Dead dog

Truckin'. Still truckin'...

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Dead dog

Post by stilltrucking » August 5th, 2008, 11:30 am

Well I am pretty sure he was dead
Cutest little white toy poodle you ever saw
I run over him with the left front tire
I felt the bump
but I did not feel anything when he passed under the drive axels
I don't think there would have been much left of him or her except a greasy spot on the road

I love rode kill
some people think it's a shame

But I take joy in decay
So many eidetic images from childhood

Dead rats with maggots
funky smelling cellars

Some people think decay is sad
but I think henry miller nailed it

I been wondering whether the dead do know anything
I have heard that the last thing to go is our sense of smell
wouldn't that be ironic

funky posts
this morning
decay and road kill
cluster fucks and
neo assyrians

blogging studio eight I guess

root must be in decay

I am loosing my cool
I must be average

I think I will play Hunter Thompson for a while
See the world through his eyes
Maybe I should get drunk first
I don't mind that he blew his brains out
Well I did not have to clean up after him
But his kids loved him dearly
they did not mind either
Maybe they hire one of those crime scene clean up companies

What is on my clip board does it have anything to do with this,
neo conservative neo assyrians
The intoxication of perpetual war

Danny Postel: You characterise the outlook of the Bush administration as a kind of realism, in the spirit of Thrasymachus and Machiavelli. But isn’t the real divide within the administration (and on the American right more generally) more complex: between foreign policy realists, who are pragmatists, and neo-conservatives, who see themselves as idealists – even moralists – on a mission to topple tyrants, and therefore in a struggle against realism?

Shadia Drury: I think that the neo-conservatives are for the most part genuine in wanting to spread the American commercial model of liberal democracy around the globe. They are convinced that it is the best thing, not just for America, but for the world. Naturally, there is a tension between these “idealists” and the more hard-headed realists within the administration.

I contend that the tensions and conflicts within the current administration reflect the differences between the surface teaching, which is appropriate for gentlemen, and the ‘nocturnal’ or covert teaching, which the philosophers alone are privy to. It is very unlikely for an ideology inspired by a secret teaching to be entirely coherent.

The issue of nationalism is an example of this. The philosophers, wanting to secure the nation against its external enemies as well as its internal decadence, sloth, pleasure, and consumption, encourage a strong patriotic fervour among the honour-loving gentlemen who wield the reins of power. That strong nationalistic spirit consists in the belief that their nation and its values are the best in the world, and that all other cultures and their values are inferior in comparison.

Irving Kristol, the father of neo-conservatism and a Strauss disciple, denounced nationalism in a 1973 essay; but in another essay written in 1983, he declared that the foreign policy of neo-conservatism must reflect its nationalist proclivities. A decade on, in a 1993 essay, he claimed that “religion, nationalism, and economic growth are the pillars of neoconservatism.” (See “The Coming ‘Conservative Century’”, in Neoconservatism: the autobiography of an idea, p. 365.)

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Post by stilltrucking » August 5th, 2008, 11:50 am

Dead writters my first emotion when someone like kerouac or HST is mentioned is anger.

Maybe more so with Kerouac because he killed himself in such a methodical slow process. He is my role model for suicide by jelly donut.

I am trying to have as much compassion for Gonzo as I do for Plath, I suppose suicide is an occupational hazard for drunk depressed writters who keep a lot of guns around like Hemmingway too.

Oh mon
Spalding Gray
I would love to do a act like his
but instead of sitting at a desk I would be sitting on a commode.

rest in peace you all.

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the mingo
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Post by the mingo » August 5th, 2008, 1:50 pm

I had a chess-playing partner & friend who died that way. Toppled right off the commode and dead before he hit the floor. I harbor secret thoughts on why he did it...he had fallen in love but he didn't believe in divorce so the only way out of his marriage was all the way out of everything as death nulls the vows. It was a legal move, worthy of the best lawyer in the land. God bless him.
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Post by stilltrucking » August 5th, 2008, 2:37 pm

I lost you mingo no I don't mean I don't get what you are saying I mean I am pissed at myself

From the sloppy writing, what else could you think I meant from what I wrote?

I have re read the text box the bit about Spalding Gray. I did not mean his suicide, he drowned, he had been in an accident the surgeons bungled the operation on his spine, he was in agony. He jumped off a ferryboat in New York harbor and drowned.

I was thinking aboot a routine of his in the comedy clubs. I think it was called Swimming to Cambodia the stage was set with a desk and office chair, he came out in a suit and tie sat down at the desk and began to talk.
I don't really know much about him, but so many people I respect were saddened by his death.

You been posting some gems on mingo lingo, kills me to see those zero replies, but I am trying to sit on my hands. I was trying to blog them here first to keep myself from flying off on tangets once I open a text box. I love spontaneous, but not on other peoples posts. I am a notorious hijacker, I am trying to reform

That is why I love to GO so much, pure spontaniety.

Speaking of getting off on tangents
That decay post tripped a trigger
sorry I got off on a tangent.

It is all part of life yes I know. But I got streak of morbidity in me a mile wide. Ginsberg wrote he don't care what happened to his body after he is dead. I do. It interesting to me how the Jews and Muslims have this thing of collecting the body pieces after a suicide attack or bombing- It all has to go in the coffin, as if even in pieces human remains must be buried in one place at one time. And for Jews it must be before sunset of the next day.

I have no idea of the theology behind that. I am the worst kind of jew, assimilated and ignorant.

Kerouac too good a catholic to kill himself one of his friends said, but even so he wanted out. .

Sorry about your friend

If I ever choose to get rid of myself in would be by sailboat, I mean if I had my druthers.

A couple years ago something turned up in a cat scan, down deep in my lung. I usually sleep like a baby, but I had some rough nights thinking about Virginia Woolf walking into that river with her pockets full of rocks. My fantasy was about walking on a beach with my pockets full of rocks and my lungs full of cancer. Turned out to be a glitch, a weird shadow, that called it a "dwiitzel " that word I have not found it any thesaurus or dictionary

Oh well smoke um if you get them. He says as he rolls another cigarette. And thanks for reading

Speaking of toppling over dead I got a post about a Porsche I need to put up here. Be back later.

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Post by the mingo » August 7th, 2008, 12:14 pm

I missed this post the first time around, st, sorry 'bout that...sometimes I don't always remember from day to day where I've been or the posts I've left...things get thru the cracks on me...I don't mind tangents, st, I do that myself & don't worry about hijacks, in fact, it would be a pleasure to see a thread get hijacked just to see how it all turns out - there's something in everything - as for the posts at Mingo's Lingo, don't worry, I'm not. It's public but also a place for me to work things out or rant or lolly-gag as my mother used to say. Thanks for the support,st, I appreciate it.
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Post by stilltrucking » August 9th, 2008, 6:34 pm

Lollygag, I have to ggole that, old old expression I think, a term used by soldiers in the civil war if I am right.

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