As luck would have it

Lucid confusions & confessions by Doreen Peri.

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As luck would have it

Post by Doreen Peri » September 20th, 2008, 8:33 pm


I had a visitor yesterday. He looked me squarely
in the eye with his triangle face, his little beadies
popping out; his gentle delicate hands were clasped
and he stayed perfectly still, not at all scared of me,
this mighty towering human with feet big enough to stomp
him out! Oh no, he knew me, yes, I knew he knew me,
and he just gazed at me and posed, his entire being in a
frozen dance, this chance meeting with me, his circumstance,
his very will to be somehow attached to me and it was as if
he said, though without speaking, "I am here for you," and
I believed him, this posed dancer, this dance is ours,
dear mantis, this dance is ours! And for a moment I felt
love again, true and pure, the way you have to accept when
there's nothing else you can do but accept it because it was
so very powerful, so true, and I knew he knew just like I knew
that he was here for me to show me it could happen again,
just like the time when it happened before, only newer, better,
more powerful, more lasting, and so today, after I saw him pray
for me the way he prayed for me there, his most engaging stare
directed to me and me alone, today I fasted, bowed my head the
way I can only bow after I've been clearly endowed with a promise,
and then I walked for several miles and swam for another, sure
I would find a brother or a lover on the other side of this omen,
but he has not appeared yet, though his advances are felt,
his mantis known, this lone creature, my portend, my forecast,
my shadow predictor, green with envy because he knows that
he is not a toad who can be kissed to become my prince, no, he
is my augur, my hope, my honest homecoming.....
as luck would have it.

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Post by Artguy » September 23rd, 2008, 4:08 pm

Very powerful prose...the connection is sacred...and you have embraced it warmly...yes they do know us as we know them....I'm moved DP...

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Post by Lightning Rod » September 23rd, 2008, 7:18 pm

"Sexual cannibalism is common among mantises . The female may start feeding by biting off the male’s head (as with any prey), and if mating had begun, the male’s movements may become even more vigorous in its delivery of sperm. Early researchers thought that because copulatory movement is controlled by ganglion in the abdomen, not the head, removal of the male’s head was a reproductive strategy by females to enhance fertilisation while obtaining sustenance."---wiki

very appropriate prose doreen
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

The Poet's Eye

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Post by Doreen Peri » September 23rd, 2008, 9:02 pm

Thanks very much, Kurt. I definitely felt a connection. It was very strange. Sort of silly, I know. But very real all the same. :)

It's really a poem. Sorta prosaic, yeah, but a poem. Well that's what I was striving for anyway.


Thanks for the insect lesson, Clay. This poem is about an omen. It's not about praying mantises and why you think it's "appropriate" and to what you think it's appropriate to, I have no clue.

But hey, it was nice of you to read it. :)

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Post by stilltrucking » September 23rd, 2008, 10:03 pm

I wish I could have said it as well as artguy.
ten four it is an omen
I believe in them too D
I don't worry much about whether they are the unconscious or subconscious artist speaking to our rational mind, I guess it is just our imagination, thinking with our senses, seems like our rational minds are always one step in back of our imagination.
Keep the faith baby sister
what else is there
but hope.

Ya know I thought about clay's reply too, it might have been my first thought because I had taken a literal pill and missed the connection because I was pretty sure you got him mixed up with a her. Something I learned from wireman about poetry. You got to spit the literal pill out or you don't hear the poem. What difference does it make if it was a h er, it was your fairy god mother than.

I think it was a she D but that takes nothing away from the poem, it was still a connection. ... eeting.jpg

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Thank you for the poem
it was beautiful.

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Post by Doreen Peri » September 23rd, 2008, 10:32 pm

Thanks, Jack. I appreciate your reply. :) I like omens. Omens are real to me. When my nephew died in a car accident a few years ago, there was a caterpillar on my deck and a day later, he was a butterfly. I felt for sure it was my nephew coming to me personally to tell me he was ok now... he had flown away and was fine. I know that sounds silly. But I don't usually practically watch a caterpillar turn into a butterfly. It really didn't happen that way because there was no cocoon but what happened was that one day, the day he died, I saw a caterpillar, and the next day, I saw a butterfly at the very same place. To me it was just a spiritual message.


