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Posted: March 8th, 2008, 10:22 pm
by mousey1
yes, the fat lady may be cumbersome
but she can sing of summer sun
and make you feel you're glad you lasted
through winter's heartless bitchy blasting

and as she sings I'll dance along
so glad that winter's finally gone

three cheers for springtime sprouting

and being glad to be alive! :)

Posted: March 9th, 2008, 3:36 am
by stilltrucking
I sound like pandermoanium
but it is only karma

I must have been a killa
in another life time

But I can't remember
Nothing about past lives

except sitting in a tree
eating a bananer
happy little monky
and then I fell

blamed it on a woman
can't you tell

now all my friends drive porsches
and I must make a mend-zzz

they say all men are gay
some just don't know better
they feel real loose
like a long necked goose
for a big eyed girl
chantilly lace and a pony tail

woman to woman to child to daughter to woman
back to eve
back to the darkness over the water

before men
but after women

medusa redeemed
hell hath no fury
like a woman hater

so they say
never underestimate the power of a giggling girl

no body is defenseless

strange days
wonderful days
of wonders and joy
the blessings of longevity
at long last peace in my heart

searching for the ryhme
all I need is a beat
a treat to beat your meat
in the mississipi mud

see ya round like a donut.

silicon pals of mine

Posted: March 21st, 2008, 5:59 am
by stilltrucking
Got some new pictures of my hai tree, well we made it through another winter my life line tree and me. I watch it anxiously every year to see if there is any life in the lightning shattered old tree and me. In the bottom picture despite my poor skills as a photographer you may be able to see the green budding leaves.

Just saying howdy, I only thought about you a couple of times today. Wanted to give you the happy news about my tree and me.

This is the leaf shot, I got a new camera I am going to try it again, but this the best I can do for now.

Posted: March 21st, 2008, 7:46 am
by stilltrucking
I finally figured out
what it was

it was that cute little kissy mousey1 avatar

I found myself saying

"For crying out loud she is a cartoon mouse"

I am a sick puppy
what can I say
you got class mousey1

Posted: March 22nd, 2008, 9:30 pm
by mousey1
That old tree seems to be on it's last legs
and one day I suppose tis but a matter of time
it shall totter over
but until then it consistently turns to green
and shades a little smile on our lives.

As for me ol' avatar, tis a sexy little mouse to be sure
and who wouldn't swoon and swain

We must never get too big for our britches
but remain as humble as the mouse
who can take over a house
shit in all our drawers
be stomped on at a moments notice

yet still make us scream and scatter
at the sight of it's scurrying tail.


Anyway, thank God it's spring. Can't wait to sit in a bed of flowers, pretend I'm blooming! :wink:

Posted: March 23rd, 2008, 2:12 am
by stilltrucking
thank god it is spring

second that

It is what is left of a mesquite tree, I come to depend on it as a land mark to navigate my way among the back country roads. Going to miss it.
The tree won't get a chance to topple over
there was a sign in front of it all winter
"Land for sale"
The sign is gone now but I see surveyors stakes in the ground around the tree.

I am just a superstitious old fool.
to think my life entwined with that tree'

But there is a live oak tree outside my door...

Beautiful tree, i used to want to be reincarnated as a tree back during my trippy days.

it was your sense of humor

Posted: March 23rd, 2008, 12:33 pm
by mousey1
my humour, an acquired taste I know
and so easy to misconstrue
you always cut it some slack
from the get go
I think.


To be intertwined with a tree is certainly knot
a bad thing
trees are life
sad that so many people want to hack into them
make room for more
for more of the same nothing

reminds me of the song from Weeds...Little Boxes

"Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes made of ticky tacky,
Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes all the same.
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one,
And they're all made out of ticky tacky
And they all look just the same."

I love trees. We need to make room for them. Even the old, gnarled, decrepit ones, they've the most character.

Posted: March 23rd, 2008, 2:44 pm
by stilltrucking
It is an ugly old tree
and it is a mesquite, which is an alien from Asia I think
they are taken over the niches occupied by native species
they take up a huge amount of ground water I think

so I think, or remember reading some where

Which is what they say about weeping willows
which I love dearly

First time I went to california
I feel in love with those old Eucalyptus trees

but the tree that keeps me going all winter
is the live oak before my garden
oh yes and the Pecan trees in the fall
like mana from heaven
it is manna from heaven

pecan pie
screen shot of homer simpson droooling

on the ticky tacky houses
there are humans in every one
everybody got to be somewhere
but still they could leave some trees
but it was cheaper to clear cut
and that is a good bumbper sticker
"suburbia where they cut down all the trees and name streets after them"

Posted: April 20th, 2008, 12:07 pm
by mousey1
Weeping willows are perhaps my favorite tree. No they don't blossom but their branches, lush trellises that hang down wispily and swoosh breezily inside of me. They do not weep at all, but sigh.

Posted: May 17th, 2008, 4:06 pm
by gypsyjoker
I keep a deck of visual aids in my mind
moments of joy imprinted on the back of each card

The Jack of Diamonds

a june evening
in the darkness under
a weeping willow
lightning bugs flashing

The Good Ten

warm september day
Severn River
Sunlight rippling water
the rustle of sails

Sometimes at the end of a difficult day
I deal myself a hand of serenity.

Posted: July 5th, 2008, 11:35 am
by mousey1
Beautiful writing there, gypsy, dealing yourself a hand of serenity, sounds like a choice thing to do, choice as in great. The serendipity of serenity, gotta love those itys!

Weeping willows are lovely trees. Gazing at starlight and the moon up through them is priceless. They add such greater appeal. And provide friends too, I recall sitting beneath one in the back yard and being visited by a wiggly little worm who decided to lower itself down and perch on my hair. Thing is, I didn't notice him/her until later in the day when spied in the mirror. We spent the day in each others solace without, at least me, being aware of it!... I crushed him!!! Ah hahahahahahahahaha ha I didn't, I released him back into the wilds to tangle in someone else's locks! :wink:

Thanks for your contributions here, gypsyj, I enjoy them.

Posted: July 11th, 2008, 5:22 am
by stilltrucking
Thinking about that post you made to Wireman's Luke Skywalker thread on General
so regret don't gnaw you in the tomb
Reminded me of this bit from Plath's poem

Dialogue Between Ghost and Priest
'In life, love gnawed my skin
To this white bone;
What love did then, love does now:
Gnaws me through.'

Posted: July 26th, 2008, 2:36 am
by mousey1
I've never read much Plath...very little if any.

She a bit of a tortured soul I reckon. Well they do write the best often. Digging so deep into those depths most of us cannot, would not, wish to plummet.

Regret is a bitch with an ice pick, eh, stilltrucking?

Posted: July 26th, 2008, 9:09 am
by stilltrucking
No mousey one
the way I remember it is

"Language is a bitch with an ice pick" (someone on litkicks a long long time ago.)

Look at me I am old
& I am a failure at everything
even so
I am still happy
life is still beautiful
and I am grateful to be alive
regrets and all

I suppose if I was a woman
Plath would give me the squirms too.
"Even when a man understands a woman, he can't believe it."

so long mousey

Posted: July 26th, 2008, 8:30 pm
by mousey1
Yeah I know, but I gave it a retrofit! I just forgot to use a winky... :wink:

She doesn't give me the squirms. I just wish she could've found her happiness. Some peace within her delicate skin.

And where you going now, still...trucking? Are you high tailing it outta here on the down low?

Well I'll see you in the funny the frame marked square! :P

I count my blessings, helps pass the time waiting for more.