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Truckin'. Still truckin'...

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Post by stilltrucking » December 6th, 2008, 5:23 pm

I used to hate Robert Mugabe and Cholera

But now I see that we are making progress.

I wish I knew what I am talking about.

Stuff that the desert takes away

Thoughts like that

I can see why you are drawn to it


deleted from creative board 12/14/08

Of Course
Some things never change
Jesus Christ And Politicians

You still cannot get a straight answer from a politician
To a simple Question
"Is Iran a threat to the Unitied States?"

the answer is not
yes or no
Blue or Red
Republican or Democrat
The answer is
"By any means Necessary"

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Post by stilltrucking » February 26th, 2009, 10:27 pm

another deletion
this one from introductions

I also took a lot of shit there, mudshark called me a Nazi,
I think that hurt worse than the guy who wanted to fuck my poor dead mother up the ass and dribble cum down her back. They were a cool bunch of people alright. Cecil called me an old fucking fool and he was right about that too.
I wonder what ever happened to CitizenArmy?

Sometimes after I have my stroke if I am not lucky and it don't kill me it will leave me feeling much better to forget all the shit I took there, I must have been very lonely and vain, they finally had to just bar me for life.

I was there to pick up chicks I guess.
I even hit on judih
jamelah's mother had to flame me

I am still busy being born and dying
I always get what I got coming
My karma is shitty
But life is beautiful
And there are worse things than death

Everything is perfect
So many beautiful women there
I am glad I got to read them.

I like shinny things
I love soap bubbles
I love seeing my reflection in them
I may change my handle to bubble boy

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Post by judih » February 27th, 2009, 1:52 am

wait, you hit on me?
damn, i missed it. i thought we were always family.

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Post by stilltrucking » February 27th, 2009, 4:42 am

You were pretty cool about it. You said "WTF, stilltrucking who do you think I am?"

You are so beautiful
You shine

We Are Family,

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Post by mtmynd » February 27th, 2009, 5:00 pm

you old bubble boy, you!

sounds better than that (forgetful) 'old fool' i think.

flashback: Soo & I were on our way to Santa Fe years ago and made a snack stop in Socorro (NM). In getting outta there I wanted to turn around to get back on 25 and saw what I thought was a roadway onto the main drag in town. Then all of a sudden a car turns in to where I was going out and slides to a stop next to me.

"Get off the road you old fool!" yells this young teenage blonde air head.

I was so taken away by that remark that I had no choice but to laugh. Soo joined me and repeated those words "You old fool!"

I reckon, like you, I'll never forget those words nor who said them.

... but, Jack, you'll always be 'truck' to me, amigo. ;)
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Post by tarbaby » February 27th, 2009, 10:25 pm

Wish I was an old fucking fool. Thinking about the conversation that led to me being called a N*zi. Maybe after I told that joke about the difference between a Jew and a canoe, no it was a Jew and a Pizza. A bad joke I got a sick sense of humor. Even homeboy knows that.

Venus and the crescent moon bright over Guadalupe county tonight. 90-degree day a front blowing in. down in the forties tomorrow night.

A good time to head down to the coast if you like to fish.

I wonder sometimes just how many women on litkicks have a Palestinian grandmother. Boy oh boy, Jamelah had plenty reason to be offended by me. But god help a man when women unite against their common enemy.

I was not was I am a fortunate son to have made a few friends online. SooZen one of my first, me so afraid of trying my hand at action poetry, she and judih and doreen encouraged me to try.
It was an action poem that made me act so stupid. The woman with the Palestinian grandmother wrote one about an old man sitting on a park bench holding a leaf and I spit out another tooth yesterday. At least this time I did not wind up in jail for the weekend like that time in Oklahoma

My mynd wanders into the bitter herbs again
my apologies
sincerely still trucking

There is no free brunch the second law of thermodynamics says. Did you ever notice that after a trip you walked around with your knuckles dragging on the ground for a few days after?
It was not really over in twelve hours, or so it seemed to me after about the 20th time. Or maybe it was just that stuff going around in the early seventies.

Bitter herbs put a strain on consciousness after the fact too.

Sorry I was not more help with the video, sounds like a memory problem to me. Just going to have to wait on them to download I guess.

.If you get a chance check this out
I think you will like it. Trust me :wink:

video courtesy of Geoff Parsons

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“Where is that man who has forgotten words that I may have a word with him?”

