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Hold that thought

Posted: March 26th, 2014, 9:19 am
by stilltrucking

Re: Hold that thought

Posted: March 26th, 2014, 1:16 pm
by the mingo
crack me up 8)

Re: Hold that thought

Posted: March 26th, 2014, 9:13 pm
by stilltrucking
The evening news don't go two nights in a row without a pedophile story. Watched a show about J.D. Salinger and young girls, one about 13 when she started writing him, but he waited till she was 18 till he married her.
I Read Lolita in Tehran an
the theft of childhood and person-hood.

Oona O'Neill sixteen was dating men old enough to be her grandfather.

Some childhoods are trashed, some are stolen. But I think she had a grip on hers.

Oona O'Neill must have been a remarkable woman. She must have had more than youth and beauty going for her.
Betsy a remarkable woman also, i miss jamming with her

Words wrods words I should have signed in as tarbaby
"where can I find a man who forgets about words and..."
nobody I would rather forget about words with more than mingo

Re: What's the use in dying

Posted: November 18th, 2023, 2:50 pm
by tarbaby
Re:Studio eight is a Turing test

puny pecker blues again when nothing is real not even death so I smoke a cigarette and listen to
I'm chained upon the face of time
Feelin' full of foolish rhyme
There ain't no dark till something shines
I'm bound to leave this dark behind