the pursuit of woman

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the pursuit of woman

Post by Hypatia » June 5th, 2014, 5:09 pm

cognitive dissonance
jam that,

what about my tag line
"the pursuit of woman"
is that' what it's all about?
the biological imperative
survival of the species
lots of cognitive dissonance on that one
I used to be smart.

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Re: the pursuit of woman

Post by zero_hero » June 7th, 2014, 11:25 am

a wife
the last thing I need

the first thing is
a stroke, a heart attack, sudden death

thinking a lot about jimboloco this morning
he had a wife, but with or without a wife he is still
an officer and a gentleman 8)

Bushido hell yeah
How have I managed to live so long without knowing I knew that.
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Re: the pursuit of woman

Post by stilltrucking » June 7th, 2014, 9:21 pm

church with Diamond Lil tomorrow

cause a mind is not such a terrible thing to loose

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Post by stilltrucking » June 7th, 2014, 10:03 pm

"Snakes know heart"

To all ABOL users

Recently it has come to the attention of the Librarian that Wikipedia, a resource that has been cited repeatedly by the Librarian, is not only of questionable reliability, particularly with respect to its biographical reports of current figures, but also that it appears to be completely untrue to its stated mission of compiling knowledge in a true "open-source" environment. In fact, recent, reliable reportage indicates that the Wikipedia system is entirely controlled by a cadre of young men with axes to grind and a misogynistic game plan for shaping the Internet public's view of current events. Accordingly, the Library will no longer cite Wikipedia as a resource, and cautions all users with respect to any statements attributed to Wikipedia found in the Library, that such material should be viewed with suspicion, although not necessarily incorrect or unreliable. The Library will begin a process of purging Wikipedia references; however, like many others, the Library has made such extensive use of Wikipedia that this process will be an extended one. Library users are invited to email the librarian with any specific information regarding Wikipedia references found in the Library.

by translated by Harry Sperling and Maurice Simon
© 1984 by The Soncino Press, Ltd.
London, England ... no.toc.htm ... ne.toc.htm

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Re: The Abolition of Man

Post by stilltrucking » June 7th, 2014, 10:28 pm

by T.S. Eliot

Das Chaos in der 'Literatur,' die mit vagen Grenzen zwar, aber immer noch deutlicher ein Gebiet für sich ist; sie, die in gesunden Zeiten ein relativ reiner, gef alliger Spiegel aller herschenden Dinge und Undinge ist, in kranken, chaotischen ein selber trüber all der trüben Dinge und Ideen, die es gibt, ist zur cloaca maxima geworden. Jegliche Unordnung im Humanen, im Menschen selber -- ich sprach von dem dreifachen Gesichtspunkt, unter dem sie betrachtet werden kann, dem Primat der Lust, dem Primat der Sentimentalität, dem Primat der technischen Intelligenz -- an Stelle der einzig wahren hierarchischen Ordnung, des Primates des Geistes und des Spiritualen -- jegliche Unordnung findet ihr relariv klares oder meist selber noch neuerhch verzerrtes Bild in der Literatur dieser Tage.
-- THEODOR HAECKER: Was ist der Mensch? p. 65.
google translate
Men without chests: a Dystopian future

Lewis criticizes modern attempts to debunk "natural" values (such as those that would deny objective value to the waterfall) on rational grounds. He says that there is a set of objective values that have been shared, with minor differences, by every culture "...the traditional moralities of East and West, the Christian, the Pagan, and the Jew...". Lewis calls this the Tao (which closely resembles Confucian and Taoist usage).[a] Without the Tao, no value judgments can be made at all, and modern attempts to do away with some parts of traditional morality for some "rational" reason always proceed by arbitrarily selecting one part of the Tao and using it as grounds to debunk the others.

The final chapter describes the ultimate consequences of this debunking: a distant future in which the values and morals of the majority are controlled by a small group who rule by a "perfect" understanding of psychology, and who in turn, being able to "see through" any system of morality that might induce them to act in a certain way, are ruled only by their own unreflected whims. In surrendering rational reflection on their own motivations, the controllers will no longer be recognizably human, the controlled will be robot-like, and the Abolition of Man will have been completed.

An appendix to "The Abolition of Man" lists a number of basic values that Lewis saw as parts of the Tao, supported by quotations from different cultures.

A fictional treatment of the dystopian project to carry out the Abolition of Man is a theme of Lewis's novel That Hideous Strength.

Passages from The Abolition of Man are included in William Bennet's The Book of Virtues which could be said to be a compilation of examples of Lewis's "Tao" system of values or natural law.

