Freud and the tragic virtues.

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diesel dyke
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Freud and the tragic virtues.

Post by diesel dyke » August 8th, 2008, 1:03 pm

The Faith of A Heretic
page 131


"Is greatness possible in our time?"
"Freud, even more than Lincoln, might be called the Great Emancipator, like no man before him
"We are made to be immortal, and yet we die. It's horrible, it can't be taken seriously. —ianeskimo"

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diesel dyke
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Post by diesel dyke » August 8th, 2008, 1:07 pm

like no man before him he lent substance to the notion that all men are brothers. Criminals and madman are not devils in disguise but men and women who have problems of their own and there but for one experience or another, go you and I.
"We are made to be immortal, and yet we die. It's horrible, it can't be taken seriously. —ianeskimo"

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Post by constantine » August 8th, 2008, 1:28 pm

astute. that is the prime directive; isn't it? egality, fraternity, neuroses.
we have more in common than anyone realizes.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 8th, 2008, 3:48 pm


Associated Press Writer

TORONTO (AP) - Greyhound has scrapped an ad campaign that extolled the relaxing upside of bus travel after one of its passengers was accused of beheading and cannibalizing another traveler.

The ad's tag line was ``There's a reason you've never heard of 'bus rage.'''
Accused canibal bus slayer accused of beheading a man and eating his ears said to police
"I have to stay on the bus forever". "

What the hell do we need fredie kroeger for?
The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness. Joseph Conrad
I have read too much Walter Kaufmann I think sometimes. Interesting guy.

The above is a quote about Freud is from a book which was an expanded version of this article

Walter Kaufmann

When I was eleven, I asked my father: "What really is the Holy Ghost?" The articles of faith taught us in school in Berlin, Germany, affirmed belief in God, Christ, and the Holy Ghost, and I explained to my father: "I don't believe that Jesus was God, and if I can't believe in the Holy Ghost either, then I am really not a Christian."

At twelve, I formally left the Protestant church to become a Jew. Having never heard of Unitarianism, I assumed that the religion for people who believed in God, but not in Christ or the Holy Ghost, was Judaism.

A few months after my conversation with my father, but before I left the church, Hitler came to power, Warned of the persecution that my decision might entail, I replied that one certainly could not change one's mind for a reason like that. I did not realize until a little later that all four of my grandparents had been Jewish; and none of us knew that this, and not one's own religion, would be decisive from the Nazis' point of view. My decision had been made independently of my descent and of Nazism, on religious grounds.

You can read the rest of the article
HERE if you want to.

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Post by constantine » August 8th, 2008, 4:38 pm

" ... and leave the cerebellum to us." sorry.
i'll get back to this. i have to do around 75 algegra problems. finishing up at sinclair community college; i'll be tranferring to the university of cincinnati after the fall quarter. anthropology and ancient studies - major/minor in some order. i'm very excited. killer ancient studies program - world class. they were the creators of archaeology as a science - stratigraphy, all that jazz.

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Post by the mingo » August 8th, 2008, 7:56 pm

Stratigraphy, All That Jazz

I hear a native flute playing
where I begin
now a piano too

we are spontaneous invention
generated in ages past
traveling not for ourselves
but for the future

a guitar I hear now
joining in
and snow
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Post by MrGuilty » August 9th, 2008, 1:40 pm

I see a phantom bus
well lighted but not clean
I hear hysterical laughter
and some one say
shove a screw driver in his white ass
and I sat there like norman bates
cause I would not hurt a fly

Killer says you must kill me now

famous last words

At the end of Zen and the art of
he tells of his son't murder
mumbled words nobody heard

all I can do to keep from laughing

it is a bummer
What good did freud do except to arm my enemies
expose my fears
to their manipulation

I am sucking on a doral
it feels so good
just like sucking on a nipple
I used to be smart

Free Rice

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