September 9th, 2004, 9:52 am
by Zlatko Waterman
Dear Doreen:

I love "The Day of the Triffids" too, and many other 50's sf movies.

John Wyndham is a much better than average science fiction writer.

Do you know Wyndham's other famous novel, "The Midwich Cuckoos"?

That novel was made into a film ( a rather good one) that might interest you. Here's a link to the 1960 film, "Village of the Damned."

(link) ... 19,00.html


John Carpenter re-made the film in 1995, I think. I haven't seen his version.

I can't leave this little posting without mentioning one of my own favorite narrow-screen black-and-white sf movies of the 50's, "The Curse of the Demon" ( also called "The Night of the Demon" in England).

This classic horror flick, by French directer Jacques Tourneur and made in English in England, is moody and atmospheric far beyond its period. One can't imagine actually being scared by a film made in 1957, but this film has some intense scary moments. Dana Andrews is excellent as the sceptical American psychologist, and Niall McGinnis really steals the film with his excellent performance as Julian Karswell, the demon-conjurer. The film contains many fine moments and unexpected twists, as when Karswell does some magic tricks and puppeteering for some innocent children.

The M.R. James ( another fantastically good writer-- this time of ghost stories . . .) story is enlarged and enriched in this film version.

Make sure to get the 113-minute version of "The Night of the Demon" if you can. There was also a 95-minute version, but it leaves out a couple of marvelous, and crucial scenes.


Watch it!