The Abolition of Man

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Re: the pursuit of woman

Post by stilltrucking » June 7th, 2014, 10:45 pm

“It seems as though the Germans had chosen madmen, men who quite simply went mad, and consecrated them, raised men like Nietzsche and Holderlin to the level of prophets, heroes, saints, and wise men, and made idols of them,” he wrote in 1943. . . .

Like T.S. Eliot and C.S. Lewis across the English Channel, and Jacques Maritain in America, Haecker hoped and prayed for German defeat during those terrible years 1939-1945, and, also like Eliot, Lewis, and Maritain, he believed the profound modern confusion—“ the dismemberment and disintegration of the modern person” (1942 entry)—had epistemological, philosophical roots.

meditated on how it had become possible that Western civilization, for 150 years increasingly confident about its progressive, even utopian, future in so many fields of activity, from the French “Enlightenment” of the 18th century down to August 1914, had collapsed into the nightmarish cauldron of history through which they were living in the period 1914-1945. Both men came to believe that the roots of the satanic modern developments of their time were ultimately epistemological–and not found in the apparently primitive, superstitious, poor parts of the world that the Western nations had increasingly colonized, dominated, and exploited in the 18th and 19th centuries; these satanic modern developments were inventions of Western “civilization” itself, radiating out from its historic centers of high culture–France, Germany, Italy, England.

In his secretly-written “journal in the night,” Haecker observed, with increasing gloom, that the Germany whose public-education system, universities, scientific research, industry, and technological accomplishments had after 1870 increasingly become the envy and model of the “developed” world, and the destination for foreign students, had atavistically resurrected in modern garb the most immoral kinds of consciousness, of ethnocentrism and national egotism, apparently now rationally warranted by Darwinian “racial science.” The “race” that had produced Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, and Wagner, also produced the modern intellectual tradition that had for 175 years grown into the most elaborate and prestigious forms of modern philosophy, from Kant, through Hegel and Marx and Nietzsche, to Freud and Heidegger. No more imposing speculative, systematic, intellectual structure had—or has—ever been created in the history of the world.
Cut and paste from Crisis Magazine article here

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Re: old rock and rollers

Post by one of those jerks » June 9th, 2014, 7:01 am

the morning after
eight miles of ups and downs on the road to
rock and roll heaven
I got to
get it up to do it again
till I can't do it no more
come on Camus
got nothing on me
She is twice the man I am.

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Re: the pursuit of woman

Post by Unk » June 12th, 2014, 8:16 am

no body.PNG
thanks dino

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The Bear

Post by Quacker Jack™ » June 14th, 2014, 12:55 am

"You don't have to do that Jack"

"Doug, somebody has to it." I say but I know he don't hear me cause I say it in a normal voice, He is deaf as a post, which is a big part of her problem with him. I know what he is thinking when he tells me I don't have to take out the trash. He means his nigger will do it. Did I say nigger? I meant to say his wife will do it.

He is macho man from taco land

"Life goes where the new forms are, so yur not gonna have, uh, uh'mean y'might as well, er all this, uh this is all Hindsight that yur talkin' 'bout. It's already too late... Allen Ginsberg and Neal Cassady conversation

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Re: the pursuit of woman

Post by Hypatia » February 4th, 2018, 3:29 am

the bitch from baltimore and the bear from Bexar county

I should know better than to criticize a marriage
he needs the exercise. I don't know what I would do without him,
my baby sister needs a man, being the woman that she is
and I am grateful to him for being that man

am I still pursuing women? I hope not, I forgot what to do with them?

ah my sister my self
crazy mike's daughter
Last edited by Hypatia on October 16th, 2018, 10:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I used to be smart.

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Post by stilltrucking » February 17th, 2018, 11:39 pm

Tell It About
Your Mother
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Freudian psychoanalysis?

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Re: the pursuit of woman

Post by stilltrucking » March 7th, 2018, 3:19 pm

women's moody pursuits
I used to worry about her mood swings
now I try not to swing with her.

She needs her space but she also needs a husband.

A trade-off,
she had to make
I feel like a fortunate son
I am only her brother
but I Am a Rock

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Re: For the Bear

Post by still.trucking » March 23rd, 2018, 12:41 am

For the bear
a hillbilly Texan who married my baby sister
poor boy
I would get down on my knees and pray for him if I thought it could get him back up on his feet again
I need a miracle, I want to write a happy ever after romance for my sister and the bear

Watching this video I see his face among the people in it.
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Re: the pursuit of woman

Post by gypsyjoker » February 21st, 2019, 2:29 pm

"Maybe she had a mastectomy?" Baby sister asks me.

