Election Night Party here to night

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Election Night Party here to night

Post by stilltrucking » November 6th, 2012, 5:45 pm

Party like it is 2004 again.

I get the feeling that half the country will be headed for Canada after the election.

I hope the Canadians will have their guard up.
you are not expected to complete the work (of tikkun olam, healing the world) in your lifetime, but you are not on that account allowed to desist from it'.

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Re: Election Night Party here to night

Post by Arcadia » November 6th, 2012, 8:53 pm

I´ve got some salad to bring (rúcula, cheese, brown rice, tomatos, sunflowers´s seeds, black olives, pasas rubias, olive oil & marine salt)! :wink:

I don´t understand what you said about the canadians ... :?:

How is the counting?? I´ve only seen CNN in english for half an hour this midday and saw long lines of people waiting for voting for more than four hours in Florida (according to the journalist) ... and it´s a laborable day..! if that´s true it´s really crazy..! :shock:

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Re: Election Night Party here to night

Post by Arcadia » November 6th, 2012, 8:56 pm

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Re: Election Night Party here to night

Post by judih » November 6th, 2012, 11:51 pm

i'm checking new Yorker's live blog
next, it'll be Fox
but it's not the same!

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Re: Election Night Party here to night

Post by stilltrucking » November 7th, 2012, 3:01 am

about Canada, I have heard both Romney and Obama supporters say they are moving to Canada if their candidate loses. Apparently that is okay by Canadians
Many Canadians would welcome the influx of disenchanted Obama supporters who've threatened to move if the president loses the election. ... The pledge comes mostly from left-leaning Americans who view ... “Canada began receiving U.S. emigrants at the time of the ...

I am so happy the election is over and I am happy I got to vote.

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Re: Election Night Party here to night

Post by Arcadia » November 7th, 2012, 5:45 pm

de nada, s-t! I followed the excelent Telesur´s coverage last night while doing school´s job.

here´s today title in pagina12, it seems optimistic! :)

http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/ultim ... 11-07.html

& ahh...! for the Canada-thing now :wink:

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Re: Election Night Party here to night

Post by stilltrucking » November 8th, 2012, 11:42 am

from counterpunch

Obama's Numbers Game
The Triumph of Conservatism
Obama’s victory was no surprise. Agitated liberals, fearful that their man might lose or trying to save what was left of their depleted consciences, chose to paint Mitt Romney in garish colors, a satanic monster had to be kept out of the White House.

How lucky for liberals that Obama gave the Presidency the power to execute any US citizen without recourse to law. Had it been Bush, the Democrats would have been baying for blood in the NYRB and the NYT.

As the debates showed there were hardly any differences between the two men. Both products and defenders of the Reagan consensus, they had to fight a testy campaign in order to spend the billion dollars they had raised: the electoral stimulus that is much more generous proportionately than the other kind.

Nothing could disguise the fact that it was a painfully dull election, a tribal conflict at which little was really at stake. Obama, with his Wall Street chums giggling hysterically, pretended to defend the poor by denouncing Mitt as a rich ‘un. Romney , desperate to win, denouncing Barry as a radical, when, as Wall Street honchos acknowledge, he has done nothing that might make them apprehensive.

I hoped in vain for some non-political excitement that might liven things up a bit. A Biden faux-pas? A sex-scandal involving Ryan and a giraffe, Romney unveiled by a Mormon lass from yesteryear? No such luck.

From beginning to end it was a numbers game and, unlike in Europe, the incumbent won. And then came the dreaded clichés: ‘We are not red and blue states, we are the United States.’ This was bad even by Obama’s low standards.

In the real world business will go on as usual. Washington will speak with Teheran to see if a compromise can be hammered out? After all both parties were on the same side in the Iraq and Afghan wars. Teheran could promise help to remove Assad if Washington tied Netanyahu and Lieberman to the post.

In Af-Pak the drones will continue to rain. Many more innocents will die before the promised withdrawal.

On Palestine, every US government in recent years has helped Israel to bury the Palestinians alive. The zombie leaders of the PLO have lost all credibility and Hamas’ tired rhetoric offers no solution.

