Shaky Town

Truckin'. Still truckin'...

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Shaky Town

Post by stilltrucking » March 5th, 2009, 12:15 am

Everything is shaky

But I don't have the adrenalin shakes yet.

I spend too much time reading the papers

Everything gets so abstract

Nothing flying over head but the occasional jet fighter

Nothing going by here but trains.

And the occasional asteroid.

I don't what what was accomplished with Cast Lead.

I kept hoping something good would come from a war.

Reading Haaretz today.

I never found any thing that sounded like good news.

Iran threatening missile strikes on Israeli nuclear sites.

Letters to the editor full of hate.

So quiet here to night, the windows are open,

Waiting for the next train to come by

I can hear the diesel drone way off in the distance, soon I will hear the blast of the air horn.

The only good news I got for you is that a asteroid missed the earth the other day.

Yes I hear the horn coming.

Sometimes the trains drive me crazy

other times they are temple bells in the night.

SO got dam angry so powerless to do anything to stop those rockets from coming your way.

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