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Sunrise Sunset on Studio Eight

Posted: April 18th, 2014, 12:06 pm
by stilltrucking
the death and despair
cynicism and sarcasm
life is absurd
live long and prosper
die old and decrepit
cheer up it could be worse
diet of bitter herbs
horse raddish and matzos
good friday transcendental blues

I am trying to think if I could round up six pall bearers for my funeral
of course they would all have to be jews
two brother, three nephews, and one great nephew
wow now if I could only scrape together a couple of thousand bucks to cater my funeral
I could rest in peace as soon as I lose another forty pounds,

in the meantime I will "play the lotto and pray to jesus"

sunrise sunset

Re: Sunrise Sunset on Studio Eight

Posted: April 18th, 2014, 12:26 pm
by stilltrucking
if I had my druthers
if I could overcome my prejudices
I would rather be cremated
what does that do for my chances of a Judeo/Christian resurection, I don't think it jibes with the Jews, not orthodox anyway.

I am an ignorant child
ignorant of the religion
of my mothers and fathers before me

I feel better about death if I was not still so heavy, I want to lighten up for the sake of those that will bear me away.

I want to be the incredible shrinking man.

Stress test, oh lordy

most be that hash I had with my egg beaters giving me this morbid moment
yes paradise waits for me
hash tag fear

I got to quit smoking
heart pounding when I go up the stairs
I am scared shitless at the thought of a stress test

fear, crazy mike comes to me
don't let it be

Re: Sunrise Sunset on Studio Eight

Posted: April 18th, 2014, 12:55 pm
by stilltrucking
Spanish dreams a cross of feathers
crown of tears

Save the glaciers
save the cows
feed the chickens

mushroom omelets
snakes everywhere
the goddess dances

the master game
glass beads

shoot the moon
she swoons for

That Mind Which Has No Beginning:

A Reading of Hesse’s Glass Bead Game with Gadamer’s Truth and Method

by Christine Hoff Kraemer

Re: Sunrise Sunset on Studio Eight

Posted: April 18th, 2014, 1:09 pm
by stilltrucking
In the United States the habilitation does not exist. There the Ph.D. is the highest academic degree and entitles the holder to supervise doctoral dissertations and conduct "unsupervised" research. It has been claimed that the level of academic achievement required for a habilitation can be compared to American and Canadian tenure review. However, the difference between habilitation and tenure review is that the former is granted as a degree-like professorial certification rather than an employment status within a given school or university.

I am a rounder

Posted: April 27th, 2014, 4:05 pm
by silent woman
hello stranger.PNG

Hello, Stranger

The casual social interactions we often avoid may actually make us happier. ... ef=opinion

I am a stranger too

Re: Sunrise Sunset on Studio Eight

Posted: April 27th, 2014, 9:03 pm
by the mingo
Entering town by bike along the east side of the river today I spoke to someone walking to work at the senior living center - I said "Now just ain't it a drop dead gorgeous day?" Complete stranger she was she smiled a smile not expecting to be spoken to.

Re: Sunrise Sunset on Studio Eight

Posted: April 28th, 2014, 8:32 pm
by stilltrucking
always nice surprise to get spoken to here, since sad luck dame took flight I hardly talk to anyone here.

"you get what you settle for" the greatest chic movie of all time

image source ... on/100723/

Re: Sunrise Sunset on Studio Eight

Posted: April 29th, 2014, 1:17 pm
by the mingo
Hey it's the Czar - yeah the Dame went poof! dust in the wind - I told her it was bound to happen but she denied it to the very end - 8)

Re: Sunrise Sunset on Studio Eight

Posted: April 29th, 2014, 7:44 pm
by stilltrucking
All the crowned heads of Europe gathered in London for a funeral. All related —descendents of Queen Victoria. World War One was a family affair, except for us, we were just trying to make a buck on it and got sucked in by our high morals.

Oh well, random thoughts, my reading is random,

my thoughts are random
my fears stay pretty much the same
just the thoughts come and go
Am I a prisoner of my thoughts

a catchy title but when I try to read the article I get a malware warning from my browser so I get scared and immediately back out.

PRISONERS OF THOUGHT- When Random Ideas Become Obsessive Fears NEWSCIENTIST

Re: Sunrise Sunset on Studio Eight

Posted: April 30th, 2014, 9:17 pm
by myrna minkoff
Bully boy
Rolland Weary

Joey Rosenthal
Bill Bilgrim

first dream of someone who I knew who died
my memory of being a bully
he in my dream

a child's death
a man could go crazy
thinking too much
thank god for dreams

I would be really crazy without those
or at least worse than I am
Neptune Society™
Maybe I could get a job writing greeting cards for them, yuck yuck :lol: