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Post by judih » October 1st, 2009, 12:12 pm

From the edu. site ( ... olpnt.html) that jim's just posted:

about that wrathful deity:
This winged 'heruka' (wrathful) type deity with three faces and six arms is shown in union with his wisdom consort. Together they represent the union of feminine aspect of wisdom (prajna, shes rab) and the male aspect of method (upaya, thabs). They stand on prostrate human figures to represent their triumph over delusion. Vajrakilaya is wearing shawls fashioned from flayed elephant and human skins, a tiger-skin skirt, skull crowns for each of his faces, and a garland of fifty-one human heads representing the transmutation of the fifty- one base emotions. His consort has one face and two arms, and is holding a flaying knife (katari, gri gug) in her right hand and a skull-cup (kapala, thod pa) in her left hand, and is wearing a leopard skin skirt. Vajrakilaya is one of the most important Nying-ma tutelary deities (ishta-devata, yi dam), and is related to the type of triangular ritual dagger displayed below, which represents the unity of the three bodies of the Buddha (tri-kaya, sku gsum) brought to a single point to subjugate negative forces.
That's a lot of power represented by these male/female deities
female: wisdom
male: method
an insurmountable duo
together with compassion - it's a sure path to some good living

thanks, jim

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Post by jimboloco » October 1st, 2009, 12:49 pm

just had a great tai chi class
and a harmonic convergence
with a teacher who has come back from costa rica
after some years an i knew her when the tai chi club just started out
she just returned here and has started as a teacher for the thursday morning continuing class
mercy i thought she had been in poor health
she is wirey, strong, tall, has obviously had a consistent practice
her mind is wired too
i remembered to remember my breaths
and the weight shifting and balancing went better
for joy i have found a particular class
and a special special teacher i am wow so ready
plus the saturday one, nice
nice to see a harmonic convergence once in awhile!
takin my female wisdumb
into her male method
but i'll save the tantra for studio eight
and the mantra for my family
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by Artguy » October 9th, 2009, 3:23 pm

Try the 4 armed Mahakhala ...he's my fave wrathful protector of the dharma....

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Post by judih » October 25th, 2009, 11:43 pm

you come into dharma alone
you live dharma alone
you take protectors where you can find'em

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Post by stilltrucking » November 22nd, 2009, 11:23 pm

"Hey Jude don't be afraid"
can't get that song out of my mind tonight
got the cd of orange blossoms loaded up and going to fall asleep listening to it.
I read them now I am going to listen.

I don't know how much longer I am going to be reading either.

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Post by judih » November 23rd, 2009, 1:20 am

still-t, if you wake up, that'll be a good sign.
if you sleep on through, then that's a good sign
it's all good

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Post by stilltrucking » November 24th, 2009, 7:41 am

It was not so much for the poetry I listened but of your voice I needed to hear. A woman's voice is a very comforting sound for me. I needed to "let her under my skin"

"It is all good"
I suppose living in Israel is a good place to be for a Jew. I am happy you found your home, where you need to be. I used to get upset reading the Israeli newspapers that divided Jews very neatly into two types. Those in Israel and those "diaspora Jews"
I always thought Jews were like Gertrude Stein's roses.

Thank you for the CD and chap book
thank you for your tolerance of my autistic ways
thank you for being a cyber pal

random jam on signs

good signs bad signs
no signs of intelligent life
on fox news.

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Post by judih » November 24th, 2009, 9:43 am

fox news
just when you think it can't get dumber
or more outrageous

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Post by jimboloco » November 25th, 2009, 3:04 pm

i resemble that remark
i think judih is foxy too
especially in silk

not alone in dharma,amigos, we got
our cyber-sangha-unprogrammed meeting for worship
we got sangha anda dancia too :P :lol: :arrow:
and taoist tai chi,
confucious say
lady who tai chi
carry tiger to mountain

you mean i all alone in dharma?
i once saw an elderly asian lady briefly in my former nursing home
it was in the afternoon
i was walking down the long hallway to a room farther down
i saw out of the corner of my eye this lady, new to the home,
standing alone by her bed, with a look of cerebral centerdness,
calm, old, alone, not afraid, yet composed and gracefull.
never saw her again, forgot about it,
but here she is in my valued memory.
she was alone in dharma right then, yes.