About the praying mantis, I don't think Clay was saying the praying mantis in my poem was a female instead of a male. It seems to me like he was just using the story of how praying mantises mate as an opportunity to slam females in general and imply that females of the human species also "bite off the heads" of the males, meaning women are mean and cruel creatures. *shrug*... just felt like another stab to me but what do I know?

I wrote what I hope was a beautiful poem about finding love and the reply sure didn't follow to me... It couldn't be "appropriate" unless he meant to slam women.

And yanno what? I'm not going to worry about it, but I wish I'd gotten back here before you replied and mentioned his post because I was going to delete his post....

I just wanted my love poem to be there ..... naturally.... positive... enthusiastic.... happy! :)

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Post by stilltrucking » September 23rd, 2008, 10:58 pm

At the risk of pouring gasoline I was thinking that Clay's reply was pretty litteral. I don't know if it was a slam against women or not. But I had the same thought about how they mate.

I am not one to slam anyone about being literal. I do it all the time. Maybe I was too literal when I posted a quote to one of his poems

Repeat after me

I been struggling with dark omen's D. Not sure if they are as helpful as omen's of happiness.

I need the poetry
sorry about the ramble.

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Post by mtmynd » September 24th, 2008, 12:44 am

Several years ago I was leaving work. As I approached my car and was about to open the door I became fixed upon a praying mantis whose legs were strongly attached to the radio antenna. I peered at the mantis and thought about moving him (I guessed it was male for no particular reason...), but he looked me in the eye and it felt as tho he was telling me to leave him alone. I did and got into the car and took off down the road.

As I listened to the radio I had forgotten about the praying mantis attached to the antenna. But about 30 minutes later as I approached my house I remembered him holding tightly to that antenna. Did he make it home... or did he let go and catch the wind disappearing from my sight forever?

I parked the car and got out. There he was! Holding tightly to the antenna I again approached this valiant insect who weathered the winds of the road for half an hour. I wondered how and why he would do such a thing... did he leave my place of work to simply hitch a ride to get to my neighborhood? Certainly not... or did he? I leaned closer the this mysterious fellow... got to within a couple of inches to him and stared at him... directly into his eyes. Moments passed... the two of us staring at each other, when all of a sudden this praying mantis released his long grip on the antenna and flew right into my face! I was startled and moved back to see where he had gone. But he was nowhere to be seen. Vanished from my vision, this hitchhiker had reached his destination and probably would have thanked me but instead was 'bugged' by my close scrutiny of him.

If there was a lesson to all that I felt it was never try to stare down a praying mantis.

*Thanks for your really good write, Doreen. i enjoyed it.

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Post by Artguy » September 24th, 2008, 8:47 am

Had one land on my head while I was mowing the lawn.....

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Post by mtmynd » September 24th, 2008, 11:08 am

hey, kurt - another mantis hitchhiker... didja give him a ride around the yard? ;)

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Post by Doreen Peri » September 24th, 2008, 10:36 pm

Jack.. I probably misunderstood it. :) Thanks so much for the conversation. :)

Cecil .... that's one heck of a cool story! I will remember that one for a long time. He wanted to come home with you and then when you got him there, he flew in into your face to communicate with you.. to say thank you! You probably took him home to his lover or his family or helped him escape from whatever was trapping him.... helped him move forward on his spiritual journey to somewhere he needed to go... Oh I know, I know, it all sounds a little silly but the point is, it was almost as if it was for a reason... whatever that reason was... and you remember it! ... it was spiritual in a way :)... but then again everything is spiritual... it's just noticing it that counts.... Thank you so much for reading and for sharing your story!

Kurt .... how long did he stay there? We all have praying mantis stories, pretty cool! Thanks again for checking this out.


to all of you.. It's nice to have company... stop by again some time.. I'm honored. :)

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