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Private Caller

Posted: June 27th, 2010, 12:20 pm
by Doreen Peri
Dear Private Caller,

You have indeed maintained your privacy because I am not answering the phone if Caller ID says "private caller." If you want to reach me, you'll have to be less private.

Posted: June 27th, 2010, 10:19 pm
by Doreen Peri
It was probably a telephone solicitor. I get a lot of telephone solicitation calls even though I'm on the "Do Not Call" list. It's amazing to me how poorly that works.

There's this one insurance agent that has called me many times. He's trying to sell me life insurance. Every time he calls, I tell him, "Please send me information in the mail and also send me a link to your website." He's never done it.

He called me on Easter Sunday afternoon. I couldn't believe it! I was livid! I had already told him several times not to call me again. I told him once he sent me the information in the mail and the link to his website, I would call him. Easter Sunday and the phone rang. I was cooking. Easter Sunday. What an rude intruder! I said, "I told you not to call me again, that I'd call you once I receive your info in the mail and the link to your website. It's Easter Sunday! This is not right! Take me off your list!" and I hung up on him.

Two months later he called me again. He is either stupid or he's the worst record keeper I've ever seen! After all those times calling me with me telling him the same thing, you'd think he would have made notes by my name or scratched off my name and removed it. You'd THINK he would have sent me the info I requested by now, but no.

I don't buy things over the phone and I'm certainly not going to meet with a stranger at my house (which is what he wanted) to talk about any product.... a stranger who can't even document his place of employment.

Anyway, maybe he was the "private caller."

He should sell himself some life insurance because if he calls again, I'm going to kill him.