this is crazy

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this is crazy

Post by stilltrucking » July 7th, 2008, 10:22 am

And if I get it write
with enough re writes
distill it down
I will be rid of it
magical thinking
magical writing
he was bat shit crazy
but smart
smart enough to keep it together
chess was his salvation

he was doing fine till he had a daughter
then her mother had to kill him
and so I tried to kill her

I am glad to meet you
I am crazy jack
son of crazy mike
youngest son of a youngest son

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Post by silent woman » August 28th, 2008, 7:59 am

Heard any good jokes about pedophilia?

No but I heard a good one about the holocaust

Would you like to hear it?
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Post by constantine » August 28th, 2008, 8:32 am

just do it winged nike!

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Post by stilltrucking » August 28th, 2008, 8:35 am

I wuv chick poetry
good buddies do it so well

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Post by constantine » August 28th, 2008, 8:41 am

yeah, ain't it a kick in the head.

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Post by silent woman » August 28th, 2008, 8:47 am

I just got tired of the got dam hugs
If you can't give me love and peace, Then give me bitter fame. — Akhmatova.

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Post by silent woman » August 28th, 2008, 9:45 am

Juxtapositions </center>

good buddies
one who was my boss when I worked at a truck stop in Virginia He was the sanest boss I ever had;

Talking walking the talk to be who you are and have the dignity of integrity easier to do in NYC than is a village in Virginia.
He was constantly hassled by the cops because there are no dark rumors in a village of 600. Everybody knows your life story

A valuable man who I respected. Nothing worse than having a crazy boss. The little gay guy was the sanest boss I ever had i think..
No melo drama, just doing his job
He talked about moving to NYC, he and his wife.

Then there was this other guy who was big into hugging other guys. He was my boss for a while too. Creeped me out, nothing to do with him being an American n*zi. I get along pretty well with them; I get by with my sense of humor. But this little gay guy was a thief, steel your face right off your head.

who the hell needs vampires
I always wanted to be barry manilow

watch out for those male feminists constantine
If you can't give me love and peace, Then give me bitter fame. — Akhmatova.

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Post by the mingo » August 28th, 2008, 10:38 am

better duck or you'll get a hug for that, Jack. 8)

youngest son of a youngest son
got a few fallen leaves caught in the grass up here
not many yet
but its coming - shot a thesaurus on my lawn last night
coyotes howling I went out to the porch and
there it was
it just ignored me - ignore: verb, to refuse to pay attention to
synonyms= skip, disregard, pass over, take no account of,
blow off [Slang] i went back inside grabbed the shotgun
came back onto the porch, locked & loaded, said, "This is your last
invitation to collect your synonyms and ride out" The Thesaurus answered:
"Pal, your Mother's a whore" - whore: noun, one who sells sexual favors retail - synonyms= bawd, call girl, harlot, hooker, hustler, quean, streetwalker, strumpet, tart, tramp, white slave, lady of the night. I pulled the trigger BOOM & a zillion pieces of paper fluttered in the breeze where the Thesaurus had been. "I have no mother" I replied, as the empty shell casing bounced off the porch floor. Not much is left out there this morning, a few bits of paper with pieces of words written on them, caught up in the grass. I emailed Merriam-Webster this morning telling them that one of their reference works had gotten loose & gone wild & what I had done.
They emailed me back with their apologies, they said they were sorry for the incident and said, "Mr. Mingo, we completely understand"
understand: verb, to comprehend - apprehend, grasp, conceive, perceive, discern, know, penetrate, take in, catch on, tumble [Slang]
see the light.

PS - embedded in my writing here is a paraphrase of a patch of dialogue between Blackjack Britten & Wild Bill Hickock from the movie "Purgatory". I don't know at this moment who the screenwriter was.

Outside my window his morning I saw the body of a red squirrel in the road. I've watched people on their way to work go out of their way to miss it now that it was dead. Now that's a funny thing. Anyways, looked out a moment ago and its gone, I mean gone and no trace...crows, probably, the body is theirs by law.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 28th, 2008, 10:48 am

You killing me El Gringo

I can't read past this,
but its coming - shot a thesaurus on my lawn last night

too much to do, mundane miracle stuff
be back later when I can savor the rest of it.

