In the year 2050

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In the year 2050

Post by stilltrucking » April 23rd, 2011, 8:08 pm

Mussolini gets no respect these days. Hitler gets all the ink.

"Underneath this lies the half-conscious belief that language is a natural growth and not an instrument which we shape for our own purposes."
Politics and the English Language: George Orwell, 1946

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Re: In the year 2050

Post by stilltrucking » April 23rd, 2011, 8:12 pm

I can't help missing George W. Bush, he was so upbeat. Not one to dwell on negativity. He could always see the bright side. Come to think of it I miss Reagan too. He made us feel good about being Americans again.

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Re: In the year 2050

Post by jimboloco » April 25th, 2011, 8:23 pm

good old george bush jr was out riding bis bike
with wounded war vets
just the other day
such compassion
such naïveté ... erans.html
Fmr President Bush Hosts 100km Bike Ride with Wounded Iraq, Afghanistan Veterans
April 18, 2011 5:48 PM

User Comments (4)
Posted by: dabu |Apr 18, 2011 8:02:31 PM

I don't think this will sooth his conscious (which I am sure he has, he is nice personally). But his incompetence and ideology caused the death of hundreds of thousands of people unnecessarily, destroyed and maimed tens of thousands and created a mess of at least two countries not to mention the trillions for nothing. So this is supposed to give him a good night of sleep? No, I am sure he will have his hell on earth.
He wants to inspire wounded veterans, but he is still naive about calling them into battle without anything more than his own agenda. I applaud him for wanting to heal others, but, as a mentally wounded Vietnam Veteran, I can only say, God forgive him. He wants to heal, but no one wants to say anything against him. Still, he is doing a good thing on the surfice. Beyond that, I always avoid him whenever he comes around, because I hold him as responsible for their wounds.

Posted by: James Willingham | Apr 25, 2011 8:17:19 PM
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Re: In the year 2050

Post by short timer » April 26th, 2011, 6:18 pm

I been listening to a lot of audio books lately. I got that 2050 date from the appendix to 1984. If I made it to 2050 I would be 109 years old. You know the word Orwellian has got to be another Cliche, but George Orwell was a student of language he thunk some deep thoughts. George W. Bush was the first president of the united states who was fluent in duckspeak.

I was thinking about SooZen's post to the stories board about negativity.

G.W.Bush about as negative as I can think these days.

I still don't understand what we are doing in Libya? I used to think I understood politics. I wasn't going to get fooled again. You know I only became a conscientious objector because of sour grapes. I am nothing if not irrational. I became a conscientious objector, a quaker, after I got turned down after the gulf of tonkin turner joy maddox fog of lies incident. when I tried to enlist and do my patriotic chores.

Hells bells, I am starting to feel like I am living in Italy during the 1920's.
Mussolini had his own church too
George W. has one too. I have no idea who that republican Jesus is. Who he spoke to when he had those talks with G d.

Oh well
Pax Americana

Well I can have compassion for him I suppose. He could make amends, buy me a Mercedes Benz.

if you find a place to live let me know cause I am looking too, I been homeless since October.

thanks for posting a post

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Re: In the year 2050

Post by jimboloco » April 26th, 2011, 11:25 pm

We should have bombed the Khmer Rouge after befriending the Vietnamese Nationalists without ever fighting them. I like having Norway bomb Kaddafi's headquarters. I can be selective. I hate using AC-130's to use their Grumman Gatlin guns on anything except clearlt identified military targets, like the old al-quaida desert training places, otherwise they are stupid war planes.

There are some military leaders who want to dispense with the huge military-industrial complex, but not enough. It's a job. ONe guy in my substance abuse treatment program was back from Iraq, a supply seargent, who became a reservist at home, was unable to find a job, so is reactivating to work in supply at a Fort in Georgia.

It sucks, sucktalk, Trump needs to show us his birth certificate and grades, plus his daddy was rich and he could not get into an IVY league school.

I am encouragesd tat there will be a backlash next time and as many people as possible will vote, before the Repukeblickins place all sorts of paranoid additional requirements, like who were my teachers, list all my jobs and former suopervisors before I can get a passport, etc.

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Someday I will read another book.
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Re: In the year 2050

Post by stilltrucking » April 26th, 2011, 11:49 pm

I been listening to books, drowns out the tv set downstairs.