remember the wailing wall at the foot of the mountain for jews the central point :arrow:
and the tomb of the sepulchre halfway up the side and the church of jesus there :arrow:
and atop the same mount the golden dome of the mosque of islam :idea:

why is that?

everybody knows what happenned to Jesus after he confronted the head priest
what happenned to the head priest?
Jesus loosed the Holy Spirit into the world, and lanced the festering wound of the Pharisees, just as the Roman lanced his side to lessen his suffering and commit him to the inevitable. The Pharisees were essentially a Roman construct, as great colonial empire needs local support, not resistance. The entire local kingdom was maintained, within Roman command. The king and his court and the elitist class were all reinforced by Rome, which made things easier for the empire. Local control meant both taxes from the domain and also protection for the wealthy class. Sloth, torpor, vanity, gluttony set in and the spiritual laws became controlling, shallow, designed for image and authority.

When the Romans left, the Pharisees dissappeared.

Judiasm was helped by Christianity, with favored protection generally, as both religions dispersed widely. Post-Pharisee Judiasm, that is, post-Roman Empire Judiasm, flourished and recaptured the sacred covenant of Moses and continues to nurture and grow the faith. This growing up of the Old Tree of Judiasm is an essential part of the historic peace that is to come.

Likewise, Christianity has grown and dispersed, has had fits and starts, and has been xenophobic and corrupt, but the essential Jesus as prophet and liberating Messiah for the meek still stands, and I stand with him. He ain't no throw away prophet either.

The Old Testament starts out with an authoritarian, third person-singular impersonal voice that says, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, .... and God said let there be light....and God said let there be lights in the sky at night to inspire and a moon also andd a sun in the daytime, and God said, let the earth tilt on its axis 23 degrees and so forth, " which is why we have the problem of so much shallow and distorted literal interpreting religious right wingers foaming at their mouths.
These are ancient writings, and include a creation story of mythic proportion, which is essentially how all clans begin their clan stories.
Of course, there are beautiful and profound writings embedded throughout.

The New Testament also begins with a narrator, expept than now the narrator is a specific person, Matthew, so he is third person singular but not impersonal and he is telling the geneology of the life of Christ, speaking to us, the impersonal third person plural. With Acts and the letters, a specific writer is speaking to a specific person or grtoups of persons. This suggests an evolution in literary style, as much as pre-rennaisance painting was two-dimensional and then discovery led to more evolved technical capability.

Then we got Islam. The Koran is not designed to be an historical storytelling, although historical figures from Judiasm and Christianity populate the text. "Children of Israel." All I know right now is that the origins of Mohammed were steeped in the religious teachings of his time. He did not grow up in a vaccuum. And the book itself, the text of the Koran, is different again. Not started as an historical document, but with a prologue, praising the Creator from an uncertain "We" speaking, and then in the second chapter, The Cow, a statement telling the purpose of these revelations, for the well-being of "those who believe in the Unknown," and want to have a good life of charity, devotion, and straight living. Ane again this "We" speaks directly to "you," second person singular, Mohammed.

This is a definate evolution in literary technique. Mohammed was here 700 years after Jesus, and received a series of revelations, inscribed into the Koran. He got these revelations from a mysterious "We'" which I ascribe to be the Holy Host, the heavenly host, who knows? And the titles of the chapters are beautifully ordinary.

As we know, there is much oppression within Islam, and extreme sects, but the heart is one that is sublime. The mysterious connections are profound with both Judiasm, for the old origins are the same, and with Christianity, as they are expressed within the Koran by Mohammed receiving inspiration during his meditation period.

This is a trilogy of great books and a deepening faith awaits us, as we open up our hearts into the infinite sideways.
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by judih » November 26th, 2009, 12:31 am

hello jim! you've been combing history, ingesting, pondering. good to see you.

the books are books, but then again if we look at all teachings, we're bound to find that the core message is one of let's find inner peace and learn to live together.

the inner work thing is the 'saviour'.
look at basho and the masters of haiku. we do our daily life routines or non-routines and while doing attempt to humbly understand that 'we' are not the centre of the universe, and yet being centred makes all the difference.

i seem to have lost my voice - i search in the wilderness - and meanwhile try to be kind (do no harm as is demanded in medicine).
sometimes i fail - i cause hurt - in which case i must take immediate steps to correct it (h.h. the dalai lama). sometimes i'm unaware of hurt i cause (in which case, i hope to be made to understand - even if it's years afterwards).

it's never too late.
one human in connected to all. kindness may make for a little less chaos for a few seconds. less chaos is a nice surprise.

thanks, jim, for feeding me.