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Post by gypsyjoker » August 28th, 2008, 4:21 pm

A wild ride el mingo

I be coming back to this one again and again
one to be re read again and again.



Mucho pleasure reading it

I will have to check out the embedded movie

Do you have any pack rats around your home?

speaking of home

"ain't no sense in going home"

listening to this song a version of it was used in the sound track to a movie based on a novel by Gus Hasford, the beatest marine novelist to come out of the south east asian war games during the sixties and seventies. America's longest war.
twenty seven years in all.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

The Director of the movie was Stanley Kubric, he gave an interview of what it was like to work with Gus Hasford on the movie set. Eventualy he had to have him removed by armed security gaurds.
Listening to it while thinking about your replay to barry on creative RE: Tiger Cages.

The california prison system broke Hasford's will to live in the six months hard time he served for over due library books.


commenst from the youtube site about the song
choklat4 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide
"Jody leave ashes in your ashtray..." Man that's a bad ass cat!! Classic!!
will434usmc (2 months ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply

Kimr71 - True Dat !! LMAO Jody been stealin' women since the 1800's. When I was in boot camp at Parris Island we had an entire cadence dedicated to Jody.
pam1caldwell (2 months ago) Show Hide +4 Marked as spam Reply and he is still going strong
rmbb10 (2 months ago) Show Hide +1 Marked as spam Reply This song is right; Johnnie was killin' it. I love the beat; gotta luve the ole' skool.

CaptainCannibas (2 months ago) Show Hide +3 Marked as spam Reply I'm a middle aged white man and I love Johnnie Taylor's music. He's one of the most under rated R&B artists. You wouldn't believe how many people come to my house and I slip on one of his albums and they don't even know who he is, even after I tell them. They leave believers though, and they don't forget his name!

kimr71 (3 months ago) Show Hide +3 Marked as spam Reply Jody been around 4ever aint he? Just like the devil !! LMAO
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Post by the mingo » August 29th, 2008, 8:37 am

Thanks, Gypsy, I had a pretty wild time writing it. I love the fun. I don't have any packrats around my neck of the woods - the regular mice have ta fill the bill on that one - its coming on to autumn, they will be wanting to move inside soon. Gotta check my traps & poison supplies.
I got no love for either of those methods, but the little furballs are too small for even a .410 shotgun, plus the holes it leaves in the walls tend to tick off the women. I had a friend once burned down his house to get rid of the mice. It wasn't much more than than a three room camp, really. I saw the smoke while I was making coffee, jumped in my little Suzuki Sidekick & scatted over to see what the devil was going down and there he was in the yard smoking a j with his house completely wrapped in flame. I asked him "What?" and he just said "Mice."...he lived in a tent on the place for a couple of weeks then bought himself a used camping trailer. Parked it right in the middle of the pile of ash that had been his former home. Had himself all set up again. Even had a woman living up in there with him for awhile. This went on for 'bout a year. I stopped in one day, it was mid September, he was sitting outside tacking down a red fox skin. He trapped all the time, mostly for coin to keep him in reefer. I had a bottle of Jack with me. We sat there drinking under the late afternoon sun. He said he'd had a visit from the "Town Board Cunts" that morning, even though two of the three "Town Board Cunts" were men. "What did they want?" I asked. Clip said, (that was his name, Clip, never knew his real name, never asked) that they had informed him he couldn't live there in that trailer because it didn't meet the requirements of the zoning laws. I looked at him as I passed him the bottle, he said "my trailer's too short". I replied, "Too short?, by how much? "18 inches" he answered. "You're kidding", "Nope" "So, now what?" He passed the bottle back, said,
"Ya ever been to Arizona?" Shook my head yes. "Wadja like 'bout it?" I said, "Anywhere north of Flagstaff the land talks to ya, Indian ruins all over the place, pictographs & petroglyphs, the colors get to your soul and every night the stars come right down to ya. But watch out for rattlesnakes, diamondbacks & sidewinders everywhere." "Well, hell, now I need a pickup truck", I told him the "Town Cunts" were having an auction in a week, one of the town trucks would be going under the hammer. A 1963 Dodge Power Wagon. Then I went home. Little over a week later I passed by Clip's place and there was a 1963 Dodge Power Wagon parked next to the camper. Few days after that I went up to see when he was leaving but when I pulled in there was no trailer & no truck. Gone.
Where the trailer had been there was a 5 gallon bucket. I got out of the Suzuki, walked over, took the top off the bucket. Inside was a small cardboard box. Across the top of the box was written "I don't like goodbyes. Arizona bound! I'll write when I have the chance." Inside the box were two lids of yellowish green Columbian and a spider. I tucked the reef in my jacket pocket and left the spider to his business. That night I went down to the lake, gathered a huge pile of driftwood together and had a bonfire. Clip was fond of saying that fire made clean. About four years later I got a letter in the mail.
Return address said simply: Clip, Northern Arizona. I tore it open. It was a photograph of his trailer. He was standing in front of it, he had one arm around a slim woman with dark eyes and hair, Apache maybe, with a little Cheyenne & maybe some white trash thrown in.
Back of him I could see three rattlesnake skins stretched taut on their boards & hanging to the side of the trailer door. He had his other arm held high and palm open in greeting, the woman tucked tight against his shoulder was smiling. I turned the photo over, across the back was written; "Her name is Rachelle, she says ya ever get tired of the woods come find us. I'm still 18 inches short but no one out here cares. You were right, Mingo, here the stars come right down to ya most every night. You forgot to tell me 'bout the packrats, though. I found out right away ya can't leave nothing small lying around, it will disappear. Don't forget, come find us.Thanks. Clip." That was almost twenty years ago now, I still have the photo. I ain't tired of the woods yet, though it is mostly poverty & age that keeps me here now. Sometimes though I get a hankering, to walk out my door & keep right on going. That hankering ever gets fierce enough...
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 29th, 2008, 2:05 pm