Of course there is one thing Obama could do without fear or favor. Lift the embargo on Cuba and recognize the country. It is in the interests of the US itself to do so, but will he? Will the Clintons who are dreaming of a return to the White House let him? Nixon in Beijing. Obama in Havana. Might make a good opera and help posterity forget the drones and assassinations. Just a thought.

Tariq Ali is the author of The Duel: Pakistan on the Flightpath of American Power. He can be reached at tariq.ali3@btinternet.com.

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Re: Election Night Party here to night

Post by Arcadia » November 10th, 2012, 10:57 am

we recived mails from the Santiago´s family who hosted us saying that they were without electricity for 14 days after the most devastating storm in fifty years but they were among the fortunate ones because their house is more or less solid. They also said that they are working hard to recover themselves and that they are reciving help from various countries and that they know about the love the people of the world had for them. Other people from Santiago that mailed us were less fortunate -roofs and walls flied with the storm- and they also complained about goods with prices increased three times in the black market ... I think these mails portraited well the contradictions nowaday in Cuba -the estragos the double-money system is doing, state organization mixed with comunal and self-generating strenght -a chin up cuban style that is unique- and the still feeling of some sort of loving internacionalism despite the USA embargo. No idea exactly what are the plans of Obama and Raul for Cuba, though ... :roll:

Do you know Petras, si?. It was very famous here in Menem´s times, here´s an article wrote by him about the last elections in your country (it´s not optimistic and it resonate a lot to me -at moments it seems it was talking about my country and my president... :lol: ). But to keep going on always a little hope -at least- is needed, so... let´s find the middle path or do the revolution!? :wink:


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Re: Election Night Party here to night

Post by stilltrucking » November 12th, 2012, 1:08 pm

I don't know anything about Petras, on first reading the article I got the impression he was some white guy atheist. :?

Then I read it again more critically and these are the parts that caught my attention and might explain my first gut reaction to the article. :?:

Obama was the lesser evil. But my faith in G d is more heretical than his I think

“Lesser to the Greater Evil”.

policies to focus on “opposing Romney” as a “greater evil”:

most black workers are left ,to abstain or hold their nose and vote for ‘Oreo’ Obama.
The Occupy Wall Street Movement

A spontaneous movement without political direction, and lacking an alternative political leadership, was incapable of confronting the Obama regime: the movement declined and disintegrated, many sympathizers sucked up by the Obama ‘lesser evil’ propaganda campaign.
Last but not least, the Obama regime has co-opted progressive liberal social critics via backdoor support. In the name of “opposing Romney” the progressive pundits, like Chomsky and Ellsberg, end up in alliance with Wall Street and Silicon Valley billionaires, Pentagon militarists, Homeland Security boosters and Zionist ideologues (Dennis Ross) to elect Obama. Of course, the support of the progressives will be accepted -but hardly acknowledged- but they will have no influence on future Obama policy after the election: they will be discarded like used condoms.

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Re: Election Night Party here to night

Post by Arcadia » November 12th, 2012, 4:45 pm

yes!..., the "Oreo Obama" is already old plus it sounds racist and the discarted used condoms maybe is not a very considerate metaphor for a self called intelectual ... :roll: :lol: Have luck! :wink:

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Re: Election Night Party here to night

Post by stilltrucking » November 14th, 2012, 12:03 pm

Greasy Luck to you too amiga. I watched a Nature show on TV about Cuba that might interest you.
It seems there is an upside to the US embargo.
Cuba The Accidental Eden

"Cuba may have been restricted politically and economically for the past 50 years, but its borders have remained open to wildlife for which Cuba’s undeveloped islands are an irresistible draw. While many islands in the Caribbean have poisoned or paved over their ecological riches on land and in the sea in pursuit of a growing tourist industry, Cuba’s wild landscapes have remained virtually untouched, creating a safe haven for rare and intriguing indigenous animals, as well as for hundreds of species of migrating birds and marine creatures. Coral reefs have benefited, too. Independent research has shown that Cuba’s corals are doing much better than others both in the Caribbean and around the world."

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