Kerouac's first novel. The Sea Is My Brother

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Kerouac's first novel. The Sea Is My Brother

Post by stilltrucking » August 15th, 2005, 4:01 am

Kerouac's first novel
The Town and the City was actually preceded by a first novel titled The Sea Is My Brother. Nothing of the manuscript is known, but it has been seen by enough people for some sort of impression to last. For instance, Allen Ginsberg remembers it this way:

The Sea Is My Brother was just a lot of reverie prose about the sea is my brother: Some description of the ocean in Greenland. Either that, or another sort of symbolic novel that Kerouac wrote, the title of which I have forgotten, which was modeled on Gide's Lafcadio's Adventures, or some disguised version of Rimbaud Lucien Carr ... Some symbolic novel, a completely obscure symbolic novel, very brief novella

qoutes from Barry Gifford, Jack's Book

According to a post by Gerry Nicosia on the BEAT-L listserv the script for The Sea Is My Brother has been found. ... eaismy.htm

I would love to read that. Far as I can tell it still has not been published.

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Post by Arcadia » August 15th, 2005, 10:41 pm

there is a tango lyric that has one line that says the same that the book´s title. The tango´s name is "Tristeza marinera" something like "Marine sadness".

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