Talking to Sylvia this morning
"I said this cup's for you Sylvia"

Sylvia ain't here, she dead. But I was still talking to her Like John was talking to his dead wife in "The Wake of The Red Witch"

Sylvia hates over boiled coffee.

I got nine women here. A couple keep me on my toes, jack be nimble, they seem like they want to eat me up. Never too late to be a stud muffin I suppose. No body here I want ot fuck. But I am still trying to be a good neighbor.

Mz Polly's dog going to be the death of me. Margaret a sweet woman, she has to reach out and touch me sometimes almost tears in her eyes. I think she is lonely her old dog died. I keep offering her Mz Polly's dog but she won't take him. I know why. She just don't want no more broken hearts, mz polly's dog is 16 years old.

Nine women and me, the natives are restless here, it seems there are always at least two of them who are pissed off at each other at any one time. I have learned to stay out of their spats because they might remember who their common enemy is.

Nice write mingo real nice
Last edited by stilltrucking on August 29th, 2008, 2:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by tinkerjack » August 29th, 2008, 2:15 pm


Wrong John Wayne
Not the wake of the red witch
it was blood alley

And lauren Bacall was whistling her ass off trying to get his attention.

blood alley got a heavy propaganda message
this was back in the days when the USA was a paper tiger
And Beijing was still a Peking duck
and China was Red China

I liked the red withch better
but I always liked Blood Alley for how John kept talking to his dead wife through the whole movie until Bacall finally caught his eye.
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Post by tinkerjack » August 29th, 2008, 2:29 pm

Not that I don't want to make love to a couple of them
it is more like there is nobody here i want to wake up next to
it is the loneliest feeling in the world for me
to make love to a woman I feel no presence for
And my solitude is precious to me. I am on guard about that. One pushed her way in here once to take a look around. She is the german woman, the one who had the brain operation. Sweet woman, but not quite right. But who is all right? George BVush I guess

like the Brautigan Poem we talked about on another thread I think.
It's so nice to wake up in the morning all alone and not have to tell somebody you love them when you don't love them
Clip reminds me of guy I used to know in virginia

He had to go to court because his girl friend pressed charges for assault.

The judge asked him why he hit her and he said "because she was coming at me with a fire axe"

Big old country boy with a degree from Princeton
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