
Truckin'. Still truckin'...

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Post by stilltrucking » September 26th, 2008, 3:21 pm

Sexual healing
A vision of flowers blooming as if in time lapse photography

Nobody has ever been as sexually immature as me. Got dam ain't I special.

Maybe finally
I have grown up
or at least become conscious of my unconscious misery.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 26th, 2008, 3:27 pm


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Post by stilltrucking » September 26th, 2008, 3:27 pm


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diesel dyke
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Post by diesel dyke » September 26th, 2008, 3:52 pm

Repression: Anxiety Filter for the Ego
Michael Fenichel, Ph.D.

Psychoanalytic concepts aside, in 21st Century terms and perspective, repression is the equivalent to a television having a filter on it, or V-Chip, where nothing unwanted gets through, and there is no choice but to have "objectionable" material filtered out. Therapy involves a process of safely removing the filters without causing inadvertant harm by changing the status quo or causing shock to one's sense of morality or values. (One goal of psychoanalyis, in Freudian terms, is to expand the "observing ego" or create ego where once was only id-- or superego.)
"We are made to be immortal, and yet we die. It's horrible, it can't be taken seriously. —ianeskimo"

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Post by stilltrucking » September 26th, 2008, 10:47 pm

ah ming, el mingo
el mingo?
is that an honorary title I hope so

thinking about the woman at the well
How did He know how many husbands she had?

Live in hope and die in despair my Uncle Abe used to tell me
How my aunt betty loved me
remember that song~
"I want a girl just like the girl that married dear old uncle Abe"?

"she's waiting on tables
waiting for the tables to turn" (
A.R.truck stop waitress song writer)
When will the tables turn?
What has changed is women
No doubt
Feminism is the only revolution that means anything to me.

So Nancy P got to find her political balls and proceed on her own with out the good old pols to back her up. I think her father, Old Tommy, the mayor of Baltimore.

Palin is a cutey a real beauty
wouldn't I like to steam her bifocals
Pretty knees
She is a real cunt
I would love to fuck her brains out
But she sounds like a "talker"
and I have never had a woman say anything helpful to me during the sex act. Silent women are such sweet lovers.
What was this about politics?
Hard for me to think about women with out sex
I may have erotomania
but I am sure I am a hypochandriac.

How many jews must we nail to a cross before we all become zen-judists.

I like having a choice
I live in despair and die in despair
I can live in hope and die in hope
Live in hope and die in despair
or live in despair and die in hope.

there is no better world than what I can see.
I am up against the wall of my senses
and the Buddhists say do not objectify sensory data
so I watch NOVA on PBS and see all these neat computer generated graphics of what it is to fall inside a black hole.

I hate that shit
I don't want to transcend
I don't want to reify
I don't want to think about "portals"

Hard to keep up with the metaphysics of e equals mass times the speed of light squared.

So now we can seet twenty six thousand light years into the past.
or is it the future, the present, the presence as it is now.

Like G-d said to Job, what makes you think a schmuck like you could understand my ways. Yeah how do you pronounce G_d?

Maybe those Hebrew children did hear G-d speaking to them. But now he only talks to the gentiles like Sarin Palin and George Bush.

Fucking st paul, somebody should have made him a grease spot on that road to Damascus. Oh well

George Fox that crazy old fart speaks to me still, and then there is that voice with a yiddish accent (or maybe it is a Vienese accent?) what ever the accent it is a voice that spoke to me once in Wheaton Maryland, it spoke to me out of a bare hundred what light bulb. I was laying on a mattress staring up in a ethnogenic induced trance at the time, a copy of Beyond The Pleasure Principle in my hands, it was what I was reading at the time mind tripped out on the chemicals and started staring into the light bulb.

And the voice said to me "jackie what do you want to know? even I don't understand it all" for a long time I thought it was Einstein's Voiec, or maybe Freud's"

Yes I hear voices, what does the bible call them "still quiet voices?"

Nietzsche speaks like an old testament prohet.
I hear Santayana
and Aragon
the hermit of cold mountain
I hear my own voice
the buddha voice
the Christ voice
they tell me not to sweat it

the nature of the brain
it must have two contradictory thoughts in mind at all times
my Zen Freinds tell me that through Meditation I can move beyond the yang ying
Maybe so
I stopped trying to transcend
I flunked hermeneutics 101
I am trusting in the light at the end of the black whole
the illuminated path
the journey
which is
about all I am going to get in this best of all spatio temporal objective fact worlds about us. ( Paraphrase of William Heat Moon and Edmond Husserl.)

My bubble
like a space ship
I share with the good witch Glinda.

Towers keep on falling
Galaxies keep on distintergrating

It is good for children to burry their parents
It is hard for parents to burry their children

Loved this one el mingo
thank you for the inspiration
pardon me being so literal

"Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie"

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Post by stilltrucking » September 26th, 2008, 10:50 pm

Pretty long winded reply to your text box which was the soul of succinctness and and perspicacity.

I will edit my reply down to some thing more readable.

but not just yet.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 26th, 2008, 10:51 pm

On second thought as embarrassing as it is I will leave it as it is.

with an apology for the mindless ramble.

My will to power is a will to nothingness.

I hope Obama gets his chair

I hope McCain gets his erection.

