Connected (w/audio)

Lucid confusions & confessions by Doreen Peri.

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Connected (w/audio)

Post by Doreen Peri » January 1st, 2009, 1:53 pm

I just recorded it..


I connected the dots,
connected the various interwoven
sequences, the patterns with my
fingers, the intersections of roads
and byways, the messages on
highway signs, the lines on mental grids,
the ingredients listed on lids and the
sides and backs of containers;

I connected the remainders after divisions,
the sums after additions, the equations
on two sides of an equal sign, what was
yours, what was mine, what was invisible,
what was clear, the variety of conclusions
at year's end, the recommendations by
friends with the interjections and sighs
of those who don't see eye to eye;

I connected from one train to the next
at numerous stations, one plane to another
from lost terminals, the vernal equinox
with the autumnal, summer with winter too,
and the way you looked into my eyes
to see through to a yearn;

See the lady pushing a cart?
She darts from one spot to the next.
There are the self-named misdirected.
See them there? Rejected.
See the elderly who cannot see?
Why do you look the other way?
Because it's you who you
do not want to view perhaps.
See the hungry girl
a hemisphere away? Connected.
Bet the world in a gamble-trap.

I connected the burn with the freeze,
the down-on-my-knees prayer with the air
we both breathe, the way the sky illustrates
the why answer, each jeté, each spotted spin,
all dancers selected for a choreographed role;

I connected the whole of me with each part of you,
the individual delusions of your heart-seek, the
entirety of you with my minute fantasies piqued by
a curious whim, the dim light with enhanced eyesight,
the right to the left, my bereft longing with a satisfied

I connected, we connected, the solution to a distant
past; each line, each flirtation, each fast-counted day,
each and every way a connection could be made,
the trading of which I would never play for, the more
connected, the more adorned with yes;

And yes I said yes, I will yes, and rest I do
in the thought of the joining, our reflection
upon a sterling surface, our link primed,
our touch meshed,

as blessed as two
could be to be
a harmony
in unison.


when i connect the dots with you,
i find the true outline
of a sublime and perfect form
formed like a song,
dotted half-notes and wholes,
sixteenths and eighths,
normal rhythms newly explored,
in sync like an improvised
chord, harmonics resonate,
our breathing like a well-
rehearsed choir a half a world
apart in the same room!


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Doreen Peri
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Posts: 14547
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Location: Virginia

Post by Doreen Peri » February 2nd, 2009, 1:09 am

voted the 2nd best poem of mine of 2008




voting counts! how do i know that?

i just counted them.

And since I'm the only one who voted, guess what?

I win!


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