favorite movies of all time

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favorite movies of all time

Post by K&D » August 31st, 2005, 1:09 am

favorite movie of all time:

1. The Big Chill (hands down)
2. American Beauty
3. Midnight Cowboy

the themes in my fav movies tend to be very similar, that cynicism and friendship and coping with the fragmentation life forces on peoples souls.

what about you guys?

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Post by K&D » August 31st, 2005, 1:14 am

i mean i'm in love with all the main characters in The Big Chill. i relate to them all so much...

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Post by microbe » August 31st, 2005, 3:37 am

Cool Hand Luke
One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest
Jean de Floret/Manon des Sources

and lots of others.

I haven't seen either The big Chill or American Beauty. Something to look forward to. I'll be looking in the library this afternoon. Just after returning "A beautiful Mind" - an excellent film (movie).

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Post by K&D » August 31st, 2005, 11:17 am

yeah i thinjjk looking at some of the movies you like you will relate to the temes in my favorite movies as well. Cool Hand Luke, a struggle to keep hope.

actually both films you listed on top are messianistic films where a dude comes in and gives of himself inorder to change his surroundings but ultimatly dies for it...intresting. both very good films Cool Hand Luke and One flew Over. i love Jack Nickolson.

haven't seen the last one you mentioned.

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Post by microbe » August 31st, 2005, 5:06 pm

French film with subtitles in two parts. You are missing a treat. If you can get copies from your library I urge you to take a look. It is a marvellous story. Jean De Floret is part one and Manon des sources concludes the story. Very satisfactorily. Please do yourself a favour and watch it. :lol:

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Post by stilltrucking » August 31st, 2005, 9:06 pm

The Big Chill a remake of this movie.The Return Of The Secaucus Seven
John Sayles, USA 1980, 110 minutes
Having written scripts for Roger Corman including Battle Beyond the Stars (starring John Boy from the Waltons) and Piranha, Sayles gathered enough money to direct, as well as write (and star in) his first solo venture. As a result, in 1978, he made Return of the Secauscus Seven (for the minuscule sum of $45,000 and over 25 days). The film is best compared to Hartley's The Unbelievable Truth, another first feature which uses strong plot and dialogue to compensate for lack of budget.
This was the predecessor to, or rather broke the ground for the later, larger and lusher Big Chill but, without argument, the Return of the Secaucus Seven proceeds with more authenticity and charm, characteristics of most Sayles' film making

Life Is BeautifulI have this watched maybe ten or twelve times, most of them in the Italian version with English subtitles. I love the sound of Italian language, I can't understand a word of it.
The God’s Must Be Crazy
Forbidden Planet Maybe the best sci fi movie ever (imho) Monsters from the id, best most scary creature I have never seen. (invisible)
Camille Claudel :cry:
Anything with Laurel and Hardy
The Jerk (my life story)
Chicago doing the cell block tango
Too many to list
Maybe the best job out of the hundreds and hundreds I have had was projectionist at a drive in movie. Too bad my boss was a crazy gun nut. I got fired. He going to his car to get his gun because the rowdy college kids giving him a hard time one night.

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Post by K&D » August 31st, 2005, 9:59 pm

Chicago, trukin i would not have suspected.

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Post by microbe » August 31st, 2005, 11:54 pm

Forbidden Planet is also one of my faves. When I was a kid we were made to do Shakespeare at school, and one year the play was "The Tempest" which none of us could understand a word of. The teacher took us to see Forbidden Planet (based on The Tempest) and we were all hooked! Shakespeare came alive to us after that. :lol:

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Post by stilltrucking » September 1st, 2005, 12:06 am

Wow, that is so cool. I got to check it out. I had no idea.

I took a night course in the classics, had a great proffesor. In the middle of a passage he would pause and say "Oh what an enemy we have in Greek" the transalion he was working from just did not suit him. Sometimes I think what an enemy we have in German. The Id such a mistranslated word.

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