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More whimsey

Posted: June 17th, 2006, 3:37 pm
by mousey1
Bumblebee deck lights
mellow sounds
hippopotamus wandering around
fat in his abilities
to remind
to point blankly at all the silly fancy free gaities
chomped on in a rather pointless way
eat delicately
nibble quietly
get fat noiselessly
on egotistical drought
search out the callous nature
of the free willys that abound in glass cages
strife painted pictures
colourful bright
silver shining knights
galloping about while empty-eyed princesses
Horrendous engines chug and churn
billowing black choking smoke
down throats of mindless want to be
lovers and livers of molten life
give over that damned stern indignity you suffered
long ago
give over that ignorant thought that stupid seed some one planted there in your
mind, land mined, existance
give over
give up
get over it
pointless life
pointing to me
pointing to you

finger pointing fuckers
who don't know the first thing about what it's like
to be anyone else
to feel anyone else
to love anyone else
to need anyone else
for one millisecond
nose stuck so far into the business of others they don't notice
the reeking appeal of their own

I give them
too much power

the girl ate too many watermelon seeds it seems
only a matter of time now before the explosion scene

the aftermath
when all that

sticky sweet goo
covers you
in memories


take another bite
in spite of yourself
and move on quietly
ignite a cacophony of nothing

and when I write I won't say anything
I'll simply feel

Posted: June 17th, 2006, 7:38 pm
by stilltrucking
another one for the book mousey,
loved it.
I give them
too much power
Yeah now there is something to think about.

thanks for the poem,

Posted: June 17th, 2006, 8:48 pm
by mousey1
Yes, I'm partial keen to this one myself

it has a somewhat mean flavor to it

I can get a grip, get a handle on it

there is tenderness too

laced in stages


I felt that titling it "more whimsey" was stupendously outrageous of me.

Posted: June 20th, 2006, 2:50 pm
by stilltrucking

Whimsy is most welcome, I posted one about zombies on creative today, and while I was posting i was thinking about the closing scene of a movie: Stan and Olllie are walking off down a forest path singing "On The Trail Of The Lonesome Pine." Is that whimsical or weird?

I liked the poem or did I say that :?
A good day's work so far mousey, I think I read them all.

Keep them coming It is going to be a fat chap. :D

Posted: June 21st, 2006, 11:36 am
by jimboloco
something about your style is so endearing
it has clever wit
and a sense of meekness
i gotta crush
hippo lady

Posted: June 22nd, 2006, 12:21 pm
by mousey1
What a nice compliment Jimbo
you crush
I blush
works for me

Thank-you very much
I am pleased