some dystopian classics

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some dystopian classics

Post by e_dog » October 14th, 2005, 7:41 pm

saw on the tele

trouffot's adaptation o ray bradbury's Fahrenheit 451.

quite good flick. essential for book lovers and high school kids, perhaps.

before that, caught he tale end of a ridiculous film called sometrhing like Wild Wild Planet or something about a team of spacecadets and a mad scintist who is doin some mad science experiments like genetic engineering, cloning, and (trying to do) fusion of persons. from the early 60s i am guessing from its style and shittier than James Bond set design and cinematography, but it contains some images which, if they weren't already cliches, were destined to become iconic shots in later flicks varying from the 'mirror room' image in 1980s Conan the Destroyer and the slow-motion floodwave of red (toxic) water / blood in the Shining. add a touch of not so latent racial and sexism, this is a cultural document not to be missed. literally. no really.
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