I am a poet, I have a poetic license (drivel)

Truckin'. Still truckin'...

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I am a poet, I have a poetic license (drivel)

Post by stilltrucking » August 26th, 2008, 9:39 am

I have decided to get a poetic license
because you can get away with murder if you have one
everything becomes harmless Hyperbole

You can make death threats, you can tell someone you want to lick his mother's anus.

No need to take responsibility for your words.

Thinking about Buddha Bitch
I don't see her around much anymore.. That woman was zealot about taking responsibility for her words.

Me I am a poet,
I can say anything I want.

Thanks to the constitution
and the new revolution

Another thing that makes me wonder
People who think they have to stick up for God, Jesus Christ, or mohamed.

As if they can not take care of themselves

Jesus is easy
his yoke should be light.
I had to lean on him
because he started leaning on me.

Never figured out what VietNam was about, finally I put it down to defending my right to write this drivel. Even though the threat was coming from those here in the land of the homesick and the brave.
I am a shaker and a quaker
and a four f hippy conscientious objector

I am so grateful we won the revolutionary war
we could have all wound up as Canadians
and have universal health insurance
god forbid

Trouble i have with jokes like that
is that I always identify with the victim not the perp
and I don't laugh
but that is still my right
not to laugh

I got a great collection of holocaust jokes
I use my sense of humor as a weapon to defend my self

all I got is words.

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