WTC coming to a theatre near you

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WTC coming to a theatre near you

Post by e_dog » August 11th, 2006, 5:06 am

World Trade Center

featuring music from the sellout band Coldplay (shall we say cold blooded players?)

heard this flick was directed by Oliver Stone. is that true? fuck you, O. Stone. you were tottering on the brink of not being on my list of great directors for years, since most of your movies have been crap since the early nineties, but this pushed you over the edge. it used to be that you'd wait a couple decades before capitalizing on peoples traumatic experiences, but now you must act quickly. it's not your fault, Hollywood's like that.

I will not be seeing this movie, ever, not in the theatre not on VHS and especially not fuckin on DVD.

It's not enough that the event itself was a cinematically inspired act. (as a few postmodern critics have pointed out, 9/11 was a disaster film genre cataclysm.) We have already seen enough goddamn audio visual footage of the event itself without your fucking dramatization. there is news reels, documentaries, released investigative footage, for Christs' sake there is more than enough REALITY here so that your tear-jerking money-making recreation is unnecessary. you wanna make a movie bout 9/11? make a fucking documentary and investigate its causes and effects.

and why bring out this movie before elections?

Maggie Gyllenhall i am disappointed in you too. And Nick Cage. don't you people have any respect for the dead. for the families who've lost loved ones. you have to profit off their misery, advance your careers.

the entertainment business is evil. and this movie is the grandest expression of that.
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Post by firsty » August 11th, 2006, 9:04 am

theyve turned 9/11 into an episode of ER. the briefest of trailers months ago showed me that this movie is terrible from start to finish. oliver stone's last good film was the one with woody harrelson and robert downey jr, whatever it was called, american born killers or whatever.

nice summary, e. coldplay sucks balls. the nypd stole gold watches during the "recovery" effort.

"rescue me" is where it's at - the firefighters, the ptsd, the chaos, the truth and the humanity. go watch "rescue me".
and knowing i'm so eager to fight cant make letting me in any easier.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 11th, 2006, 10:08 am

you said it e-dog

I have no desire to see that movie

I don't want ho-wood images to pollute my lived experience of that day.

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Post by bohonato » August 12th, 2006, 11:45 am

Only thing I can think of when I see the previews is leave it to Americans to find a way to make money off of the worst thing to ever happen to us. I have no desire to watch it either. And I love how everyone involved seems to think that they are doing something courageous by making this movie.

Natural Born Killers. Which, incidentally, inspired the Columbine shooting dickwads. Marilyn Manson, however, did not.

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Re: WTC coming to a theatre near you

Post by mnaz » August 12th, 2006, 1:52 pm

e_dog wrote:We have already seen enough goddamn audio visual footage of the event itself without your fucking dramatization. there is news reels, documentaries, released investigative footage, for Christs' sake there is more than enough REALITY here so that your tear-jerking money-making recreation is unnecessary. you wanna make a movie bout 9/11? make a fucking documentary and investigate its causes and effects.
Well-said, e_dog. Hard to believe, this, even for hollywood.

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Post by e_dog » August 13th, 2006, 9:54 pm

Rescue Me?

i saw one episode, the moral message of which was: women enjoy being raped.

this from the show starring the comic whose principal message was that smoking is cool.

i guess this is to be expected from the FX channel: i.e. the FOX network.
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Post by bohonato » August 14th, 2006, 3:56 pm

I never got into Rescue Me, but I do enjoy It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. And I give kudos to both for the liberal use of 'shit'. I can't afford HBO to fulfill my daily dose of swear words.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 19th, 2007, 12:35 pm

I was just thinking of you firsty
thinking about how we all have ptsd to some degree
I wish I could find that bit you wrote about being in Manhattan on that day.

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