I don't know from war no more jimbo
just a god dam civilian
makes no sense to me unless I see us as just another empire

we should have bombed Rwanda too, and Srebrenica

I had a long talk with my private brain care specialists, (not really, just an old friend who happens to be a sibling) I can see he is still keeping the faith with Obama, says he is doing the right thing get into Lybia and get out. But I just sat there and nodded next time I see him I am going to ask him about the getting out it.
".....his word spreads abroad and somehow cleanses the atmosphere of the mind of its age-old detritus of tradition, its habits of despair its hates"
Karl Shapiro writing in the introduction to Tropic of Cancer.

I am trying to see it fresh as if I was seeing through the eyes of a Patagonian.
I been into Henry Miller deep mania for me there. Like a teacher reaching out to me.

Bomb this bomb that
fight the good fight
global war on terror
war on poverty
war is peace
defense department
ministry of peace

Obama a better man than me I am sure he is a wonderful commander in chief. Trying to think like a humanitarian in my old age

In the meantime we don't have enough home grown monsters we got to go looking for them.

In Search of Monsters,

The Iraq war hawks urging intervention in Libya are confident that there’s no way Libya could ever be another Iraq.

Of course, they never thought Iraq would be Iraq, either.

All President Obama needs to do, Paul Wolfowitz asserts, is man up, arm the Libyan rebels, support setting up a no-fly zone and wait for instant democracy.

It’s a cakewalk....

John Quincy Adams about America:

“Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy ... she is the champion and vindicator only of her own.” ibid

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Re: In the year 2050

Post by jimboloco » April 27th, 2011, 10:23 am

fuck wolfowitz
he is trying to make himself look good
we set up saddamn to allow his invasion of kuwait
then went against the cia and set up america for the invasion of iraqqqq
we were so tentative after the horror of vietnam and the absurdist excess
that we forgot how to make choices
we let the serbian artillery rain down on sarajevo for a long time
then took them out with a few quick air strikes
then we killed everyone riding on a train
and bombed the chinese embassy in belgrade
we are stupid

the massacres in the east african highlands werew a result of the
false nation states that occurred after the euuopean conquerers were ousted

being a humanitarian is not idly wringing your hands with inward eyes
i do enough of that already

the repukeblickins are the imperialists, the chicken hawks
god bless norvay
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Re: In the year 2050

Post by still.trucking » April 27th, 2011, 8:29 pm

Kerouac truly did love America.

When I was growing up in the forties I thought all the evil in the world was in Germany.
"Evil does not exist" trying to get my head around that.From the Hindu scripture.
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Re: In the year 2050

Post by jimboloco » April 27th, 2011, 11:12 pm

Hope you wrap a helmet around that head of yours whilst on the road, mercy!
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Re: In the year 2050

Post by stilltrucking » April 29th, 2011, 7:35 am

genius is stupid

we are caught in indra's net
with our jewels

elephantine infantileists
waiting for godhead visionary respite
Talking to my little rock and roller, he wants to have his daughter baptized. I figure the baby has already baptized as a Catholic during her hiatus. We talked of G d briefly, he said something saved him when he crashed his motorcycle at eighty miles per hour.

You know I know nothing about Quackerism except once I had this little book about a hundred pages, all bible references supporting the Quaker belief in holy spirit baptism not water. Rev James Moon the author. I have never been able to find it again it was in the Nashville Public Library near the Parthenon back in 1976

No doubt I need a respite
a hiatus
my right arm fell off a couple of months ago
putting a crimp in my right livelihood
in the meantime I piss away my time scribbling

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Re: In the year 2050

Post by short timer » December 14th, 2012, 12:09 pm

Joseph Robert "Bob" Kerrey (born August 27, 1943) was the 35th Governor of Nebraska from 1983 to 1987 and a United States Senator from Nebraska from 1989 to 2001. Before entering politics, he served in the Vietnam War as a naval officer and SEAL and was awarded the Medal of Honor (MOH) for heroism in combat. During the same action for which he was awarded the MOH, he was also severely wounded, precluding further naval service.
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Re: In the year 2050

Post by short timer » December 15th, 2012, 2:16 pm

"What a good thing it is when the Lord putteth into the hands of the righteous invincible might.”

The World's Most Dangerous Book—Alan Watts
I suppose that is why Iran wants a nuclear bomb too. ... bible.html
"I want to create wilderness out of empire."
-Gary Snyder

Free Rice
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