there ain't no such thing as entitlement

Lucid confusions & confessions by Doreen Peri.

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Doreen Peri
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there ain't no such thing as entitlement

Post by Doreen Peri » June 14th, 2008, 2:32 pm

sorry, babe, but you ain't no frickin
lilly of the field or sparrow in the air –
you're just a lucky sucka who's got
people in yer back pocket
people who care enough
to give you food and space
'cause when you cry
gimme shelter,
they feel sorry for you, ace,
but the world is a place
we all gotta share and
believe me, it don't owe you
the air you breathe, it don't
owe you shit.
see that high horse
you're sitting on?
get off of it.

there ain't no such thing
as entitlement.
somebody's gotta pay
yer fuckin rent!

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