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Post by jimboloco » December 17th, 2009, 10:12 am

oh thanks for accepting my wandering in the desert
believe me\
like ramm dass said
it's all true
all of it

you mentioned the core message
jesus said as much with the golden rule
and reminded us that the teachings of moses and the older prophets in the torah told the truth
which is a stellar standard in how to live right
which for them was a violent and aggressive world and muhammed did the same
also referring us back to the torah and the gospel
again and again

we are the people of the book
all of us

be here now
and believe that when we all realise we are the people of the book
that will be a great awakening
actually christians need to accept muhammed as another literrally god-infused prophet who
was addressing his peers about their sorry state and exerting them towards a high standard
what came from judah and was loosed by jesus and was again claimed by muhammed, the same sterling standard

i know there will be an awakening
and us, we are the hybrids who becae disillusioned, then regained a greater faith, honored our roots and made vows with our conscious souls to try and live better.

i swear, judih, it's all true

jesus did commune with moses and elijah
and muhammed did make a shamanic journey to Jerusalem to the Holy Mountain and there he communed with Jesus and Moses.

The hard language we hear from those Books is only an injunction to keep faith in good and let what happens, unseen, ahead of our goodness be sanctified by the Holy Spirit.

I also know the Tao and Buddha mind and Confuscious had some kind of deeper revelations without the overlord God Jaweh Allah
and there is certainly a progressive interpretation from all of this
one which is inclusive............grasp bird's tail, the lapm is still burning, there is oil enough for eternal hope.
i was shaken this time
anothe bout of depression as i weaned myself off pot
sufferred nausea with cigarrettes,
read from the three holy books
my new international version of the Bible in giant print and a translation of the Koran into contemporary english from the q'uranic arabic by ahmed ali

i know there is a heaven and hell
a split second apart zen tells us
i am shaken, humbled, and aware
that i need to live better
for my God
whi is wired ijnto homosapiens soul
now i got my faith
how do i practice it? what is left now, just prayer and practice.

aldus huxley was the one who liberated me.
now i got another holy book
Cultivating Stillness,
translated by Eva Wong
from a taoist canon,
written about the same time as mohammed
published by shambhala

mercy me eve was adam's equal
the tree of life holds our families and celebrations for continuity
even as we create quaNntum leaps and bounds
we have the same root and the same tree out of the earth and the big bang, an immaculate conception if there ever was one
maietraiya kwan yin is coming
riding a dragon that is breathing fire.
Last edited by jimboloco on December 17th, 2009, 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by judih » December 17th, 2009, 10:26 am

so sad to hear you were left depressed by the sudden taking of your sweet predilection.

but good to hear you found words to soothe you and re-braid your heart.

i tend to stay away from labels.
but haiku is a practice no less potent than t'ai chi (although i know that's saying a mouthful)

stay sane, let the impossibles wander by, feel love
(and spiral that with real life wonder)

happy Chanukah jim to you and your wife.
and seasonal good tidings!

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Post by jimboloco » December 17th, 2009, 10:31 am

ah yes no labels
just names
coming back up again
and determined to walk the walk.
glad tidings,
i work with jews, christians, muslims
in west jerusalem
i am a hybrid what to call myself
a judajesumuhah! yes!

(gotta see my jewish-zen counselor this afternoon
straight for the first time in a couple of years.)

walking with sandals
down by the sheik's crypt
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by judih » December 17th, 2009, 3:52 pm

listen for the call
sound of one voice singing

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Post by jimboloco » December 27th, 2009, 9:46 am

the desert sweet
a spring along the road!

my wife is wonderful
coming and going
i love her

her daughter wakes up
they speak together
who carries the staff no doubt!

the oil lamps are lit!
what a miracle!
spirit lives!
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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