
Truckin'. Still truckin'...

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Post by stilltrucking » March 10th, 2009, 6:33 pm

Woke up thinking about Rwanda's genocide

Is it a footnote to history yet?

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Post by mtmynd » March 10th, 2009, 7:46 pm

Overpopulation has desperate consequences that don't bode well for the comm'unity of hu'manity.
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Post by stilltrucking » March 10th, 2009, 9:11 pm

we are fruitful multipliers

I read somewhere that the earth could support a population of fifty billion

. But of course would require trade offs too horrible to contemplate. No more Big Mac's, no wars, etc. I don't think I could make it on a diet of corn, beans and squash. And I would miss war too.

Going from memory the hatred between the Hutu and Tootsie was not so much a problem of population as a legacy of the colonial policy of creating animosity between tribes. The old divide and conquer I suppose.

I may be wrong I would have to google

900,000 people in a couple of weeks.

And the white folks in Washington DC said tsk tsk.

We begin with a lie
. The music for that video is so haunting and beautiful I wonder if it is this.

I am so stupid about music.

A hell of a book about the genocide by a Canadian general who was trying to stop it.

The book was called Shake Hands With The Devil.

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Post by mtmynd » March 11th, 2009, 4:41 pm

i agree with what you said here, but wouldn't you agree that overpopulation makes it extremely difficult to take care of all the troubles and problems that arise from so many mouths needing food and so many cries needing love... so many needing so much ... so much more than can be equitably shared..?

this is a very complex situation that requires the Buddhist comment that everything is perfect... and why fool with perfection..?
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Post by stilltrucking » March 11th, 2009, 4:51 pm

over population definitely a problem, not sure what can be done about that,

it feels so good to fuck maybe some form of birth control that takes the pleasure out of sex,

I think maybe Kurt Vonnegut might have beat me to the punch on that, it sounds like something he might write

Thinking about all the religious wackos that Bush appointed to the National Institute of Health, the FDA and other scientific agencies that fought things like stem cell research, contraception i.e. the morning after pill, and so on so forth

I liked this cartoon


Thanks for dropping by.

Thinking about those Palestinian women with ten children, brood mares for the Jihad.

Not just a matter of education to get population under control all that fucking ideology to overcome.

She says I pander to women but I think the only revolution that matters is feminism.

I don't know anything about women Cecil, are they completely helpless and docile cows? I see women in Darfur starving trying to breast feed babies, rape victims? how the hell can people keep on breeding in a refugee camp. Women have no rights I suppose.

Life is beautiful, and I think of everything is perfect as more Hindu than Buddhist, but I know so little about it.

Do you remember the scene in the Jack London novel the Sea Wolf where Wolf Larsen is riffing on how sacred life is?
Last edited by stilltrucking on March 11th, 2009, 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by stilltrucking » March 11th, 2009, 5:08 pm

The Sea Wolf
"But you, who make a mock of human life, don't you place any value upon it whatever?" I demanded.

"Value? What value?" He looked at me, and though his eyes were steady and motionless, there seemed a cynical smile in them. "What kind of value? How do you measure it? Who values it?"

"I do," I made answer.

"Then what is it worth to you? Another man's life, I mean. Come now, what is it worth?"

The value of life? How could I put a tangible value upon it? Somehow, I, who have always had expression, lacked expression when with Wolf Larsen. I have since determined that a part of it was due to the man's personality, but that the greater part was due to his totally different outlook. Unlike other materialists I had met and with whom I had something in common to start on, I had nothing in common with him. Perhaps, also, it was the elemental simplicity of his mind that baffled me. He drove so directly to the core of the matter, divesting a question always of all superfluous details, and with such an air of finality, that I seemed to find myself struggling in deep water, with no footing under me. Value of life? How could I answer the question on the spur of the moment? The sacredness of life I had accepted as axiomatic. That it was intrinsically valuable was a truism I had never questioned. But when he challenged the truism I was speechless.

"We were talking about this yesterday," he said. "I held that life was a ferment, a yeasty something which devoured life that it might live, and that living was merely successful piggishness. Why, if there is anything in supply and demand, life is the cheapest thing in the world. There is only so much water, so much earth, so much air; but the life that is demanding to be born is limitless. Nature is a spendthrift. Look at the fish and their millions of eggs. For that matter, look at you and me. In our loins are the possibilities of millions of lives. Could we but find time and opportunity and utilize the last bit and every bit of the unborn life that is in us, we could become the fathers of nations and populate continents. Life? Bah! It has no value. Of cheap things it is the cheapest. Everywhere it goes begging. Nature spills it out with a lavish hand. Where there is room for one life, she sows a thousand lives, and it's life eats life till the strongest and most piggish life is left."

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Post by mtmynd » March 11th, 2009, 5:26 pm

it takes life to make life
and when mine is taken
whose will take my place?

will they even know me
or much less even care...
as long as life keeps taking
all life is, is for the making
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Post by stilltrucking » March 11th, 2009, 7:00 pm

it takes life to make life
you think so?

Primordial Soup


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