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Post by mtmynd » February 28th, 2009, 2:50 pm

exhaustion is the result of any trip
and as the body ages trips become
less frequent because time will not
allow the full necessity of exhaustion
to compliment the advantage gained.

best to retire from the tripping and
reflect upon the gains and losses
which holds up your memories today


just me postulating the frequency of doubt over the whine of jests

i should return to my once committed passion of painting
and close the book on my loss of words to entertain.
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Post by gypsyjoker » February 28th, 2009, 3:09 pm

we are wrapped in words from our first breath
it is our extro biological womb that shrouds our minds
walking talking big sad apes

I don't know when words became entertaining
maybe that is what makes us truly human

I love this one by Artguy

The Poet's Shroud

I was in my thirties, it was not so much a physical exhaustion, but of a psychic numbness. Mental exhaustion. As if I had been so smart for twelve hours and now I was beat. Not a bad feeling, but not one was conducive to mundane concerns of this best of all worlds that surrounds us. Best to allow several days of contemplation and solitude.

Been near thirty years now since I did any chemicals. I lost faith in them. I think a lot of what was sold for lsd was cut with a lot of other things, strychnine and speed the rumors said. This was a long time after you and Owsley.

but a couple of times over that period I have been fortunate to have eaten some delicious mushroom omelets and cactus salad

I would again if I could afford a week off.
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Post by mtmynd » February 28th, 2009, 4:19 pm

"Been near thirty years now since I did any chemicals. I lost faith in them. I think a lot of what was sold for lsd was cut with a lot of other things, strychnine and speed the rumors said."

Probably the same here. It was such a sacrilege to find out those tabs of acid had been cut with nonsense... i even heard of one going around at the time that was cut with elephant tranquilers. who would know of such a thing, but why in the hell would i take a chance on shit like that??? no telling how much shit i ingested that was cut into the 10 - 12 trips I took... the first was the only truly valid experience when compared with the others.. chasing my own tail.
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Post by stilltrucking » February 28th, 2009, 4:24 pm

well said

The most valid trip for me was not my first, that was a lot of fun. There were seven or eight, maybe six or seven people who tripped together that first time.

Only one or two of us had tripped before.

The two most significant for me was the night silent woman and I tripped together.

And the one where I was alone except for a couple of books by Nietzsche.

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Post by mtmynd » February 28th, 2009, 4:39 pm

alone. i find that hard to imagine myself taking something as powerful as pure lsd all alone... it's not something i'd ever consider. you're a brave man, truck, to have done that and lived to tell about it. but you weren't really alone being in the fine company of one Nietzsche, who I would hope you gained some new insights..?
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Post by stilltrucking » February 28th, 2009, 4:49 pm

I only read one book by him Cecil. Not so much read as ethched.

Insights into a woman's heart

He was a macho duck old nietzsche was

Lord lordy,
I picked up a book called Confessions of Famous Men.

One of the bits was by Nietzsche about sleeping with his sister.

I am trying to put it in a nutshell

I suppose he gave me the witness I needed to confront the dread I felt as a child when my father would devise ingenius punishments for me. He knew my fears so well. He never struck me, never hit never beat on me, he left that to my mother.

Yes Nietzsche left me naked to the lidless eye

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Post by mtmynd » February 28th, 2009, 4:58 pm

"I needed to confront the dread I felt as a child when my father would devise ingenius punishments for me. He knew my fears so well. He never struck me, never hit never beat on me, he left that to my mother. "

after reading this i kept asking myself questions -

"how old was he then?"

"his father had to have had some really fucked up life to treat his youngest son like that... i wonder what it was ? did he repeat what had happened to him as a youngster?"

"did his father do anything like that to his brother or sister?"

"did this man beat his mother when he was drunk?"

sorry, truck... that's the kinda stuff my head goes thru ... questions, questions, questions.... i have no control over them..
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Post by stilltrucking » February 28th, 2009, 5:08 pm

Freud wrote his life story, that was his holy trinity Cecil. He was affectionately known to the family as Crazy Mike.

One book by Nietzsche, was two books combined, The Genealogy of Morals and the other book was The Birth of Tragedy. but the one that did it was the Genealogy of Morals.

Strange reading

You sound so rational Cecil, I don't know if you could pin it down to something his parents did. Maybe it was genetic. I can not tell you how many years I lived in dread of being his son. The youngest son of a youngest son.

If not for my siblings I would be crazier than I am, after this life of mine my brothers and sister are the most precious gift my parents gave me.

"In a dark time the eye begins to see" I can't get that poem out of my mind when I think of that kid locked in that rat infested cellar with the stench of the death.

I prefer to see myself as a fortunate son

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Post by mtmynd » March 1st, 2009, 2:03 am

"I can not tell you how many years I lived in dread of being his son. The youngest son of a youngest son. "

... and you are still living in dread with those memories as if they were just this morning. mind can be a wicked place that holds us like prisoner all our lives... if we don't let those memories fade into the past.

ten miles from Corpus Christi. damn.. i bet you can smell the salt water on breezy days. i was born in Galveston a long time ago.
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