Finding Neverland

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Finding Neverland

Post by hester_prynne » February 23rd, 2005, 4:58 am

Stella took me to the movies! We saw Finding Neverland and I have to say...t'was delightful! I was surprized, I kinda thought i'd sleep through it....but it was too charming. Interesting story. Peter Pan revisited.....
That Johnny Depp is something else.

Definately worth renting at the very least.....


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Post by mousey1 » February 23rd, 2005, 12:23 pm

Two words for ya:


Two and a half words:

I'm in!

Anymore than that I keep for my vibrant fantasies.....mmmm mmmm mmmmm!

Actually I was doubtful if I would bother with this one, thought it might be too kiddy....I'll check it out when it arrives DVD.

Hes, it's nice to see you back. :) I missed you, you've got verve and tenacity, at least from what I've seen, or should I say, read.


Sorry, just had to do my Brando! :D


Post by hester_prynne » February 23rd, 2005, 5:27 pm

Well mousey it's hard to stay away from the folks like you here at this site.....and it's nice to be welcomed back, I thank you heartily for that.....

I get riled up sometimes.
Some less in tune blow me off as a dramamama, but those that know me well call me passionate.....

Let me know if you see the movie how you liked it....I adore being enchanted, and this movie did that for me 100 percent....

(I named my daughter Stella for three reasons. It's means star, I love the song Stella by Starlight, and I like yelling "STELLLLLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAA" like brando did.
It just feels good, you know? Not to mention it works. :D )
Thanks Mousey!
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Post by mousey1 » February 23rd, 2005, 11:56 pm

You are most welcome Hes.

I like your honesty, you calls 'em likes you sees 'em, ain't nothin' wrong with that. Passionate! Whoo hoo!

I will defintely let you know what I think of this movie. I'm a real movie buff, lovely escapism.

:( You do Brando much better than me. :( More practise I guess. But then again you are a Drama Queen! 8)

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Post by Loudestenemy » March 3rd, 2005, 11:10 pm

Finding Neverland woudln't be about Michael Jackson would it?
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Post by hester_prynne » March 4th, 2005, 6:22 pm

MJ's about never never tell land.
veddy different from never never land.
amazing how much difference one little word can make eh?
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Post by bennie » March 4th, 2005, 7:34 pm

I'd quite like to see that myself.

I have a bit of a crush on Johnny Depp. I like my men the way I like my bars - scruffy and lived in.

JM Barrie invented the name Wendy. I believe this is true.

But then, I used to believe that there was a camera inside my DVD player, so...

I've been hooked on Big Fish the past few weeks. It's a gorgeous story. The only reason I bring it up is the Johnny Depp/Tim Burton connection.

It's such a great film. Everytime I watch it I cry at the bit where the two old lovers lie in the bath together fully clothed. I don't know why it makes me cry. But, lately I've been crying at adverts too. :?


ps. no pun intended. I just re-read the "hooked on big fish." thing again. I didn't mean that. :wink:
well I write music review so I do:

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Post by AQuestion » July 26th, 2005, 3:43 pm

yeah mon. I liked this movie. saw it by myself a few months ago and I dug it.

...course, there was Johnny...heh

that little kid did a hellavu job, I think

he's in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with JD too

anyone seen that yet?
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Post by Rat Bag » September 17th, 2005, 8:15 pm

I watched this last night. It was probably the nicest movie I've watched. Just really really nice. I like the unaffectedness Johnny portrays in his "fuck what people think, it's all just fickle shit anyway" attitude.

And then when his missus leaves him and then says something like "I suppose you've heard about me and Bernie" and Johnny's like, "Yes, quite the scandal, I hear", like he just doesn't give a shit.

I forgot who Peter Pan was. Steal from the rich, give to the poor? Oh no, that's Robin Hood. Who the hell is Peter Pan?

Oh yes, the boy who never grows up, how could I forget?

Anyway, cool movie. I liked where the kid Peter says "I'm not Peter, he is" and the adults just smile down patronizingly but Johnny is like "Wow, smart kid".
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Post by mousey1 » September 18th, 2005, 3:12 pm

Oh yeah I forgot about this thread...I meant to return to it and swing from it like Peter Pan...or was that Tarz Pan.

Yes I absolutely loved this movie. It was so sweet, just a really pleasant watch. And Johnny Depp was just precious in the role.

Thanks Hesty for the suggesty because I really did like.

And where's Benny by the way? I miss that big lug...he's so funny. He said Johnny Depp is "scruffy and lived in" that Johnny house is a house I wouldn't mind moving in and out of.... :oops: heh heh!!! :roll: What the hell does that mean? Well, he certainly could shake my rafters!!!
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Post by K&D » September 18th, 2005, 4:59 pm

i love the little embarresd face.

i didn't like the movie. but thats o.k. there were sometimes where the 180 degree line was totally took me out of the film, and i don't think they were broken intentially.

i don't know it was o.k, you know another jonny depp movie i didn't get into so much...Secret Window...very predictable, i don't know...i didn't see the pooint.

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Post by e_dog » September 23rd, 2005, 3:05 pm


can you explain what you mean saying that the 180 degree line was broken, in Finding Neverland?

i agree that this was one of the least inspiring peformances by Depp in recent films. it is often the case that a great actor's crappiest roles, in the most formulaic films, are the most celebrated by the industry.

also, Secret Window was not so hot. at video stores, in the place where Secret Window is supposed to be, they should just have a sign saying something like: {Looking for Secret Window? Don't waste your money/time. Rent "The Shining" instead.}
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Post by Rat Bag » September 23rd, 2005, 8:43 pm

yes, what do you mean by the 180 degree line, K & D?

I liked secret window. Maybe a little predictable, I'll grant you that.

But it was good for me, I liked it.
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Post by Marksman45 » October 17th, 2005, 4:57 pm

The 180-degree line is one of those rules-of-thumb that they have in film. I've always thought it was kinda silly, but then I don't much care for rules governing any art form.

I can't explain it very well, so I'm gonna find an explanation that someone else gave somewhere and post it. Unfortunately I sold my film & video textbook, otherwise I could look it up in there

here we go, from "The Film Lexicon" by Peter Donaldson:
A key element of the continuity system is the 180 DEGREE RULE, which states that the camera must stay on only one side of the actions and objects in a scene. An invisible line, known as the 180 DEGREE LINE or AXIS OF ACTION, runs through the space of the scene. The camera can shoot from any position within one side of that line, but it may never cross it. This convention ensures that the shot will have consistent spatial relations and screen directions. In other words, characters and objects never "flip flop:" if they are on the right side of the screen, they will remain on the right from shot to shot; those on the left will always be on the left. For example, an actor walking from the left side of the screen to the right will not suddenly, in the next shot, appear to be walking in the opposite direction -- a reversal that would strike the viewer, if only fleetingly, as confusing or jarring. With the 180 DEGREE RULE, the viewer rarely experiences even a momentary sense of spatial disorientation. </i>

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Post by Marksman45 » October 17th, 2005, 5:03 pm

"Secret Window" was decent. I enjoyed it enough, I guess, but I haven't watched it a second time.
I did take a few things from it, though. The tone of voice with which Depp insists "I don't smoke!" when the cashier asks him if he wants a pack of cigarettes, for instance; then I usually light up a cigarette.

I liked "Finding Neverland" very much. It wasn't innovative, but I wouldn't say it was necessarily "formulaic." But it <i>was</i> fun, and funny, and the characters were endearing.

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