the cat who became an ornithologist

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the cat who became an ornithologist

Post by jackofnightmares » February 20th, 2013, 2:04 am

yes I got them
to the seventh power of the seventh solitude
them post apocalyptic blues

She senses my fear of her mother
she draws back closer to her
I practice being quiet
what should I have done
did I miss the moment
I should have been in the moment more, why did she come over the night before she took off with the kid, was she reaching out to me like Captain Queeg [spelling]

how do you make a two year old stop doing anything
when did i write this was she three?

the seventh solitude
metaphysical loneliness
Sexual Solipsism
"what do women want"
Feminists see a sexual aspect to the treating of women as things, as the remarks from Wollstonecraft and de Beauvoir show. Women are treated as things, when they are treated as sex objects. What this amounts to is a mat-ter of debate. but we can say this provisionally, and with a hint of Kantian bias: in sexual contexts. women are treated as things to the extent that women are treated as merely bodies, as merely sensory appearances, as not free. as items that can be possessed. as items whose value is merely instrumental
Kant says that people are often treated as things, in sex-ual contexts, and ought not to be, There is a descriptive and a normative aspect to both sets of claims. In pessimistic moments Kant suggests that sexual desire carries, in itself, a tendency to this kind of solipsism. He says that when a human being becomes an object of someone’s sexual desire, the “person becomes a thing and can be treated and used as such." He says, notoriously,that “sexual love makes of the loved person an object of appetite; as soon asthat appetite has been stilled, the person is cast aside as one casts away a lemon that has been sucked dry."8 The bleakness of Kant's descriptive claim echoes the bleakness of some feminist claims, as Barbara Herman has noted.9 ... clnk&gl=us
"Skepticism is the chastity of the intellect" Santayana The Idea of Christ in the Gospels

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I feel like the cat who became an ornithologist

Post by stilltrucking » March 15th, 2014, 5:27 pm

“His desire to profess his final and perpetual vows – was it not akin to the motive of the cat who became an ornithologist? – so that he might glorify his own ornithophagy, esoterically devouring Penthestes atricapillus but never eating chickadees. For as the cat was called by Nature to be an ornithophage, so was Francis called by his own nature hungrily to devour such knowledge as could be taught in those days, and, because there were no schools but the monastic schools, he had donned the habit first of a postulant, later of a novice. But to suspect that God as well as Nature had beckoned him to become a professed monk of the Order?
A Canticle for Liebowitz

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