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Infancia clandestina

Posted: November 26th, 2012, 10:21 am
by Arcadia
I saw it yesterday in El Cairo cinemas, I guess the title is also a good síntesis for those who have the age of the protagonist at that time even tough we didn´t have montoneros´s parents ... thrilling and also sweet rememberings and wonderings ... there are in the film recursos such as the historieta drawings to "tell and show" the most dramatic and bloody moments through the kid´s mind. I´ve been googling about the Montoneros return after the Mundial ´78 ... from nowadays it sounds as pure craziness messed with maffia ... that´s one of the reasons, I guess, the film is worth seeing.

while seeing the film something in the age of the protagonistas, the época and the tone made me remember the french film Stella , but in that film there was an effective first person talking, beautiful film!