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Truckin'. Still truckin'...

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Post by gypsyjoker » March 1st, 2009, 11:23 am

if we don't let those memories fade into the past.
I read a recent article in some science journal that memory is like reliving experience.

I think there is a difference between remembering and living in the past.

About the time we all first met I was at loose ends, I had just lost my home on the road and I did not know what to do with myself.
"I could give my hands to another line of work
/B C B7
But my heart would always be behind the wheel
Em D
Call me a prisoner of the highway
A Em
Driven on by my restless soul

So anyway I wound up working the graveyard shift at a truck stop for five and a quater an hour. I started working on computers in my spare time.

Sorry Cecil I do have a point here about the difference between remembering and living in the past.

I am using IE 7 to write this and my piss poor spelling is inhibiting me from just blurting it out.

I need to log out now and try this using Firefox so I can catch the typos as I go. Like brooklyn used to say about giving the reader a good ride.

I will close now with a bit of sarcasm,
you know me crazy jack son of crazy mike.

if we don't let those memories fade into the past.
"Those that remember the past are doomed to repeat it" George Santayana is winking at you Cecil :wink:

Be back later in firefox to continue my story about the guy I worked with at that truck stop. He was living in the past Cecil.

tell you more about it later.

ten miles from corpus?

Did I say that?

more like 150 I think.
Free Rice
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'Blessed is he who was not born, Or he, who having been born, has died. But as for us who live, woe unto us, Because we see the afflictions of Zion, And what has befallen Jerusalem." Pseudepigrapha

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one of those jerks
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Post by one of those jerks » March 1st, 2009, 11:40 am

Now I see where you go the idea i am ten miles from the coast
Ten miles away from here.

Corpus Christ Dreaming.
I wrote that a couple weeks ago when I was visiting my nephew in corpus. His apartment which was ten miles from the water front.

So here we are
me and Billy
the guy I was trying to tell you about
there we were working for 5.25 per hour as cashiers at the fuel desk and I found a part time job working on computers for 15 bucks an hour and I told Billy that the guy wanted to offer him a job too.

Billy used to be a big time computer tech back in the seventies, I mean back when it was hard core. You really had to have skills to work on them Not like now where it is all plug and play.

To get to my point about living in the past.

Billy turned the job down because he used to make a thousand a week working on computers back in the seventies. He would rather work for 5.25 an hour then fifteen.

Is there a point there?

I used to have a book called The Concept of Dread by S.K.

Bitch of a read.
She is twice the man I am.

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