I hope you forgive my non sense.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 28th, 2008, 4:38 am

Frankly, I’ve come to think, post-Kissinger, post-Katie-Couric, that Palin’s nomination isn’t just an insult to the women (and men) of America. It’s an act of cruelty toward her as well.

Poor Sarah

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Post by the mingo » September 30th, 2008, 7:42 am

If Sarah didn't want it she could have just stayed to home. She's not in Alaska anymore. She could have just said no. The news is just morbid fascination entertainment. All she has to do is make assholes fall in love, & do it in such a way that said assholes will love her for it.
Jackie Kennedy did it without even trying.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Post by Doreen Peri » September 30th, 2008, 8:00 am

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

I watched this last night.... Bill Maher called her a bimbo. :)

That part doesn't start until about half way through this clip.

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Post by mtmynd » October 1st, 2008, 8:48 am

whadda thread!

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the mingo
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Post by the mingo » October 4th, 2008, 9:21 am

Hey Jack, sorry 'bout taking so long 'bout this but I'm replying to your post of Friday, September 26 @ 10:47 p.m. - you spoke of the woman at the well and you asked "How did He know how many husbands she'd had?" He knew because He is the King of what is to come.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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Post by stilltrucking » October 5th, 2008, 7:44 pm

Funny thing about Jesus for me
I always here the beatles cometogether

He got jew jew eyeballs

He never met a woman he did not respect

After Jitterbug

He might have been the kindest man who ever lived.

He got me through a long night, I owe him for a good night's sleep in 1974 when I was desperate to dive deep into it

But I find it hard to do theology el Mingo.

G-d is not my real estate broker.

But I have felt the love of my own personal jesus

Mangled quote form Spinoza?
nothing bought more dearly than that paid for by prayer

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Post by tinkerjack » October 6th, 2008, 8:01 am

Nothing costs so much as what is bought by prayers.---
You know more about theology than I do, I remember our discussion about 'Christ killers'

I am still thinking about Kierkegaard's comment about why we need preachers in Christendom. I forget where it is from maybe from here Attack on Christendom

Table of Contents

i to will one thing 1
1 Dare to Decide
2 Either/Or
3 Under the Spell
of Good Intentions
4 The Greatest Danger
5 The Task
6 Against the Crowd

ii truth and the passion
of inwardness 49

13 Truth Is the Way
14 The Road Is How
15 Two Ways of Reflection
16 The Weight of Inwardness
17 Christ Has No Doctrine
18 Faith: The Matchless
Lack of Logic

iii the works of love 91
25 God’s Triumphant Love
26 Neighbor Love
27 The Greater Love
28 Love the Person You See
29 Love’s Hidden Need

iv anxiety and the gospel
of suffering 125

34 Nebuchadnezzar
35 The War Within
36 Sickness Unto Death
37 The Dynamics of Despair
7 Suspending the Ethical
8 To Need God Is Perfection
9 Purity of Heart
10 Emissaries from Eternity
11 God Has No Cause
12 An Eternity in Which
to Repent
19 Passion and Paradox
20 The Folly of Proving
God’s Existence
21 Answering Doubt
22 Alone With God’s Word
23 Followers not Admirers
24 Fear and Trembling
30 Love Builds Up
31 Love’s Like-for-Like
32 Love Abides – Forever!
33 When Love Is Secure
38 Consider the Lilies
39 Behold the Birds of the Air
40 The Royal Coachman
41 The Invitation
42 When the Burden Is Light
43 A Dangerous Schooling

v christian collisions 16945 The Offense
46 What Says the Fire Chief?
47 Christianity Does
Not Exist
48 What Madness
49 The Echo Answers
50 The Tax Collector

vi thoughts that radically cure:
excerpts and aphorisms 209

58 Anxiety and Despair
59 Becoming Christian
60 The Bible
61 Christ
62 Christendom and
Counterfeit Christianity
63 The Cross
64 The Crowd
65 Decisiveness
66 Doctrine and Theology
67 Doubt and Skepticism
68 The Eternal
69 Existence and the
70 Faith and Reason
71 Following Jesus
72 Forgiveness
73 Freedom
74 God
75 God’s Love
76 Grace
77 The Human Condition

Index of Parables and Stories 417

Sources 419

Annotated Bibliography 427
51 Gospel for the Poor
52 How God Relates Inversely
53 Undercover Clergy
54 “First the Kingdom of God”
55 Childish Orthodoxy
56 Kill the Commentators!
57 Church Militan
78 The Individual
79 Inwardness and Subjectivity
80 Love
81 Obedience
82 Passion
83 Politics and the State
84 Prayer
85 Preaching and Proclamation
86 Purity
87 Repentance
88 Sacrifice and Self-Denial
89 Silence and Solitude
90 Sin
91 Spiritual Trial
92 Suffering
93 Tribulation and Persecution
94 Truth
95 Venturing and Risk
96 Witness
97 Works
98 Worship
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I used to be smart

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the mingo
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Post by the mingo » October 6th, 2008, 8:56 am

Whew! Didn't know it was a whole book, just spent a half hour reading the introduction. Good God - but he might be right. I agree that the many churches today are not the church as it is spoken of in the New Testament. Not the ecclesia, not the "called out ones". Huge subject. Huge. Life in its greatest sense, with a capital L. The kind of life that swallows up what is mortal.
Doll, you may have found a place of rest but I'm still on the trail.

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