I had not thought of that when I was thinking about that red sweater she was wearing when I saw my true love at her sweet sixteen party— and somewhere in some subterranean area of my brain that was way down and repressed from consciousness I was unbuttoning all buttons on that sweater
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'Blessed is he who was not born, Or he, who having been born, has died. But as for us who live, woe unto us, Because we see the afflictions of Zion, And what has befallen Jerusalem." Pseudepigrapha

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Re: the pursuit of woman

Post by gypsyjoker » February 26th, 2019, 6:37 am

there was a time when me and baby sister could talk about everything, but I was unaware of her anger at what I had said. I thank G d she has a husband, the good old bear. I remember the time when he hit me upside the head with his fist. He did not ring my gong, but it hurt like hell.

Baby sister was about eight months with his baby in her womb and he was protecting them from my insanity.

amor fati
September 14, 2023
jimbo.jpg (75.74 KiB) Viewed 2697 times
Catharsis and abreaction
November 22, 1963
when one ex-marine in Dallas with a rifle almost made me commit suicide by matricide
I was listening to my Rose of Agudas Achim death rattle.
"The mother is the first awesome miracle that haunts the child his whole life, whether he lives within her powerful aura or rebels against it."
The Denial of Death. Ernest Becker
November 22, 1963 when one ex-mare
Suicide by Matricide
Never forget the feel of her throat between my hands and the expression on her face
no fear, only sadness
it stopped me
struck me like a 2by4 upside my head
I left her house for nine years I did not see her Until 1973 when we spent all night talking, me tripping on acid and her tripping on the real thing, love of her child.
I have this quirk of falling in love with paper dolls with their hearts on my sleeve
dont mean nothing just a late night jitterbug keyboarding as if I was wireman, or st jack
How many serial murderers start out by killing their mothers, the jack of nightmares wondered?

Son’s get off easy, my sister caught more hell from her than I ever did

My sister my self
My Mother/My Self: The Daughter's Search for Identity
Nancy Friday
Catharsis and abreaction
November 22, 1963
when one ex-marine in Dallas with a rifle almost made me commit suicide by matricide
I was listening to my Rose of Agudas Achim death rattle.
"The mother is the first awesome miracle that haunts the child his whole life, whether he lives within her powerful aura or rebels against it."
The Denial of Death. Ernest Becker
November 22, 1963 when one ex-mare
Suicide by Matricide
Never forget the feel of her throat between my hands and the expression on her face
no fear, only sadness
it stopped me
struck me like 2by4 upside my head
I left her house for nine years I did not see her Until 1973 when we spent all night talking me tripping on acid and her tripping on the real thing, love of her child.
I have this quirk of falling in love with paper dolls with their hearts on my sleeve
dont mean nothing just a late night jitterbug keyboarding as if I was wireman, or st jack
How many serial murderers start out by killing their mothers, the jack of nightmares wondered?

Son’s get off easy, my sister caught more hell from her than I ever did

My sister my self
My Mother/My Self: The Daughter's Search for Identity
Nancy Friday
Sylvia Plath

Off that landspit of stony mouth-plugs,
Eyes rolled by white sticks,
Ears cupping the sea's incoherences,
You house your unnerving head—God-ball,
Lens of mercies,
Your stooges
Plying their wild cells in my keel's shadow,
Pushing by like hearts,
Red stigmata at the very center,
Riding the rip tide to the nearest point of

Dragging their Jesus hair.
Did I escape, I wonder?
My mind winds to you
Old barnacled umbilicus, Atlantic cable,
Keeping itself, it seems, in a state of miraculous

In any case, you are always there,
Tremulous breath at the end of my line,
Curve of water upleaping
To my water rod, dazzling and grateful,
Touching and sucking.
I didn't call you.
I didn't call you at all.
Nevertheless, nevertheless
You steamed to me over the sea,
Fat and red, a placenta

Paralyzing the kicking lovers.
Cobra light
Squeezing the breath from the blood bells
Of the fuchsia. I could draw no breath,
Dead and moneyless,

Overexposed, like an X-ray.
Who do you think you are?
A Communion wafer? Blubbery Mary?
I shall take no bite of your body,
Bottle in which I live,

Ghastly Vatican.
I am sick to death of hot salt.
Green as eunuchs, your wishes
Hiss at my sins.
Off, off, eely tentacle!
There is nothing between us.
Eely Tenacles
My Mother My Self
I used to go to women's lib meetings so I could pick up chiks. :roll:
a rose is a woman is a sister is a mother, grandmother, aunt, niece, or daughter.
I suppose the text drugs sex and rock and roll is my vision of a novel called The Magician of Lublin.
st jack has his vision of redemption that would be mine too
Free Rice
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'Blessed is he who was not born, Or he, who having been born, has died. But as for us who live, woe unto us, Because we see the afflictions of Zion, And what has befallen Jerusalem." Pseudepigrapha


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