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march 7th

Posted: March 7th, 2008, 10:56 am
by judih
it's summer.
it came today like a warm slap on the head
summer means never going out after 6 a.m. , or if you do, (and i mean you, me, all of us), be prepared with towel, 1.5 litres of water, a hat, a change of shirt, underwear and pants. That would be minimum equipment for anything longer than a 10 minute stint outside.

so, it's summer. i barely saw the luscious flowering 'calaniot' or anemones decorate our fields. i barely watched the wheat grow and the harvested carrots being lugged away in an old wooden truck (that smells of rich earth even when empty of its load).

and now it's hot.
and i have to think of cool clothes
and minimum body weight all to stay as receptive as possible to possible breezes.

It's not a peaceful time in the hood right now.
when the folks realize that the only thing to stop this back and forth state of war is peace.
it's simple really.
just do it.

meanwhile, in the case of a 'red alert' or 15 second pre-rocket warning, i have nowhere to run to protect myself. The protective room was shifted to the student area. The heavy concrete reinforcements, that perhaps you've seen in Sderot on the news, are set up about 35 seconds from me.
The warning we get is 15 seconds, so my options are to simply distance myself from windows and lie on my english centre floor.

That isn't nice. But it's what it is, right now.
Other parts of the school are protected.
The kibbutz isn't. Only 3 Children's Houses have been reinforced, and they, of course, are unoccupied after 4 p.m.

So, that's the intro to summer. General anxiety, with a lot of effort towards meditation and humour to shake us all out of it.

Lucky for humour. Without it, we'd be an ad for a new radiowave.
Would love to take a Kirilian photo of the population here. That would be interesting.

Posted: March 7th, 2008, 12:34 pm
by Arcadia
I read the news about your land in the last days. :(
I didn´t know about the selective-security methods. I think they are enough to make easily crazy to anyone not acostumbrados to that. The question is: how much a person can be adapted or acostumbrada to live in constant explicit danger?. Or is it better not to be adapted at all and finally want to change the situation?. Or you need to be adapted to change the situation?. I have no idea. Do the kirlian photo!! :wink:
Humour & meditation sounds good!
Peace wishes,

(yesterday a friend of mine give me a copy of the cd of Israeli music. The music is very beautiful, the lyrics are supposed to be related with the Kabala. We danced some of them at the end of last year. These are the song´s titles. I only recognized in some of them letras´s names... translation, please?)

1- Malachin - Anjos
2- Malchut - Shecheianu
3- Yesood - Dodi li
4- Tiferet - Sim Shalom
5- Keter - Shaar Asher Issegar
6- Keter - El Na Refena la
7- Tiferet - Kadish
8- Yessod - Boi Kalah
9- Malchut - Alainu Jeshabeach
10- Tessamach

Posted: March 7th, 2008, 12:59 pm
by stilltrucking
Bitter humor
gallows humor
Crazy Mike humor
my father my self

sorry for the ramble
this is interesting
Lucky for humour. Without it, we'd be an ad for a new radiowave.
Would love to take a Kirilian photo of the population here. That would be interesting.
summer in Israel and I am hearing radio waves from Crosby Stills and Nash, Young too I think May in Ohio.

drives me crazy that you got to be there.
I got no sense of place
home is anywhere

As long as the governments keep talking
maybe another truce will break out

take care

Posted: March 7th, 2008, 1:03 pm
by stilltrucking
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Posted: March 8th, 2008, 12:10 am
by judih
march 8th and i think i might be heading into a day of music well-applied and carefully selected.

thanks for these responses, arcadia and jack.
a few crows in the dawn's light are reassuringly cawing.
a good start.

Posted: March 19th, 2008, 1:24 am
by sooZen
somebody has to be somewhere...
you in the hot sun on the run with nowhere to go.
did you plant tomatoes yet?

it is springing here, i dig the dirt between my toes
risky business for a diabetic
it is all risky isn't it? this mystery we call living...

the pomegranates are leafing, the birds chirping
and the doves are downright risque. i sit on the porch
ruminating like a cow chewing cud.

a brown thrasher has taken up residence in the yard. her long curved bill makes holes in the irrigated mud neath the trees. she
looks like she knows what is up (or down really) tossing
clods with a fury. very amusing, my latest entertainment as
i wait for the sun to intensify.

right now is just right.
don't sweat it is an easy panacea for the cool heads and that thrasher doesn't give a damn, she just keeps digging...