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and where's the fucking tuba

Posted: November 28th, 2007, 12:56 pm
by mousey1
I wish I had the eyes to see right
right through to the insights
not get lost amid the morning dew
wandering fields of flowers and promises true
I wish I had the eyes of morning doves
up high on high wires bird's eye view
flapping my contritions

Posted: November 28th, 2007, 12:56 pm
by mousey1
I could carry on a conversation
I suppose
writing wise trilogies in the dust
blown away

Posted: November 28th, 2007, 12:57 pm
by mousey1
overcrowded recognitions
how ya doin', how's your day
simply smiling walking away
under spoken under done
mindless reason
faking fun
same old sameness
races run
cakewalk fashion
duck walk done

Posted: November 28th, 2007, 12:58 pm
by mousey1
this plucking melodies out of nothing
facing each day as if
you're actually ready for it
orchestrated, played
every note
and where's the fucking tuba?
I can't keep time.

Posted: November 28th, 2007, 1:14 pm
by stilltrucking
this plucking melodies out of nothing


I liked these a lot
thank you
I have edited this post so many times, come close to deleting it a couple of times.

Trying to keep it simple but I can't seem to say what I feel about these poems. They leave me close to tears, but happy and satisfied.

Agog. maybe that is the word I was looking for.

Posted: December 27th, 2007, 1:22 pm
by mousey1
Thank you, stilltrucking. I appreciate you coming to read. I appreciate the 'agog'. :D

Write for the audience of one, yourself, and hope that someone, somewhere, is moved by it, grasps hold of some meaning, feels the heart that beats behind the pen.

No one wants to oompah alone.

Posted: January 5th, 2008, 1:02 pm
by mtmynd
"No one wants to oompah alone."

alone is where it all begins.

alone is where it all ends.

alone... alone... even for the joy experienced...
it begins and ends alone.

alone in our thoughts.
alone in our fantasy.
alone in our wants and desires.
alone where it all begins.
alone where it all ends.

bah'lone!! ;-)

Posted: January 6th, 2008, 8:21 pm
by mousey1
Ha Ha Ha mt Ha Ha Ha

Ba lone ey!

Clever bit of wittery.


tuba or not tuba. :wink:

Posted: January 6th, 2008, 8:40 pm
by mtmynd
i just luv yr laff, mouseyone! :lol:

rub-a-tub-a tuba!!

Posted: January 8th, 2008, 3:36 pm
by mousey1
and I yours
:lol: lips all aquiver!

Hey, how are the lifestyle changes coming along
are you now a rail a rake of blooming good health?
I hope so. So good to have the nourishment of the wise seeker back! :D

Posted: January 8th, 2008, 3:41 pm
by mousey1
We all need a tuba in our lives
to blow and halt and huff and puff in honesty
so base the quality
the steady hand that carries all the weight
knows the tune
and so accompanies...

Posted: January 9th, 2008, 12:19 am
by mtmynd
m-1 : "Hey, how are the lifestyle changes coming along..."

Doing what the doctor's have recommended - walking daily, no smokes, low sodium, low fat diet, more fruits and veggies (than before!)... etc, etc... I make my own soups now! fun thing to do. once.. maybe twice a week. good stuff, i must say (and getting better! ;-)) I also do most of the cooking for all.

I'm feeling quite good but at the same time I do feel rather sad, I guess that's the right word. All these changes have caused a loss of sorts - the person i once was. But it's all change... age makes little difference. when change calls we must respond or pay the piper. :roll:

Posted: January 10th, 2008, 1:59 pm
by mousey1
What's that they say, a rest is as good as a change. And sometimes it is, but then there are times when change must be made. One gets locked into certain behaviors and may need a nasty nudge in order to plunge into fresher waters and stop swimming in sludge pots. Because unfortunately sludge pots clog our pores and arteries. Damn them!!!

Herein lies the problem, why is it that that which is good for you does not taste all that good as compared to those more sinfully contrived delectables? I suspect it is a conspiracy of the heinious kind!!! :roll:

Well, no matter, if eating well, and pink lungs sans charcoal, and good exercise habits
can keep an mtmynd around for gallons longer
then the change (though sometimes difficult to maintain)
is a good one, the body once armed with proper nourishment
can continue on nourishing the spirits and minds of others along the way

with his good sense and colorful wit. :)

So, I'm in your corner, waving a celery stick baton and tofu pompoms for continued healthy living success. :wink: