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Drop by drop by lemon drop it drips

Posted: September 15th, 2007, 12:11 pm
by mousey1
I suppose I am a gushing frenzied fool
a pea nut buttered, wrapped in cellophane
jelly sandwich
crusted shame
who eats and is eaten up
by the jolly rogers
pirated expressionists who claim
claim to understand

I doubt it
feelings, tears, peels of laughter
shield the gut
shit storms of fears
plenty of what on God's green terra firma
is she after

do you know
or care to even touch the lucid edge
the wafting simpering shaded veil
that curtsies low to all your reasoning

surround your very heart
just wall it in
I've got my climbing shoes
and this my sturdy length of rope
to scale
but I would rather walk right in
the open door
plop my rusted self
upon the heart strings there
and give a tug
a healthy tug
and wash myself refreshed
in tides of flooding love

Ah well
I wrap myself in dreams all fluttering
and pluck them one by one
forgotten long ago

Posted: September 15th, 2007, 12:25 pm
by mousey1
I need to remember it's just for you these things I do these poems I render, set before eyes, not be hurt by the self perceived shudders and peeling laughter.

One requires the staunchest of hearts
to display their bits, their inadequate pieces
on the page.

Contrary to public opinion
timidity rages

Posted: September 16th, 2007, 11:54 am
by mousey1
drop by drop by lemon drop it drips
out on the page
bitter, sometimes raging
inner eye all seeing
fails to question why
I watch the words, their weaving hypnotize

a shawl of discontent I pull around me
draw some comfort from
fall easy into notions that one can't always
rise above

intermittent songs of season
songs of reason
sing of doubt
and there is hardly any pleasure
in this constant go without

but I survive

Posted: September 16th, 2007, 12:13 pm
by mousey1
maybe it takes cold to love cold
understand the frigid touch
the warmth within

the inner cries

we are not cold! but hidden!
once were bitten
bitten by the hand
that failed to feed us!

and somewhere far away
the softest voice subsides
no echo rings
to cling to

and so it dies.

I apologize for this

I made you doubt